View Full Version : Anyone NOT own a handgun?

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04-24-2015, 06:46 PM


I do not own "A" handgun. :icon_wink:

they are like lays,you can never have just one..

04-24-2015, 11:43 PM
I look at the entire forum as a place to get to know the bike and the folks that I may, or may not choose to ride with and support. I am pro-gun, anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, and pretty much against anything that is not in support of the Constitution of the United States of America. I do carry, and support the rights of everyone legal to do the same. I also believe that anyone that does not support and/or support the defense of the Constitution, should relocate to a place that better suits your way of thinking.

I am anti-gun, pro-choice, and pro-gay marriage. I have no beef with the constitution of the US, as I'm not a citizen.
Will you ride with me?

04-25-2015, 12:14 AM
Me... I'd ride with ya; there's nobody here I wouldn't ride with.

I could care less about opinions, to an extent. I could never associate with an Al Qaeda or ISIS sympathizer, but have any opinion you want on politics, guns, abortions, or gays... just don't be smug in thinking you're right about everything... don't try to force your views down my throat... and don't be so close minded that you can't even ENTERTAIN the notion that another way of thinking could also be perfectly valid.

Regarding the Constitution... sure it's pretty good, but perfect?... nothing is. Blacks would still be regarded as 3/5's of a person and women wouldn't be voting if it was.

04-25-2015, 12:28 AM
My country caused two World Wars. So the only thing we are allowed to carry today is a Swiss Multiknife :icon_mrgreen:


(... and i hope it just stays this way.)

04-25-2015, 12:49 AM
PEACE - THE ONLY THING , WHICH WE NEED . Everything else will follow !!!

04-25-2015, 12:56 AM

I do carry, and support the rights of everyone legal to do the same. I also believe that anyone that does not support and/or support the defense of the Constitution, should relocate to a place that better suits your way of thinking.

There are PLENTY of people who are currently not allowed to carry, but should be. Read BigLry's comments earlier in this thread as a prime example of someone who had a youthful indiscretion and were subsequently banned for life from owning, much less carrying. I understand such cases are the result of laws other than the Constitution, but in a general sense, they are all laws created by men who are not infallible.

The Constitution embodies the ideals and the sensibilities that guide the type of country and people that we are... and of course I support that and will defend it with my life. However... the Constitution also has provisions for CHANGING it. Does this mean the Founding Fathers should have packed up and relocated? That would be silly.

If the Constitution was changed... and guns were banned... would you still say that people who don't support it should relocate?

Since you don't agree with gun bans, would people then tell you to move out and would they be deemed Patriotic for saying so?

Of course not... and you suggesting people to do the same is also not Patriotic... it's simply an easy and convenient thing to say.

04-25-2015, 01:07 AM
@Limoles: :agree: 100% :yes:

04-25-2015, 01:48 AM
@Limoles: :agree: 100% :yes:

Look at our countries now . Divided in past conflicts , bloody battles , wars , when many thousands of innocent people lost their life in senseless killings , suddenly ( and thanks to the mutually understood peace ) , became strong PARTNERS in everything . Maintaining different cultures and traditions became creative and has positive impact on new generations , who don't want wars.
I still remember time of my youth , when as a child I was playing with my friends in post war ruins.
Some , and many years after the war , were killed by un-ignited bombs , or hidden mines .These pictures shaped my disapproval for any conflict among people . I learned , that everybody can build their life much better without violence and unnecessary bloodshed . And that's the way , how I continue to live without complexes of our ancestors .

04-25-2015, 10:57 AM
I am anti-gun, pro-choice, and pro-gay marriage. I have no beef with the constitution of the US, as I'm not a citizen.
Will you ride with me?


04-25-2015, 01:30 PM
No, the Constitution isn't perfect but it is what the country has been guided by since written. I have been in over 20 countries and none of them come close to the United States in any manner. We can pick the Constitution to death, your thoughts, my thoughts, their thoughts......fact is it is still pretty solid today. And yes, if the Constitution were changed in such a way that it altered my preferred way of life I would seek another place to reside. I too prefer peace, but not at the price of my freedoms. I have sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic and that i take seriously. That also means defending against those what want to change it. As i stated previously, i read all portions of the forum to educate myself not only on the motorcycle that i ride but also on the folks that are a part of it. Would i ride with all of you??, probably not. I probably wouldn't vote with some of you either, doesn't mean all that much as we all prefer to socialize with folks with the same likes and dislikes. The common thread that we all share is the F6B and the love of riding! Ride on, ride safe! This will be my last post/reply on this section of the post....too serious for me to enjoy.

04-25-2015, 03:33 PM
We do not change anything - we just debate . We also assuming , you were able to learn over 20 languages , understand all customs , traditions , mentality of different regions , people , cultures and religions . That might be also a clear proof of your vast knowledge of ... everything . Maybe so ?

05-01-2015, 10:45 PM
Bigbird, proud of yourself? You certainly started a lively thread! Not thrilled with the off topic hijacking, one controversial topic per thread is enough "fireybat"

Guns are like tools, to be used responsibly and carefully. For those of us that have have lived in rural areas or participate in activities like dispersed camping, where wildlife reside (human and animal) a gun is a useful tool. My two dogs are pretty handy when camping too!

I own one and enjoy living in a country where we have choices. Responsibility and training is key. I respect those that dislike guns or don't choose to carry, that's thier decision.

While riding they are an effective deterant. I've been bothered and threatened by some very poor drivers that follow way to close, cut me off, and in general disregard my safety. Just slip my shirt up and let the driver in question see I'm carrying and suddenly I get the space and respect I should have received initially. And the same respect I show others. AZ is an open carry state, for those that are curious.

There are instances, riding being one of them, where one doesn't have the opportunity to "talk it out" with the person driving the 1+ ton leathal weapon.....

05-01-2015, 10:59 PM
Bigbird, proud of yourself?.

I certainly am!

05-02-2015, 02:19 AM
Bird , you and I don't agree on too many things. But I will tell you this. The behavior that JBn just described is not condoned by responsible gun owners. Just because you carry does not give the right to threaten others. I don't care if it is an open carry state. If you are carrying concealed , keep it that way. This isn't the wild west or some TV show. You won't find a more avid gun advocate than myself. I have competed in IPSC , IDPA , and Cowboy Action for three decades now. I'm a Patron member of the NRA and I vote for my gun rights. None of the people I shoot with would condone that behavior. It gives us responsible gun owners a bad reputation. You talk about training JBn. You obviously need some. If you think you have to show your gun to get respect , you have a problem.

05-02-2015, 07:31 AM
Right on shooter. Bird is passionate about his stance, mucho kudos. JBn, you are a disrespectful, irresponsible gun owner if that is what you use your handgun for. Threatening someone with a gun is weak. So brandishing, which that is called, can be construed as a threatening display if not in a defensive situation. In AZ you have open carry but you do not have the ability to perform what you are performing. I hope you opt out of the tough guy syndrome and just ride more defensively as a responsible bike rider and not an irresponsible gun owner. When you drive in your car and you make an assumption that another driver is too close, do you show them your handgun?

05-02-2015, 02:37 PM
Shooter, when I wrote my post I wondered how long it would take for someone to judge my post and actions. Obviously you think it's okay for many drivers to threaten responsible motorcyclists with their deadly weapon, or drive in such a distracted state that they put my life and the life of my passenger in immediate and immenant danger. I don't go around carelessly threatening anyone and you don't know me as a person at all. You had no details asked no questions, just jumped on your soap box for all to hear and made a series of assumptions.

Displaying I am carrying is a last resort when a horn, or slowing down, or other less drastic measures have failed. I hope you never experience drastic and life threatening encounters like the ones I have. I ride responsibly and have had many vehicles purposefully put my life in real danger.

Both you and stroguy ASSumed I went around threatening others carelessly. You could have asked me respectfully what the circumstances were when I felt I needed to take such drastic actions.

And to answer the question, when I drive my F350 and someone almost crashes into me or drives like an irresponsible jerk, I react just like I do on my bike. I use the least conflict based method for a safe resolution, until I have no choice. The big difference is my F350 provides me with tons of protection, seat belts, and airbags. So,it's not a like for like situation and for you to compare them shows your lack of thoughtfulness and intelligence. I have never displayed a weapon when driving my trucks, because I have protection wrapped around me. And, for me to display my weapon I would have to raise it out of the holster, which is very different from allowing someone to see the weapon in a holster on your side.

Have you had a crazed driver cut you off with a car, then charge at you with a pitchfork? I have. Have you had a commercial truck driver high on meth almost kill you and your family by driving out of control and out of his normal mind? I have. And I have a handful of other accounts of near death situatiins over my 40 years of safely operating various vehicles. And over 300,000 miles of motorcycling, 99% or more of them drama free.

Sh*t happens on the road and sometimes a display of force is an effective use of that tool. Wether it meets your "perfect" world expectation of gun ownership or not. You weren't there, you weren't responsible for the safety of my passenger, how dare you pass judgement without understanding the circumstances.

