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View Full Version : Be safe reminder

06-12-2015, 07:30 AM
Guys and gals...another crash on the M109 forum. Just a reminder...there's never enough. This was rider error...too hot into a corner and crossed the yellow lines. Clipped another rider going the opposite direction. Older gent, broken bones in the back but still has movement in his legs. He's the father of a 9er, rode a customized old Harley.

06-12-2015, 07:46 AM
Always hate to hear of crashes, especially when it's rider error. we can't control what "cars" do, but we can control our own actions. Who was in the wrong, the HD or the M109? :icon_frown:

06-12-2015, 08:26 AM
Always hate to hear of crashes, especially when it's rider error. we can't control what "cars" do, but we can control our own actions. Who was in the wrong, the HD or the M109? :icon_frown:
The guys father on the HD. I rode with them a couple of years ago. Very experienced riders but the old man got careless.

06-12-2015, 07:37 PM
You know Duke I hurt just thinking about it. I have so many things , ie. knees , back , shoulder that already hurt I do not want to go down. I was in Eureka Springs AR today and a little old white haired lady in a new Honda Accord looked me right in the eye then pulled out crossways in my lane and stopped. I knew she was going to do it. I was already on the brake. She grinned. Sharon gave her a good cussin. She looked about 90. Oh well.

06-12-2015, 08:40 PM
She just wanted to field test your brakes and make sure they were up to par. 2.3 million miles behind the wheel of a truck and 36 years of driving has given me a good insight into the working mind of 4 wheelers. I can almost tell when they are about to do something stupid and I have always been ready for them to do it. If you start trusting that they will wait for you to go by they will pull out on you every time. Glad to hear you were ready for them this time, stay alert there are more of them out there.....:yikes:

06-13-2015, 02:18 AM
Good stuff.

A friend of mine, hardcore daily rider recently let his mind wander... then the bike wandered right into a plastic construction barrel. Down he went. Even with full gear he still suffered road rash.

Focus, focus, focus. They say your bike goes where your eyes do, but the same is true for the mind.

06-13-2015, 08:49 AM
George does that mean I'm going in the gutter?

06-13-2015, 09:40 AM
George does that mean I'm going in the gutter?

C'mon in Shooter, the more the merrier!

06-13-2015, 01:43 PM
When driving a truck the car never pulls out. When driving a car the car seldom pulls out, when riding a motorcycle the car frequently pulls out. It has to do with whether or not your physical presence poses a threat to the driver about to pull into traffic.

Steve 0080
06-13-2015, 01:57 PM
I was recently on a ride and an experience rider went down...lazy "S" curve...just did not focus...

06-13-2015, 02:24 PM
When driving a truck the car never pulls out. When driving a car the car seldom pulls out, when riding a motorcycle the car frequently pulls out. It has to do with whether or not your physical presence poses a threat to the driver about to pull into traffic.

Driving a semi tractor trailer they always pull out! Got to get ahead of the big slow truck. The car you can just about figure even if it almost could kill him, just got to get ahead of the truck. I had that happen too many times over a 36 year career. Of course there is the classic maneuver, the speed by the truck on the freeway and almost take the left front fender of the truck off diving in front of it to get off on the exit ramp. Too many times that happened also.

06-13-2015, 08:13 PM
George does that mean I'm going in the gutter?

Ha! Never :icon_biggrin: