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View Full Version : Omni-Cruise and O rings giveaway

03-26-2015, 04:13 PM
Installed the Kaoko Cruise Control so I have no need for it. I chose it over the GoCruise because it has the addition of the thumb screw for a more secure fit. I don't want any money for it and I'll pick up the shipping just want to see it get a good home. Veterans go to the head of the line just PM me your address, first one gets it, thanks. I also have the throttle band which I didn't photograph.

03-26-2015, 04:20 PM
Thanks for sponsoring veterans.

not to hi-jack your thread, but ....
I ordered a Kaoko the same day I purchased my F6B, couldn't be happier with it and I prefer a friction throttle lock over cruise control.
One thing to remember, for "PERFECT" operation, it may take some fine tweaking, be patient and work with it, it took me about three adjustments to get it just right.
The key thing is to have it spun up tight, then back about a half turn, shove it up against the hand grip, then tighten up the allen bolt.
I haven't had to do anything since then.

03-26-2015, 04:24 PM
Thanks for another great offer! I already have one so I'll let the next Vet in line go forward. :yes:

03-26-2015, 05:19 PM
If and I mean if no veterans want it I could very much use it but give it enough time for the vets please

03-26-2015, 05:25 PM
Thanks for sponsoring veterans.

not to hi-jack your thread, but ....
I ordered a Kaoko the same day I purchased my F6B, couldn't be happier with it and I prefer a friction throttle lock over cruise control.
One thing to remember, for "PERFECT" operation, it may take some fine tweaking, be patient and work with it, it took me about three adjustments to get it just right.
The key thing is to have it spun up tight, then back about a half turn, shove it up against the hand grip, then tighten up the allen bolt.
I haven't had to do anything since then.

Will do, thanks for the info that'll help a lot. This looks like the answer instead of buying a 2015, I wouldn't anyway since they don't have a black one.

03-26-2015, 06:17 PM
Thanks for another great offer! I already have one so I'll let the next Vet in line go forward. :yes:

No problem Bobby stay cool.

03-27-2015, 05:36 AM
im a vet but ill defer to a combat vet......i was in a boring peace time army in the chemical corps....all we did was train and give hot showers in the field.:icon_doh:

03-27-2015, 05:39 AM
Since I have one, I defer! Thank you for supporting Vets!

03-27-2015, 06:58 AM
im a vet but ill defer to a combat vet......i was in a boring peace time army in the chemical corps....all we did was train and give hot showers in the field.:icon_doh:

Your service was no less honorable/commendable, or does not deserve less respect then a combat vet's, thank you to all our Veterans! :yes:

03-27-2015, 01:17 PM
im a vet but ill defer to a combat vet......i was in a boring peace time army in the chemical corps....all we did was train and give hot showers in the field.:icon_doh:

I sent it out today, thanks, hey doesn't mean a damn thing what you did, you signed up and that's the sacrifice. My uncle was an Army mail clerk in Staten Island during WWII and we have just as much respect and honor for him as my dad who was a Disabled WWII vet that got shrapnel in his back from a grenade in Germany. Like my father used to say that there is nothing more comforting to you mentally, emotionally when youre in war than a letter from home. Everyone is a link in the chain And that's why I hate that saying "All Gave Some, Some Gave All". I have my own saying "All Gave All, Some Gave the Ultimate" as I don't think anyone who put on a uniform ever said to themselves "I'm only going to give some of myself today".