I could ride open carry and have my weapon available for all to see when I ride. I choose not to ride open carry. What's the difference of riding open carry versus me pulling my shirt up and over my weapon to expose it? I'm not brandishing the weapon or maiking any treatening hand gestures to anyone. The mere visibility automatically is an effective deterant and gets the attention of drivers that otherwise displayed behavior of ignoring my very existence not to mention any concern for my well being.

I hope you feel better after publically scolding me for situations you had no detail about. And I hope you never have to experience some of the incredibally close calls I have.

Next time maybe you will pause to learn more about circumstances and the person before you admonish one of your fellow riders. Or maybe you just like to hear yourself spout best practices lessons cause you are so right because real life is so clear cut - when in realty it's many shades of grey?

Hopefully my adult response has caused you to rethink your response and speed in which you judged me. If not, it is simple, piss off you weren't there. :yikes:

05-02-2015, 03:36 PM
Guys - EASY , EASY , please !!!

Steve 0080
05-02-2015, 04:32 PM
:popcorn:'popcorn and coke':nono:

05-02-2015, 04:41 PM
I am anti-gun, pro-choice, and pro-gay marriage. I have no beef with the constitution of the US, as I'm not a citizen.
Will you ride with me?

Let's not get started on killing babies. If you're old enough to screw......you ought to be responsible enough to prevent pregnancy in the first place.

05-02-2015, 07:14 PM
JBn I'm kinda a live and let live guy. I usually don't say things like this. You're wrong. There is no gray area here. Your actions will give all your brothers in arms a bad name. Your post is what gives guys like big bird reason to talk about us. For you to think it is one thing. To verbalize it us another. Grow up and put a filter between your thoughts and your mouth. The anti's don't need any more ammo. I didn't scold you. And if you were waiting for a reaction then you know the post was wrong. Sometimes there can be two opinions. On this issue there can only be the right opinion.

05-02-2015, 08:37 PM
I agree with you Shooter but I see where JB is coming from too.

05-02-2015, 09:02 PM
Just saw all this....I do not condone exposing a weapon while riding - doesn't matter what the situation is.
If one has time and presence of mind to expose a weapon, you've got time enough to get on the throttle and get out of there.
F6B goes 0-60 in 3.6 seconds.
I wasn't there, I lived in AZ for a few years, never experienced those drivers, hope I never do.

Having stated that...I'm truly interested in how this happened.
"Have you had a crazed driver cut you off with a car, then charge at you with a pitchfork?"
I can visualize it, but only if I as a rider made a few mistakes.

And, regardless of "the least conflict based method for a safe resolution," if someone is charging at me with a pitchfork, i consider that threat with a deadly weapon, and my weapon will be aimed at him in a flash.
And, for the record, I have drawn a weapon, raised, aimed at a man, and started the trigger pull. No question about the follow through and the paper work, had he not stopped his course.

I wold also wonder what a cop would do if he saw your display? I'm not preaching, I am truly wondering......

05-02-2015, 09:11 PM
Absolutely no reason to comment further. Your first post lambastes bigbird, has absolutely zero relativity to reasonable gun ownership and is as grey as my underwear. Good luck in your world of danger.

05-02-2015, 10:13 PM
Such a self-incrimination doesn't give Anti's more reasons to celebrate their triumph ?

All that thread was about "not owning a handgun" , but from the beginning was bullied and discouraged by intruders , who were trying to twist the polemics and denigrate fundamental character of discussion.

Since Pro's have their own thread , named "who own and love the gun" ( or something like that ) , I suggest to return to that box and formulate all appropriate arguments and allow bullets fly up there .

Accordingly and in courtesy , Anti's not having business to read it , will not participate in any fights , or try to initiate any controversies , leaving all that miserable show of force to the expected bloody outcomes .

“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

05-02-2015, 11:23 PM
Your first post lambastes bigbird,

What else is new?

I'm not a popular guy in the off-topic discussions.
I don't know if it's because I am not in favour of most of the things that the conservative, right wing Republicans are, or because I am not an American, or all of the above.

05-02-2015, 11:39 PM
What else is new?

I'm not a popular guy in the off-topic discussions.
I don't know if it's because I am not in favour of most of the things that the conservative, right wing Republicans are, or because I am not an American, or all of the above.ROFLMAO :yes: 13640:icon_laugh: :icon_laugh: :icon_laugh:

05-03-2015, 09:29 AM
What else is new?

I'm not a popular guy in the off-topic discussions.
I don't know if it's because I am not in favour of most of the things that the conservative, right wing Republicans are, or because I am not an American, or all of the above.

Your a Northern American, I respect your passion and your right to free speech. Hopefully I am not degrading to you. If interpreted that way I apologize.

There are right wing Democrats. They never make the headlines. Plenty of democrats own plenty of guns down here.

Happy Sunday, let's ride.

05-03-2015, 09:54 AM
Your a Northern American, I respect your passion and your right to free speech. Hopefully I am not degrading to you. If interpreted that way I apologize.

There are right wing Democrats. They never make the headlines. Plenty of democrats own plenty of guns down here.

Happy Sunday, let's ride.

Many have initially taken shots at me due to my non American way of thinking.
Then I think that most realize that every nationality has its own culture and values.
As you state, free speech is the key. Without it, we'd all be controlled and repressed.
I don't want to change you, and I hope you don't want to change me.
Went on a 6 hour ride yesterday, interrupted at key times for stops at various road houses, restaurants, and port-a-potties.
Great day!
I love motorcycling, and I love my F6B. :cheers:

05-03-2015, 12:53 PM
Like Big Bird I too, not being North American of any kind, fail to understand the gun obsession in the states and often ask what fear drives it.

I guess it's just is a way of life for some.

05-03-2015, 02:10 PM
This just made me laugh :crackup:


05-03-2015, 02:36 PM
Like Big Bird I too, not being North American of any kind, fail to understand the gun obsession in the states and often ask what fear drives it.

I guess it's just is a way of life for some.

That is the typical mistake, assuming fear drives it. It seems to drive some, like JB. But fear does not drive most. A gun is a marvel of mechanical engineering. When you hold a revolver and watch how it mechanically operates I am taken back as to why I couldn't think of that. Watching how an M1 Garand systematically fires, extracts and feeds is an incredible work of art. I collect art. The by product of launching a 100 grain bullet 2000 fps is another incredible feat that man has created.

I don't carry a gun in fear. I carry a gun in case. I don't have a fire extinguisher in my house out of fear. I have it in case. I don't have auto insurance out of fear. I have it in case.

05-03-2015, 03:01 PM
This just made me laugh :crackup:


Where did you get a pic of my brother's family? :icon_mrgreen:

05-03-2015, 05:05 PM
I wonder if there are many other incidents like this that don't make the headlines :icon_biggrin:

I don't care if this car jacker was black, white, or yellow... the shooter that took this guy out did us all a favor.


Like Big Bird I too, not being North American of any kind, fail to understand the gun obsession in the states and often ask what fear drives it.

I guess it's just is a way of life for some.

I don't understand why so many fear guns; there's nothing to be afraid of.

Steve 0080
05-03-2015, 07:45 PM
A NY City officer was shot in the head today....it's bad when the PoPo start getting shot! I believe this is somewhat caused by sitting and watching folks burn and riot.... no fear/respect ...

05-03-2015, 07:50 PM
Such a self-incrimination doesn't give Anti's more reasons to celebrate their triumph ?

All that thread was about "not owning a handgun" , but from the beginning was bullied and discouraged by intruders , who were trying to twist the polemics and denigrate fundamental character of discussion.

Since Pro's have their own thread , named "who own and love the gun" ( or something like that ) , I suggest to return to that box and formulate all appropriate arguments and allow bullets fly up there .

Accordingly and in courtesy , Anti's not having business to read it , will not participate in any fights , or try to initiate any controversies , leaving all that miserable show of force to the expected bloody outcomes .

“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

Point taken Les; I understand and agree.

It's become 2nd nature and instinctual for many people who believe in gun ownership to fiercely defend that position... but I don't believe it's done because they (we) like to argue or are intentionally being discourteous.

05-03-2015, 07:53 PM
A NY City officer was shot in the head today....it's bad when the PoPo start getting shot! I believe this is somewhat caused by sitting and watching folks burn and riot.... no fear/respect ...

Also because the President and AG (ex-AG) have been justifying and encouraging these fools... which in turn makes THEM fools too.

05-03-2015, 07:55 PM
I'll now bow out of this thread and just read. I'd like to hear what NON gun owners have to say.

05-03-2015, 07:59 PM
Also because the President and AG (ex-AG) have been justifying and encouraging these fools... which in turn makes THEM fools too.

Don't forget about the cops that got shot in Ferguson by the guy with the excuse, "Ya, I shot the cops by accident, I was shooting at someone else.". That justifies it. :shock:

05-03-2015, 08:58 PM
That is the typical mistake, assuming fear drives it. It seems to drive some, like JB. But fear does not drive most. A gun is a marvel of mechanical engineering. When you hold a revolver and watch how it mechanically operates I am taken back as to why I couldn't think of that. Watching how an M1 Garand systematically fires, extracts and feeds is an incredible work of art. I collect art. The by product of launching a 100 grain bullet 2000 fps is another incredible feat that man has created.

I don't carry a gun in fear. I carry a gun in case. I don't have a fire extinguisher in my house out of fear. I have it in case. I don't have auto insurance out of fear. I have it in case. And that my friend is the way it is here in the states IMHO. I fear no one, but I do respect. I have a fire extinguisher, I have insurance all for the reasons stated.
As for "A gun is a marvel of mechanical engineering" same can be said of the motorcycle and both are technologies the along with many other things in this great world still amaze me today.:301:

05-03-2015, 10:09 PM
A fire extinguisher in the wrong hands doesn't scare me.
An insurance policy in the wrong hands doesn't scare me.
A handgun in the wrong hands scares the crap out of me.

Steve 0080
05-03-2015, 10:25 PM
A fire extinguisher in the wrong hands doesn't scare me.
An insurance policy in the wrong hands doesn't scare me.
A handgun in the wrong hands scares the crap out of me.

Why does that scare you? It does not bother me in the slightest! You could also say the same thing about...cars,truck,cranes,umbrellas, torches,wrenches, what ever tool you choose....I assume you are taking about death and all of the above can accomplish the same feat.

05-03-2015, 10:32 PM
Why does that scare you? It does not bother me in the slightest! You could also say the same thing about...cars,truck,cranes,umbrellas, torches,wrenches, what ever tool you choose....I assume you are taking about death and all of the above can accomplish the same feat.

Come on. Be reasonable.
How many toddlers and kids are murdered every year with umbrellas, torches, or tools compared to the negligent ownership and storage of handguns?

05-03-2015, 10:57 PM
How many toddlers are murdered? And how are they murdered? If you meant toddlers accidentally killed, then I go back to accidental drownings. Far more......far more.

05-04-2015, 06:40 AM
How many toddlers are murdered? And how are they murdered? If you meant toddlers accidentally killed, then I go back to accidental drownings. Far more......far more.

Here we go again.
It makes no sense when one compares toddler deaths from irresponsible gun ownership to car or water deaths.
No one is going to restrict automobile use or swimming in pools. Autos, swimming, recreation, etc all serve a positive, quality of life enhancing purpose.
Can you say the same of a handgun? They serve only one purpose. To maim or kill other human beings. Restricting them to only responsibly trained owners can only have a positive outcome.
I don't say ban them outright. Your constitution doesn't allow that. But make them a lot more difficult for the average idiot to own by having mandatory safety training as a prerequisite of handgun ownership.

Steve 0080
05-04-2015, 07:44 AM
Come on. Be reasonable.
How many toddlers and kids are murdered every year with umbrellas, torches, or tools compared to the negligent ownership and storage of handguns?

My question was simple...why are you scared? Simple...I'm not in the least...You should feel more safe living in the land of no guns...Why do you care? And the age old statement ..if guns where outlawed, only outlaws would have guns... I don't own one and could care less who does, does not or who carries...just don't care. Eight thousand people a day die in the US of A.... that is just society's way of making room for the next born... Just sayin...

05-04-2015, 09:15 AM
I own, I carry, and I will not be a defenseless victim. Period.

24 years USMC Ret.
Former Embassy Detachment Commander
Spend time on the range at least once a month.

To each his own.

Oh, I also believe in Gun Control (Breathe, Relax, Aim, Slack, Squeeze) also known as BRASS. On target, on time!

05-04-2015, 09:30 AM
If we can save just one life by filling in all those swimming pools with concrete than we have accomplished a lot.

Because what matters is stopping senseless accidents...........correct?

05-04-2015, 10:50 AM

Preventing violence of any kind would be better , than fighting its effects , but it requires education and better recognition of human brain advantages over the tools used against principles of life .

"The most destructive element in the human mind is fear. Fear creates aggressiveness."
Albert Einstein

05-04-2015, 11:09 AM
I own, I carry, and I will not be a defenseless victim. Period.

24 years USMC Ret.
Former Embassy Detachment Commander
Spend time on the range at least once a month.

To each his own.

Oh, I also believe in Gun Control (Breathe, Relax, Aim, Slack, Squeeze) also known as BRASS. On target, on time!


Let's see ... Paris - 12 dead, 2 day running gun battle throughout the city ....

Garland Tx, 2 gunmen dead, 1 security guard wounded (treated and released at the hospital) ....

"The difference between Garland and Paris can be summed up in one word: guns." (AWR Hawkins http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/05/03/guns-the-difference-between-garland-and-paris/ )

05-04-2015, 11:21 AM
If we can save just one life by filling in all those swimming pools with concrete than we have accomplished a lot.

Because what matters is stopping senseless accidents...........correct?

+1, and while they are at it, take away Rosie's fork and spoon :041:

05-04-2015, 01:41 PM

Preventing violence of any kind would be better , than fighting its effects , but it requires education and better recognition of human brain advantages over the tools used against principles of life .

Neato. Utopia. Good luck with that. I'll stick with the reality of everyday life, and deal with the effects in my own way.

"The most destructive element in the human mind is fear. Fear creates aggressiveness."
Albert Einstein

Nope, not Einstein. Best check your references, or was this intentional? This is from Dorothy Thompson, a children's book writer. It all makes more sense now.

05-04-2015, 02:15 PM


I love you all! Wether you are having the weaponery of a whole platoon in your basement, wether you love to write poems... important thing for me is: You all ride a wonderful motorcycle! That's enough to be my best friend :icon_mrgreen: :clap2:

05-04-2015, 02:21 PM
My question was simple...why are you scared?

I have never seen a toddler/adolescent//adult/psycho/terrorist/deranged senior/criminal/gangster/whoever walking around with a handgun.
Living in Canada, I am not afraid of those scenarios because the likelihood of that happening to me is so minute as to be nil.
But living in the US, those scenarios are not fictional.
If I did encounter an unholstered loaded handgun being brandished by someone other than a law enforcement officer, I would be afraid for my life. I would run away as fast as I could.
Don't try and tell me to fight fire with fire. That only seems to work for the military trained guys.

05-04-2015, 03:20 PM
I have never seen a toddler/adolescent//adult/psycho/terrorist/deranged senior/criminal/gangster/whoever walking around with a handgun.
Living in Canada, I am not afraid of those scenarios because the likelihood of that happening to me is so minute as to be nil.
But living in the US, those scenarios are not fictional.
If I did encounter an unholstered loaded handgun being brandished by someone other than a law enforcement officer, I would be afraid for my life. I would run away as fast as I could.
Don't try and tell me to fight fire with fire. That only seems to work for the military trained guys.

In most areas here those scenarios are usually fairly fictional, thankfully. If I encountered someone brandishing a handgun, police officers included, I would make a hasty exit as well, as we are trained to do. The gun itself doesn't elicit a lot of fear with me, but the scenario must might. As to the citizen raising his shirt, I would suggest it still amounts to brandishing. It was displayed in a somewhat threatening manner. Believe it or not, ALMOST all of us take it pretty seriously, and are not involved EVER in any of the scenarios you mention. ALMOST all of us go through the courses, pass proficiency tests, and practice regularly. There are some in the US, Texas even, who don't take gun ownership as seriously as I'd like, and Mr. Darwin's rules are illustrated for us. I get the whole toddler thing you refer to so often, but these stories do not relate to the majority of the people you are preaching to here. No one is telling you to fight anything with anything. It is you telling us what we do, and how we do it. It isn't that I think what you say is so patently wrong, it is that the people you are up against in this forum are not part of the picture you refer to. We exist within the system we have, and function as responsibly as we possibly can. I have mentored several young people in their quest to be responsible gun owners. Not substituted for proper training, mind you, but mentored. Safety is always the biggie with me. No one wants to see lives lost for no reason, toddler or otherwise. I disagree that anyone in the US is apathetic about it, and that seems to be the implication.

You missed some good brisket, if I do say so.

05-04-2015, 03:39 PM
Neato. Utopia. Good luck with that. I'll stick with the reality of everyday life, and deal with the effects in my own way.

"The most destructive element in the human mind is fear. Fear creates aggressiveness."

Nope, not Einstein. Best check your references, or was this intentional? This is from Dorothy Thompson, a children's book writer. It all makes more sense now.
:icon_doh::lolup: ya doing a little? :poke: :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

05-04-2015, 03:47 PM
It is you telling us what we do, and how we do it.

Absolutely NOT.
Why would I tell an American what to do in their own country?
Do whatever you want and your constitution allows you to.
Just don't complain that shooting tragedies, both by and against LEO's, and against law abiding innocent Americans, are at an unacceptable level.
You make your bed; you sleep in it.
That's all.

05-04-2015, 06:04 PM
Come on. Be reasonable.
How many toddlers and kids are murdered every year with umbrellas, torches, or tools compared to the negligent ownership and storage of handguns?

"Quote Originally Posted by bigbird View Post

I am anti-gun, pro-choice, and pro-gay marriage. I have no beef with the constitution of the US, as I'm not a citizen.
Will you ride with me?"

Mr pro choice, how many kids are murdered every day out of convenience to those who can do the deed but can't take precaution for an unwanted pregnancy. You are a hypocrite.

05-04-2015, 06:36 PM
Mr pro choice, how many kids are murdered every day out of convenience to those who can do the deed but can't take precaution for an unwanted pregnancy. You are a hypocrite.

Since when is an unsustainable fetus a "kid"?

05-04-2015, 10:05 PM
Since when is an unsustainable fetus a "kid"?

The standard retort.

05-04-2015, 11:11 PM
The standard retort.

Did you expect more?

05-04-2015, 11:19 PM
Neato. Utopia. Good luck with that. I'll stick with the reality of everyday life, and deal with the effects in my own way.

Nope, not Einstein. Best check your references, or was this intentional? This is from Dorothy Thompson, a children's book writer. It all makes more sense now.

You can stick to ( American ) reality , because you don't know any other one . It's obvious , that cleverly injected to your understandings "American Exeptionalism" , with falsely presented advantages over another cultures , created concept of ( so called ) values , which you "shall" defend . In the same time , that mind-set doesn't give you any chances for improvement . You stick to what was presented to you and because you believe "it is best". Such a process of deformed thinking is disastrous , especially in confrontation with other groups of society , whose horizons reach farther , than "rights" written in XVIII century . Utopian ideology has nothing to do simple peace and tranquility among people . As you might know ( or maybe not ) , more open-minded Americans wants to see this country "guns free" , but another arguments of "being afraid of Government" counterpoise its pragmatism . Closed circle and never ending controversies between logic and madness , which we all experience every day .

Original quote of German scientist , Albert Einstein was brought and highlighted to attention in his book "The World As I See It" . So , American Dorothy Thompson , who was NOT children's book writer , but journalist , was awarded with authorship of it . It's another example of political malformity for the purpose of exclusively American "advanced" intellectual superiority . Actually they lived in the same time . They worked in different fields , but with common goals and had the same , sensible ideas ; presenting to all views on aspects of progress , education and peace . Both were trying to influence world's leaders and provide many solutions on the way to obtain normality of life . I wish you could understand it .

The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.

Albert Einstein

( from the same book as provided above )

05-04-2015, 11:46 PM
Did you expect more?

Naaa, but despite our differences, I'll still ride with ya.

05-05-2015, 12:27 AM
Karim - It's a fantastic quote . No Guns and No Speed Limit do not match reality of this land . It would be Utopian child in dreams of many . The good news are - the dreams are free , but ironically - still not affordable ... for all .

05-05-2015, 05:51 AM
I am legally armed to protect myself and family from those who are illegally armed.

05-05-2015, 06:44 AM
Naaa, but despite our differences, I'll still ride with ya.

And we'd have some interesting off-topic discussions at the watering holes.

05-05-2015, 08:06 AM
I am legally armed to protect myself and family from those who are illegally armed.

Ditto, I live in Florida after all.

05-05-2015, 09:11 AM
I live 120 miles South of Chicago.
That is enough to make me keep a gun on hand.

05-05-2015, 09:31 AM
You can stick to ( American ) reality , because you don't know any other one . It's obvious , that cleverly injected to your understandings "American Exeptionalism" , with falsely presented advantages over another cultures , created concept of ( so called ) values , which you "shall" defend . In the same time , that mind-set doesn't give you any chances for improvement . You stick to what was presented to you and because you believe "it is best". Such a process of deformed thinking is disastrous , especially in confrontation with other groups of society , whose horizons reach farther , than "rights" written in XVIII century . Utopian ideology has nothing to do simple peace and tranquility among people . As you might know ( or maybe not ) , more open-minded Americans wants to see this country "guns free" , but another arguments of "being afraid of Government" counterpoise its pragmatism . Closed circle and never ending controversies between logic and madness , which we all experience every day .

Original quote of German scientist , Albert Einstein was brought and highlighted to attention in his book "The World As I See It" . So , American Dorothy Thompson , who was NOT children's book writer , but journalist , was awarded with authorship of it . It's another example of political malformity for the purpose of exclusively American "advanced" intellectual superiority . Actually they lived in the same time . They worked in different fields , but with common goals and had the same , sensible ideas ; presenting to all views on aspects of progress , education and peace . Both were trying to influence world's leaders and provide many solutions on the way to obtain normality of life . I wish you could understand it .

The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.

Albert Einstein

( from the same book as provided above )

Yeah I think this one might actually credit to Einstein. I have never held my culture in higher esteem, publicly anyway, than any other. Actually, I've always been curious about other cultures, as I am curious about yours. I bore people to tears asking questions about their laws, customs, etc. Not once has it occurred to me to construct a long list of things I don't like about these cultures, then deliver them to those who might feel the most strongly about them. This is exactly what you are doing here. You believe you have some kind of moral and intellectual high ground, which you clearly do not, so you are acting accordingly. Man, have fun. But recognize that your audience here will have been educated, at the very least, to whatever level you might have achieved. Implying that people who dont agree with you are simple minded is counter-productive. I do understand you.

Keep trying if you must, but if the vast majority of Americans wanted this country to be freed of firearms, then that is how it would go. Frankly, our founding fathers knew better than to set up a government which could not be held accountable to the people. So now we have firearms in our midst. To prevent the kind of tyranny they were escaping. It was a different time, admittedly, but this is what we have. This is the system. The place to change it, for you, is at the voting booth. I will always respect the will of the people (this means free and fair elections.)

05-05-2015, 09:50 AM
Just curious ?


05-05-2015, 10:15 AM
Just curious ?

Curious about what? Two AK-47 rifles (if that is what they were) up against a single handgun, in the right hands. Normally the smart money would be on the AK's. I doubt our gun laws would have mattered much to the two misguided 'terrorists' in arming themselves. All's well that ends well, no cartoonists killed. Muhammad just said he wanted no images of himself made, to head off the idea that some people would worship those images. As he was only a man, his words, he wanted no part of being worshiped. Oddly, by committing these acts, for these reasons, one could make a case for these guys being guilty of (inverse?) idol worship. Now there is some irony for you. Not many people in the world gathered around a cartoon chanting.

Dorothy Thompson was the real deal. All over the journalism scene for WWII, and told it right, on the air and in the papers. From both sides of the Atlantic. Hats off to you. I like books too. I still think those were her words, as she'd have had no need to be 'awarded authorship' for anything. She said plenty herself. She also wrote a couple of children's books, unfortunately my only exposure to her as of yesterday. Color me enlightened.

05-05-2015, 11:12 AM
All the colors of my rainbow can be blended into the one sentence :


It was also mentioned before in my various explanations as well .

05-05-2015, 11:32 AM
This is not the United States of old.
People are on our soil with no other intentions then killing anyone and everyone.
I would rather be armed and don't need it then need it and not be armed.

05-05-2015, 11:46 AM
All the colors of my rainbow can be blended into the one sentence :


It was also mentioned before in my various explanations as well .

Well, to be honest, some of your various explanations are a bit tortuous. Maybe it's just me. But it IS clear you don't need guns. You don't like guns. You have no use for guns, because your sense of humor and superior intellect get you around the kinds of problems that we simple-minded gun lovers just shoot our way out of. Does this about sum it up? Believe me, I get what you are saying.

All the colors of MY rainbow can be blended into this:


This was certainly implied by all previous discourse, and is also my right.

05-05-2015, 12:31 PM
Well, to be honest, some of your various explanations are a bit tortuous. Maybe it's just me. But it IS clear you don't need guns. You don't like guns. You have no use for guns, because your sense of humor and superior intellect get you around the kinds of problems that we simple-minded gun lovers just shoot our way out of. Does this about sum it up? Believe me, I get what you are saying.

All the colors of MY rainbow can be blended into this:


This was certainly implied by all previous discourse, and is also my right.

It can be also acceptable , so has been found in many other opinions , which in process of my learning I enjoy to recognize .

05-05-2015, 02:41 PM

This is proper gun control ! Don't forget to see the flag !

05-05-2015, 02:44 PM

05-06-2015, 07:25 AM
hey, you got any puppies for sale? I need a dog like that! Great pic!

05-06-2015, 07:39 AM
Why do I own a gun and carry?
Look at today's news where ISIS has named 5 of 15 states they have trained terrorists just waiting for a call.
Illinois is named on that list.

05-06-2015, 11:09 AM
I wonder when Canadian provinces will show up on that list.
When they do, I'll have to get a new sling shot and some bear spray.

05-06-2015, 11:09 AM
hey, you got any puppies for sale? I need a dog like that! Great pic!

No pups. Special dog right there, like no other. See how his tongue hangs out when he spots a cat for his master to plug.

05-06-2015, 11:22 AM
I wonder when Canadian provinces will show up on that list.
When they do, I'll have to get a new sling shot and some bear spray.

Judging by the talent of the two that showed up in Texas, that's about all you'll need!:icon_laugh:

05-06-2015, 12:34 PM
Why do I own a gun and carry?
Look at today's news where ISIS has named 5 of 15 states they have trained terrorists just waiting for a call.
Illinois is named on that list.

Great Point,

After 26 plus years of service to my country and several deployments to the land of sand, I will NOT be threatened by ISIS or any other organization that hinders my way of life in my country. I respect all of those that do not need weapons in order to provide protection to themselves or family or whatever your reasons might be; I still respect that.

But as Jack Nicholson said “You need me on that wall”. If you have to ask see the movie.


05-06-2015, 12:47 PM
I want you on that wall!

But, I will stand next to you.

05-06-2015, 01:03 PM
Why do I own a gun and carry?
Look at today's news where ISIS has named 5 of 15 states they have trained terrorists just waiting for a call.
Illinois is named on that list.

You see , how brave they are ? It's hard to believe , how it could happened ? If you are on their list already , you need to be ready for a war . This time you might be .... a winner.

Just wander , how these guys from the list below , allowed ISIS to jeopardize your life ?

Central Intelligence Agency
National Security Agency
National Reconnaissance Office
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Defense Intelligence Agency
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Department of Homeland Security
Office of Intelligence and Analysis
Secret Defense Department
Secretary for Intelligence Oversight
Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Defense Information Systems Agency
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Defense Protective Service
Defense Security Service
US Special Operations Command Official
Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence
Intelligence and Security Command

If you don't know the answer , wait for another "news" , which will keep your sub-conscience updated.

05-06-2015, 01:27 PM
Great Point,

After 26 plus years of service to my country and several deployments to the land of sand, I will NOT be threatened by ISIS or any other organization that hinders my way of life in my country. I respect all of those that do not need weapons in order to provide protection to themselves or family or whatever your reasons might be; I still respect that.

But as Jack Nicholson said “You need me on that wall”. If you have to ask see the movie.


Did you ever thought , who invented ISIS ? Try to find the reasons of your deployments , but
if they match officially admitted "mistake" , your service will be more reasonable NOW !!! For that purpose and if needed , I'll join your forces , FEARLESSLY defend our country . That's , what I call A REAL PATRIOTISM !!!!!!!

05-06-2015, 04:08 PM
This has been the most prolific argument I've ever seen on a forum. 17 pages now. I must say that for the most part it has been civil and respectful. And that's a great thing. That's the difference with this forum and others I have been on. Other than threatening George with a wedgie and calling him a s...head I've been pretty good.:crackup:

05-06-2015, 05:14 PM
I don't understand why so many fear guns; there's nothing to be afraid of.

I don't actually fear guns, it is common sense that not all people should have access to them. My comment was based on the rational given by people here and elsewhere as the reason they carry weapons.

05-06-2015, 07:08 PM
This has been the most prolific argument I've ever seen on a forum. 17 pages now. I must say that for the most part it has been civil and respectful. And that's a great thing. That's the difference with this forum and others I have been on. Other than threatening George with a wedgie and calling him a s...head I've been pretty good.:crackup:

Brian - Those 17 pages are not only about us , but also life , which we should cherish and enjoy , paving path for happiness of everybody , without fear and violence . We need to look thru our hearts and minds , trying to improve coexistence between people , who are sharing this Planet . The history has been teach us already , that peace is the only way of human progress .
Thank you for all comments . I've learned a lot !!!

“Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding it”
- Albert Einstein

05-06-2015, 09:46 PM
I don't actually fear guns, it is common sense that not all people should have access to them. My comment was based on the rational given by people here and elsewhere as the reason they carry weapons.
it's also common sense that not all people should be allowed to drive vehicles, either. But somehow, they get a license. That's why we have to drive defensively, to avoid those who shouldn't be driving. I'm gonna protect myself from those, by any means possible including weapons. Yup, I'm a member of the NRA.

05-07-2015, 06:05 AM
Don't worry you anti gun people,if I am there when some thug puts a gun in you or a member of your families face,dead set on killing,I will defend you to the fullest with my gun if I am able to.
You can thank me afterward.
Something you wouldn't have been able to do if I wasn't there to protect you.

05-07-2015, 06:43 AM
We don't live in a perfect world and it never will be. You can sh- - in one hand and wish in the other and see what builds up the fastest. We got crime, violence, killing, etc. to deal with.
If I am ever in a situation that protection is needed for me or others, I hope either I have a gun on me or someone is there (concealed carry) to handle the sh - - storm !
Big Bird, I got that from Jim Lahey. Another hero of mine !

05-07-2015, 07:01 AM
Did you ever thought , who invented ISIS ? Try to find the reasons of your deployments , but
if they match officially admitted "mistake" , your service will be more reasonable NOW !!! For that purpose and if needed , I'll join your forces , FEARLESSLY defend our country . That's , what I call A REAL PATRIOTISM !!!!!!!

My friends,

Most people in life could be divided into 3 animal categories, Wolves, Sheep, and Sheep dogs. The sheep eat, drink and procreate in addition, to leaving in luscious pastures. Of course the sheep despise the Sheep dog because the Sheep dog keeps the sheep in order (In check) and keeps the Wolf at bay, but still the sheep dog will give up his life to protect the heard of sheep. Then you have the Wolf; lurking, killing, and planning methods to destroy the sheep. Naturally, the Sheep hate the Wolves their natural enemy, but do nothing because sheep as we all know sheep are helpless. In addition, Sheep also loathe the Sheep dog because of his iron fist on safety, direction and regulations (keeping them in check). Needless to say the Wolf hates the sheepdog, because the sheepdog is always on watch and interfering with the Wolves plans on destroying his main prey; the sheep.

Fellow Sixers, which one of these animals portrays your attitude towards the terrorization on our life style?


05-07-2015, 08:56 AM
My friends,

Most people in life could be divided into 3 animal categories, Wolves, Sheep, and Sheep dogs. The sheep eat, drink and procreate in addition, to leaving in luscious pastures. Of course the sheep despise the Sheep dog because the Sheep dog keeps the sheep in order (In check) and keeps the Wolf at bay, but still the sheep dog will give up his life to protect the heard of sheep. Then you have the Wolf; lurking, killing, and planning methods to destroy the sheep. Naturally, the Sheep hate the Wolves their natural enemy, but do nothing because sheep as we all know sheep are helpless. In addition, Sheep also loathe the Sheep dog because of his iron fist on safety, direction and regulations (keeping them in check). Needless to say the Wolf hates the sheepdog, because the sheepdog is always on watch and interfering with the Wolves plans on destroying his main prey; the sheep.

Fellow Sixers, which one of these animals portrays your attitude towards the terrorization on our life style?


I guess I am just a fairly well-prepared sheep. You know what they say.... When the wolf comes around, and seconds count, the sheep dog is only minutes away.

05-07-2015, 12:43 PM
I am going to allow all guns to vanish tomorrow. Even the bad guys guns will melt away. Nobody has one, they don't exist.

Do you know how inconvenient it is going to be for me? I am going to have to carry a bigger baseball bat than the bad guy carries. Also I will need a longer knife than the bad guy carries. Add a better and more efficient fire poker, brick, club, chain link armor. I could never operate my motorcycle with all that crap.

Cause you can take away the gun but you can't take away the intent of the depraved, the criminal minded or the individual that doesn't respect human life.

The handgun is the ultimate equalizer. The ultimate. Until they build something that can replace that function the anti gunners can belly ache and post all the figures they want, you'll never sway my American free thinking mind. I refuse to be a victim with no defense. I carry insurance on my waist.

05-07-2015, 01:48 PM
That's it. Stro is taking all my heaters. I'm going to the cast iron skillet. 14 inch extra deep with a no-burn handle cover.

05-07-2015, 02:05 PM
Big Bird, I got that from Jim Lahey. Another hero of mine !

I like Bubbles' description of seagulls.
He calls them "shithawks".

05-07-2015, 02:08 PM
I am going to allow all guns to vanish tomorrow. Even the bad guys guns will melt away. Nobody has one, they don't exist.

Do you know how inconvenient it is going to be for me? I am going to have to carry a bigger baseball bat than the bad guy carries. Also I will need a longer knife than the bad guy carries. Add a better and more efficient fire poker, brick, club, chain link armor.

Why do you fear the bad guys are all coming after you?
Is there more to your story?
I understand once bitten, twice shy, but the extreme paranoia I see here over self protection has me scratching my nuts with curiosity.

05-07-2015, 02:47 PM
I am going to allow all guns to vanish tomorrow. Even the bad guys guns will melt away. Nobody has one, they don't exist.

Do you know how inconvenient it is going to be for me? I am going to have to carry a bigger baseball bat than the bad guy carries. Also I will need a longer knife than the bad guy carries. Add a better and more efficient fire poker, brick, club, chain link armor. I could never operate my motorcycle with all that crap.

Cause you can take away the gun but you can't take away the intent of the depraved, the criminal minded or the individual that doesn't respect human life.

The handgun is the ultimate equalizer. The ultimate. Until they build something that can replace that function the anti gunners can belly ache and post all the figures they want, you'll never sway my American free thinking mind. I refuse to be a victim with no defense. I carry insurance on my waist.

:yes: +1

05-07-2015, 03:15 PM
Why do you fear the bad guys are all coming after you?
Is there more to your story?
I understand once bitten, twice shy, but the extreme paranoia I see here over self protection has me scratching my nuts with curiosity.

Most certainly. As I said I don't live in fear, in reality. I live in a very nice neighborhood. Thugs never seem to go to trailer parks to break and enter. One Friday night at 11:30PM three thugs from shittown decided they would help themselves to my neighbors front door and nice things inside. They started with the bottom of their shoes going into the door then robbed him at knifepoint of his belongings. It only took the sherif deputies 30 minutes to respond due to officers being ill that evening. Now some will tell you that is an isolated event. Me, I tell you that my Constitution first gives me the responsibility to protect myself and not rely on laws. Especially a so called better than me liberal agenda that pretends IT can protect me with laws. You truly are naive if you think you can never be accosted or threatened in your dreamland. You are always at risk. I'm sure Nathan Cirillo would agree.

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c6/stroguy/image.jpg1_zpsqfc7tepv.jpg (http://s24.photobucket.com/user/stroguy/media/image.jpg1_zpsqfc7tepv.jpg.html)

Pretty sad that even a soldier cannot be viewed as a responsible entity to defend himself or the nations citizens.

You should better understand the definition of paranoia. You interpret pretty much everyone's posts as paranoia, you are so far from being correct.

05-07-2015, 03:22 PM
I am with you 100% on your post above.
I am not even close to Paranoia.
I am 100% prepared to protect myself and family if the time comes.
Misinterpretation of ones writings are just that.

05-07-2015, 06:50 PM
The handgun is the ultimate equalizer. The ultimate. Until they build something that can replace that function the anti gunners can belly ache and post all the figures they want, you'll never sway my American free thinking mind. I refuse to be a victim with no defense. I carry insurance on my waist.
(or under shoulder, or in jacket holster)

Why do you fear the bad guys are all coming after you?
Is there more to your story? I understand once bitten, twice shy, but the extreme paranoia I see here over self protection has me scratching my nuts with curiosity.
Once bitten....aye. I needed it once, I had it, my family is all in one happy, unscarred, un-tormented state of mind.
Paranoia? I think not.

It's what a responsible head of household should be able to do for the family at a moment's notice - defend the family effectively, with purpose and to the death if necessary, with training and forethought.
I just think my odds of not dying are better with a standoff weapon, rather than knives & baseball bats at close quarters.
Also, it's what shepherds do for the sheep....

05-07-2015, 07:07 PM
The Grossman's & Christensen original essay credits an "Old War Veteran" , telling story about Volves , Sheep and Shipdogs . It has been widely popularized among "Shipdogs Inc. listeners" in churches , seminars , gun rights groups , military educators , Marine Corps Quick Reaction Force , disaster-relief charity voluntaries , etc. , using its analogy to the syndrome of "Bad Guys vs. Good Guys Theory". Teaching it , provides nothing , but "CONDITION OF MIND" . In the same time that essay proving , that most dangerous to the society are some ( not majority ) soldiers , who come back from unjust wars , whose PTSD have significant impact on higher rates of random violent crimes and acts , who "being mentally attached to their weapons" , are affected by problematic bloodshed against others - usually innocent individuals .

Again - "Volves, Sheeps and Shipdogs" saga is not adequate to our discussion , still doesn't provide any clues to the methods curing a "Deadly Conflict in Peace" , and doesn't stop teaching our children to kill . But the same author can motivate one to read his book : "On Killing ; The Psychological Cost of learning to Kill in War and Society" .

05-07-2015, 07:13 PM
T "On Killing ; The Psychological Cost of learning to Kill in War and Society" .

When it's kill, or be killed? There is no psychology....it's survival. Be prepared for the worst, pray for the best.

05-07-2015, 07:22 PM
Maybe it's time to stop blaming ourselves and focus on real causes of the problem .
Think for a second and try to connect politics , money and wars . ( do not touch sex ! )
Can you tell me , why I see it ... ?

05-07-2015, 07:23 PM
The Grossman's & Christensen original essay credits an "Old War Veteran" , telling story about Volves , Sheep and Shipdogs . It has been widely popularized among "Shipdogs Inc. listeners" in churches , seminars , gun rights groups , military educators , Marine Corps Quick Reaction Force , disaster-relief charity voluntaries , etc. , using its analogy to the syndrome of "Bad Guys vs. Good Guys Theory". Teaching it , provides nothing , but "CONDITION OF MIND" . In the same time that essay proving , that most dangerous to the society are some ( not majority ) soldiers , who come back from unjust wars , whose PTSD have significant impact on higher rates of random violent crimes and acts , who "being mentally attached to their weapons" , are affected by problematic bloodshed against others - usually innocent individuals .

Again - "Volves, Sheeps and Shipdogs" saga is not adequate to our discussion , still doesn't provide any clues to the methods curing a "Deadly Conflict in Peace" , and doesn't stop teaching our children to kill . But the same author can motivate one to read his book : "On Killing ; The Psychological Cost of learning to Kill in War and Society" .

Like Big Bird said earlier in one of his quotes and I guess I can use it too.
I am scratching my nuts with curiosity over what you just said about us veterans with PTSD.

05-07-2015, 07:33 PM
Like Big Bird said earlier in one of his quotes and I guess I can use it too.
I am scratching my nuts with curiosity over what you just said about us veterans with PTSD.

Sorry - stop reading and do , what you love to do the most .
Just in case , find out , who wrote it . I gave you only the link to analyze .

05-08-2015, 06:44 AM
has me scratching my nuts with curiosity.

w/ curiosity???? They've been w/ you a long time so I doubt it's curiosity!! :lolup: :icon_mrgreen:

05-08-2015, 07:12 AM
w/ curiosity???? They've been w/ you a long time so I doubt it's curiosity!! :lolup: :icon_mrgreen:

And why are you so curious?

05-08-2015, 10:14 AM
And why are you so curious?

How did you come to that conclusion?

05-08-2015, 11:58 AM
How did you come to that conclusion?

Your curiosity piqued my curiosity about why you were so curious.

05-09-2015, 07:07 AM
Your curiosity piqued my curiosity about why you were so curious.

There are about 3 or more definitions for "Pique".
OMG this thread will never end.
Here come the shit hawks to clean up after the shit storm.

Just kidd'in
I hope all you F6B friends will have a glorious day from Texas !!

05-09-2015, 07:43 AM
I left my doors unlocked last night.

05-09-2015, 08:21 AM
Not me!
I need the bad guys to break in to make it a justified shoot when I cap their a$$.:icon_lol:

05-09-2015, 08:30 AM
OMG this thread will never end.

20 pages and 9300 views.
We must be doing something write, or right.

05-09-2015, 08:37 AM
The coolest part about all this is no one is getting mad at one another.
This group,on this forum,are by far the most civil people I have ever encountered on a forum.
Good on all my F6 brothers!

05-09-2015, 07:09 PM
I left my doors unlocked last night.

Badazz move Stro.

05-09-2015, 07:30 PM
LOL, but I kept one eye open all night.....ya know?

05-12-2015, 01:38 PM
The coolest part about all this is no one is getting mad at one another.
This group,on this forum,are by far the most civil people I have ever encountered on a forum.
Good on all my F6 brothers!

I agree, try having a discussion about guns, gov. or religion on the Wing board. They will call you names, tell you to get out of the country etc. Most here are calm even though they don't agree. Very refreshing!

05-12-2015, 08:04 PM
Most here are calm even though they don't agree. Very refreshing!:yes:
How true...what a boring world it would be if we were all in lockstep with our thoughts, ideas and beliefs.

We all know yelling, name calling and obscenities makes the garden grow faster..........NOT!
Or as my dear old dad used to say: "variety is the spice of life and although I may disagree with you I will set down and calmly discuss and debate our personal differences if only to prove to myself you are a damn idiot" :icon_lol:

Pop had a lot of them:lolup:

05-12-2015, 08:18 PM

I'll have to remember that one.

05-12-2015, 08:22 PM
A challenge to that sit down is adding a case of beer and see how many beers you can go before someone breaks 100db of audio.

05-12-2015, 11:08 PM
Can we get this up to 20 pages ??????

Come on Big Bird .... You can do it.:lolup:

05-12-2015, 11:12 PM
I only show 10 pages... I adjusted my settings to show 40 posts per page to keep me from having to flip so much in threads like this!


05-13-2015, 05:45 AM
Can we get this up to 20 pages ??????

Come on Big Bird .... You can do it.:lolup:

20 pages?
Let's see if I can stir the Big Bird up.
I remember how to do it, maybe.
Big Bird is seagull?
We will wait and see.

05-13-2015, 07:57 AM
20 pages?
Let's see if I can stir the Big Bird up.
I remember how to do it, maybe.
Big Bird is seagull?
We will wait and see.

Hello? Hello?
Anyone out there?
I'm in the US as we speak.
Why, shooter asks?
My wife made me.
I will NOT be visiting any sporting goods or weapons stores.
Ironically, the US customs agent at the ND border asked me if I had any firearms as I entered the US.
I just chuckled as I said no.
They did confiscate our snap peas, kiwi fruit, and unlabeled apples. The bananas were OK.
They must have thought I was a botanical terrorist.

05-13-2015, 08:14 AM
Ha, sorry you have a wife that "makes" you do anything. Just kidding, no offense intended. Hope you enjoy your visit. I will be doing a ride around the Great Lakes in mid summer. I will leave my guns home and take some veggies! I'll see what the Border Patrol does.

05-13-2015, 08:16 AM
Hello? Hello?
Anyone out there?
I'm in the US as we speak.
Why, shooter asks?
My wife made me.
I will NOT be visiting any sporting goods or weapons stores.
Ironically, the US customs agent at the ND border asked me if I had any firearms as I entered the US.
I just chuckled as I said no.
They did confiscate our snap peas, kiwi fruit, and unlabeled apples. The bananas were OK.
They must have thought I was a botanical terrorist.

Paranoia at work , but don't blame them - they only do the job to ... protects us .
... and as a matter of fact - what's the definition of being an "extremist" ?

05-13-2015, 08:17 AM
Ha, sorry you have a wife that "makes" you do anything. Just kidding, no offense intended. Hope you enjoy your visit. I will be doing a ride around the Great Lakes in mid summer. I will leave my guns home and take some veggies! I'll see what the Border Patrol does.

Actually, my wife was not the driving force here.
It was her brother. He just bought a VTX 1300. I offered to pick up some Cobra slash cuts for him, a textile jacket, and gloves.
It was an excuse to get away.

05-13-2015, 08:22 AM
Has her brother driven an F6 yet? If not, don't let him drive yours, or he may be disappointed in his new ride. Ha! On a brighter note, the rain and clouds appear to be gone this morning. I will be on the road soon! 'riding'

05-13-2015, 08:28 AM
Has her brother driven an F6 yet? If not, don't let him drive yours, or he may be disappointed in his new ride. Ha! On a brighter note, the rain and clouds appear to be gone this morning. I will be on the road soon! 'riding'

I have booked the BIL for the Honda demo days.
We are both taking out a Valk and a CTX 1300 back to back.
He's too inexperienced to have a go at my F6B yet. He's not that large and strong, so he's i bit intimidated. Once he gets his sea legs on the 1300, he should be OK.
He hadn't driven a bike for 30+ years, then last year bought a VLX600, then upgraded to the VTX1300 a month ago.

05-13-2015, 08:40 AM
Hello? Hello?
Anyone out there?
I'm in the US as we speak.
Why, shooter asks?
My wife made me.
I will NOT be visiting any sporting goods or weapons stores.
Ironically, the US customs agent at the ND border asked me if I had any firearms as I entered the US.
I just chuckled as I said no.
They did confiscate our snap peas, kiwi fruit, and unlabeled apples. The bananas were OK.
They must have thought I was a botanical terrorist.

Bird Man watch out for over the border shit hawks.
Road rage, extreme crazies with guns, alcoholics, and marijuana puffers.
Have a safe trip my friend !

05-13-2015, 08:42 AM
Now I can quit.
I got it to 20.
Yeah !!!!

05-13-2015, 09:06 AM
Bird Man watch out for over the border shit hawks.
Road rage, extreme crazies with guns, alcoholics, and marijuana puffers.
Have a safe trip my friend !

Thanks, bud.
At least I have 1 friend in this thread. :039:

And I'm 5 posts short of a grand.

05-13-2015, 09:58 AM
Thanks, bud.
At least I have 1 friend in this thread. :039:

And I'm 5 posts short of a grand.

Well you better get busy Mr. Lahey !!

05-13-2015, 02:42 PM
Ah hell let's go for 21. Bird don't be crying about having 1 friend. Bend a little. And you don't kick the fireman when he's pulling you out of the building. I would still ride with you but you can lead. I want to be behind you.

05-13-2015, 03:28 PM
I would still ride with you but you can lead. I want to be behind you.

I usually do.
Not by choice, though.
My people always say "you lead".
I can't figure out why.

05-14-2015, 06:08 AM
I usually do.
Not by choice, though.
My people always say "you lead".
I can't figure out why.

Ok, 21, get me started.
Bird I know why. You are the smartest one in our forum trailer park just like Bubbles!

05-14-2015, 06:34 AM
Had to pass this on because it is true whether someone wants to admit it or not.

You may not like guns.
That is your right.
You may not believe in God.
That is your choice.
But if someone breaks into your home,
the first two things you are going to do are...
1) Call someone with a gun
2)Pray they get there in time

05-14-2015, 06:40 AM
MMM, God, motorcycles, guns, good beer, and friends. Need anything more? Nope!: 'all/right'

05-14-2015, 06:43 AM
MMM, God, motorcycles, guns, good beer, and friends. Need anything more? Nope!: 'all/right'

I agree 100% although I do not drink.:icon_biggrin:

05-14-2015, 06:47 AM
:yes: Well, I do not drink when on the 2-wheeler. Just water or maybe a soda. I save the beer till the riding is done for the day. :biggthumpup:

05-14-2015, 08:09 AM
Ok, 21, get me started.
Bird I know why. You are the smartest one in our forum trailer park just like Bubbles!

I've been trying to install a Goldwing engine in a Walmart shopping cart.

05-14-2015, 09:29 AM
Had to pass this on because it is true whether someone wants to admit it or not.

You may not like guns.
That is your right.
You may not believe in God.
That is your choice.
But if someone breaks into your home,
the first two things you are going to do are...
1) Call someone with a gun
2)Pray they get there in time

I've got another option . Let them take all my junk , claim the check and buy new staff .
It's un-patriotic to call cops , when they are busy to protect ... another cops .
Praying proved is useless . If was practical - guns would be useless too .

05-14-2015, 09:58 AM
I've got another option . Let them take all my junk , claim the check and buy new staff .
It's un-patriotic to call cops , when they are busy to protect ... another cops .
Praying proved is useless . If was practical - guns would be useless too .

You have pretty good homeowners insurance if you can take your check and get back to where you were. I'd like some of that action. For me, the mere notion of having to kick in the value of my deductible to restore my home would be enough to make me want to help that fellow achieve his destiny. Like you, however, I would rather not have to deal with it at all. Our only dispute lies in who bears the ultimate responsibility for the safety and sanctity of our respective homes. I think I bear that responsibility for my home, and you are comfortable leaving it all up to the discretion of the guy outside your window.

Your prayer paradox is pretty funny. I hadn't thought of it just that way. Maybe the cart could be in front of the horse, though? Maybe I would pray after the fact.

05-14-2015, 10:11 AM
Dead right Bill. I have $1000 dollar deductible. Is the guy outside the window worth $1000? Not to me he's not. I don't owe him anything. He's not worth $1 to me. The minute he decided to prey on me two things happened. He made the biggest mistake of his life , and his life became worthless. I have zero tolerance for thieves. I work hard for what I have and I'm not willing to give up any of it. If you want it , go get a job.

05-14-2015, 11:15 AM
Dead right Bill. I have $1000 dollar deductible. Is the guy outside the window worth $1000? Not to me he's not. I don't owe him anything. He's not worth $1 to me. The minute he decided to prey on me two things happened. He made the biggest mistake of his life , and his life became worthless. I have zero tolerance for thieves. I work hard for what I have and I'm not willing to give up any of it. If you want it , go get a job.

:lolup::lolup::lolup: +1 :lolup::lolup::lolup:


05-14-2015, 02:03 PM
Dead right Bill. I have $1000 dollar deductible. Is the guy outside the window worth $1000? Not to me he's not. I don't owe him anything. He's not worth $1 to me. The minute he decided to prey on me two things happened. He made the biggest mistake of his life , and his life became worthless. I have zero tolerance for thieves. I work hard for what I have and I'm not willing to give up any of it. If you want it , go get a job.

Shooter, I think this comes from the mindset that everyone gets a trophy. They are brought up that with the mind set of apathy; that you don’t have to work for what you want, that everything will be given to them. I call them theTAKERS.


05-14-2015, 02:09 PM
My policy is a 1% deductible.

Love that philosophy, let crime happen, my insurance will pay for it. Problem is how do you know the night they kick in your door and you decide to sit on your hands is the night they don't plan on slitting your throat and your families throat. Guess your life insurance will take care of that. Lucky beneficiary.

Step threw my door threshold you have decided to take it to the extreme.

05-14-2015, 02:12 PM
Shooter, I think this comes from the mindset that everyone gets a trophy. They are brought up that with the mind set of apathy; that you don’t have to work for what you want, that everything will be given to them. I call them theTAKERS.


The country is made up of three citizens....the producers, the non-producers and the takers. Guess which one the criminals occupy?

05-14-2015, 02:32 PM
My policy is a 1% deductible.

Love that philosophy, let crime happen, my insurance will pay for it. Problem is how do you know the night they kick in your door and you decide to sit on your hands is the night they don't plan on slitting your throat and your families throat. Guess your life insurance will take care of that. Lucky beneficiary.

Step threw my door threshold you have decided to take it to the extreme.

For me, if I were to sit on my hands and let it all just happen, I could not bear to see how my wife, kids, and grand kids looked at me from that moment forward. What with me assuring them all these years they are safe in our home. I know how I'd look at myself. Thinking about it, screw the money. Fear of that look is more than adequate to inspire some pretty medieval behavior. Plus I'd get to keep my gear.

05-14-2015, 02:49 PM
Right on Bill.

05-14-2015, 03:00 PM
I've got another option . Let them take all my junk , claim the check and buy new staff .
It's un-patriotic to call cops , when they are busy to protect ... another cops .
Praying proved is useless . If was practical - guns would be useless too .

Your property and your life.

Hope that works out for you.

Maybe the bad guys won't beat you up a little.

05-14-2015, 03:34 PM
Hopefully your brazen fearless belly up mentality is not being made public in ACY.

05-14-2015, 03:52 PM
I've got another option . Let them take all my junk , claim the check and buy new staff .
It's un-patriotic to call cops , when they are busy to protect ... another cops .
Praying proved is useless . If was practical - guns would be useless too .

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!! :crackup:
I'm sorry, I tried to stay out of this thread but this post :lolup: HAS GOT to be the most absurd thing I have ever read! :icon_doh:
Oh my Lord, I have a side ach from laughing so much.
Care to give us your address? :crackup:

05-14-2015, 04:31 PM
Who can argue with an elected official? Only the best make it to the top.


05-14-2015, 06:06 PM
Yes yes. Biden does mean well, bless his bleeding heart. That said, a G19 with 13+1 might serve the purpose a tad more effectively. If a shotgun seems somehow called for, I can accommodate, but maybe with a slightly larger capacity. Only following a vice-presidential directive...

05-14-2015, 06:23 PM
Is the guy outside the window worth $1000? Not to me he's not. I don't owe him anything. He's not worth $1 to me. The minute he decided to prey on me two things happened. He made the biggest mistake of his life , and his life became worthless. I have zero tolerance for thieves.

Well written my friend.
Zero tolerance for criminals, period.
And on my property? They are a threat and shall be dealt with accordingly.

05-14-2015, 10:09 PM
My policy is a 1% deductible.

Love that philosophy, let crime happen, my insurance will pay for it. Problem is how do you know the night they kick in your door and you decide to sit on your hands is the night they don't plan on slitting your throat and your families throat. Guess your life insurance will take care of that. Lucky beneficiary.

Step threw my door threshold you have decided to take it to the extreme.

Stro I know what's gonna happen to you. You'll be so tired from trying to sleep with one eye open you'll sleep right through it. Some slacker will come in and steal you blind while you're getting your beauty rest.

05-14-2015, 10:16 PM
Yes yes. Biden does mean well, bless his bleeding heart. That said, a G19 with 13+1 might serve the purpose a tad more effectively. If a shotgun seems somehow called for, I can accommodate, but maybe with a slightly larger capacity. Only following a vice-presidential directive...

Bill let me help you with this........
Bill in no way meant that he would cause any death or destruction if you entered his home without an invite. At no time was there any malice in his heart. Bill was only surmising what could happen in some random household should the interior be breached illegally. Bill will not be held responsible for what happens if its his household. At no time was any criminals harmed during this disclaimer.

05-14-2015, 10:18 PM
Lol. I am pretty tired. Maybe I'll buy a canary. Oh no that was for miners. What about a watch snake? I shouldn't be so concerned, I live in a shed and 1% of a shed adds to............

I'm going to sleep. Such fretting.

05-14-2015, 11:45 PM
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!! :crackup:
I'm sorry, I tried to stay out of this thread but this post :lolup: HAS GOT to be the most absurd thing I have ever read! :icon_doh:
Oh my Lord, I have a side ach from laughing so much.
Care to give us your address? :crackup:

Didn't you know that reading and laughter are inexcusable sins , but I'll pray for you and absolute forgiveness . My address is in pits of hell and I wish you to be here . Everybody shooting themselves and Angels with Demons dancing together . Dear Lord - it's cheerful place to be .:bf8:

05-15-2015, 10:50 AM
Yes yes. Biden does mean well, bless his bleeding heart. That said, a G19 with 13+1 might serve the purpose a tad more effectively. If a shotgun seems somehow called for, I can accommodate, but maybe with a slightly larger capacity. Only following a vice-presidential directive...

I own several guns, however the one next to my nightstand is an old Savage Arms side by side 12 gauge. I like it as it is easy to load, drop a 00 buck shot in the left barrel and a slug in the right barrel. It makes enough noise to scare the shit out of anyone when fired inside. Push one lever drop two more and ready to go again. If that doesn't stop them drop it and pick up the .45. I have owned it since the 70's, I lived on the edge of Liberty City in Miami when that riot hit. I bought it from a friend because I could smell the smoke and hear the gun shots from where I lived. I have never used it but my ex-wife had to get it out when we lived in Miami because of burglars attempting to break in.

05-22-2015, 10:53 PM
Nope, don't own a gun. Just no need.

05-23-2015, 07:39 PM
When I was in the ARMY I was taught, " This is your weapon, and this is your gun, this is for fighting, and this is for fun".
Not in the ARMY now, I just need my GUN, but, I still need my WEAPON for world shit storms !!

05-24-2015, 01:19 AM
Odds are far greater when you own a handgun that you yourself will be shot. I am into everything that lowers my odds of being shot.

That's one of the stupidest things ever said.

05-27-2015, 01:09 PM
I own several guns, however the one next to my nightstand is an old Savage Arms side by side 12 gauge. I like it as it is easy to load, drop a 00 buck shot in the left barrel and a slug in the right barrel. It makes enough noise to scare the shit out of anyone when fired inside. Push one lever drop two more and ready to go again. If that doesn't stop them drop it and pick up the .45. I have owned it since the 70's, I lived on the edge of Liberty City in Miami when that riot hit. I bought it from a friend because I could smell the smoke and hear the gun shots from where I lived. I have never used it but my ex-wife had to get it out when we lived in Miami because of burglars attempting to break in.

I have a Permit , a 32. 40, 45, AK and Ammo, seems like the Masses from South Florida keep moving north, what was once paradise , is slowly going away, I have a place in Cleveland Ga. on 129, and will retire up there next year, the Honor System is in full swing, from Veg stands to Firewood and honey dealers, the census is 99% white and 1% other, nobody locks their doors and everybody helps everybody, kinda like Florida was in 60's .
Its a shame what the You Owe Me , or the I'm here take care of me mentality has come to. I'm just fed up with Politicians and our Government.
So I'll Carry and use if needed......... its my Right Ride Safe Ride Often JB

05-27-2015, 02:03 PM

05-29-2015, 02:21 PM
I really am not a fan of having to carry a weapon. I am not even all that excited about having them in my home except for a good hunting rifle. With that said I will always have one based on experience. I spent 12 years working in a Florida prison and one of my jobs was handling the worst of the worst. I spent a lot of time with the animal talked about in the attached article. There is no government or Law Enforcement agency that can protect me & my family from a person like this. On the bright side he is the reason I left the prison and returned to teaching school. I somehow still believe that working with students I can have a positive affect on the future.


05-29-2015, 02:34 PM
I really am not a fan of having to carry a weapon. I am not even all that excited about having them in my home except for a good hunting rifle. With that said I will always have one based on experience. I spent 12 years working in a Florida prison and one of my jobs was handling the worst of the worst. I spent a lot of time with the animal talked about in the attached article. There is no government or Law Enforcement agency that can protect me & my family from a person like this. On the bright side he is the reason I left the prison and returned to teaching school. I somehow still believe that working with students I can have a positive affect on the future.


That guy is a waste of good air! The sooner he stops breathing, the better.

05-29-2015, 02:40 PM
I somehow still believe that working with students I can have a positive affect on the future.

After 30+ years of teaching high school shops, I now teach Trades Math to recently paroled adults who were once labelled as unteachable.
It's the most rewarding teaching I've ever done.
However, this Victorino guy is something else.

05-29-2015, 05:53 PM
It would be hard to ask him to stay after class to clean the blackboard with your back to him.