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06-17-2015, 10:28 PM
Guys , I don't want to start any fights , so lets keep this as civil as possible. Just asking your opinions of what will happen in the upcoming Presidential election. The "field" will undoubtably change between now and then. Personally I'm a realist and I feel that ifHillary stays in the race , she can't be beat. Its that 52% thing. We need to get all the cosevatives off their azz and get them to the polls. I will vote Republican. I don't call myself one , I'm a conservative. I just can't tolerate the liberal view. Right now I like Trump. I don't think we need another Bush , but if that's my only choice I'll do it. I like Rick Perry also. Trump is smart , and I think he can make the hard choices that will get this country back on track. He seem like a no BS kinda guy. Tell me what you think.

06-17-2015, 10:41 PM
Pretty much how I think. Gotta get the lib out of the White House. Hillary has lots of$$$, so it will be a challenge. We have so many Republican candidates, I haven't picked my choice yet. Like you, I identify myself as a Conservative, rather than a Republican. I would vote for Mickey Mouse, before I would vote for Clinton! Speaking of Trump, he does talk tuff. I wonder if he could really do all he says he can. Would be good, if he can. As stated in the original post, please no fights. I'm sure there are a variety of opinions out there. :icon_biggrin:

06-17-2015, 10:59 PM
If we get another RINO running, voter turnout will probably be the same as before and Shillary will have it.

06-17-2015, 11:16 PM
Jeb Bush will be your next president, like it or not, a gift to the old man. I've been a Conservative, separate party in NY, since I was able to vote and the reason Trump came in is to further split the Conservative vote in the Primary, Paul-Cruz-Rubio, to allow this Moderate to slide in to get the nomination for the General. A lot these guys run for many reasons i.e. raise their speaking fees, hoping for a Cabinet position, raise money or increase their exposure for their next election. As far as Hillary, she puts her pants on one leg at a time like any other guy.

06-17-2015, 11:30 PM
Jeb Bush will be your next president, like it or not, a gift to the old man. I've been a Conservative, separate party in NY, since I was able to vote and the reason Trump came in is to further split the Conservative vote in the Primary, Paul-Cruz-Rubio, to allow this Moderate to slide in to get the nomination for the General. A lot these guys run for many reasons i.e. raise their speaking fees, hoping for a Cabinet position, raise money or increase their exposure for their next election. As far as Hillary, she puts her pants on one leg at a time like any other guy.

Interesting take on Trump. Any specifics to support it ? Is he in bed with the Bushes ?

06-17-2015, 11:35 PM
Can Trump win? I would love to vote for real change not the Obama bullshit. But real change that shakes up the whole political system. Politicians need to start looking out for the good of the people instead of just finding a way to get elected again. The way it is now I don't think we have a good choice Republican or Democrat. I guess if I don't get to vote for Trump then I will have to go with the Republican nominee but I don't hold out much hope for things to get much better. (Kiss the America we love goodbye)

06-18-2015, 12:29 AM
Steve I haven't given up yet. I think we have 1 or two elections to get our shyt straight. If it don't happen soon then like you said , its too late. Tax I could live with Bush , instead of Hillary. That's how I would feel about it. Not necessarily a vote for Bush as much as a vote against Hillary. You Democrats weigh in also. I want to hear your perspective. We are going to keep this on an even keel. Thanks guys.

Steve 0080
06-18-2015, 12:52 AM
If I were to vote tomorrow I would vote for Ben Carson... he knows the health care system and is smart enough to figure out the rest..Oduma knew nothing ....JMOH...... Bush is a wasted vote to me...Hiliary is a lesbian ...... fact... but the ones with indoor plumbing will vote for her out of ignorance....
way to early to know either way....

06-18-2015, 03:00 AM
Being a Moderate I set on the middle of the political fence, but I can tell you I will never vote for a Clinton...never have and never will and I don't see any Liberal Democrat coming along any better at this stage of the game. Hillary is digging her own grave with all the lies, cover-ups and crap that just keeps coming out about what she did or did not do. Name one good accomplishment she did as SOS other than resign ................humm, just as I thought NONE!

On the other side of the fence the GOP hates Trump and I don't think he can get the RNC ticket cause even with all the money he has and he does have a lot... here in America thank god you still can't buy votes, you can buy everything else, but not votes!
Ben Carson? Well he does know health care, but is he world savvy in dealing with all that crap that is going on and only going to get worse? He has not told me anything yet that makes me want to believe so.

R. Paul.... I put him in the same category as Trump, the GOP don't like him and never will due to some of his left field ideas.
Now as to Cruz & Rubio I feel they both need to make some $ to put up a strong fight as well as convince the public they know how to run things here and abroad to get a stronger base, will the Latino/Cuban vote help...YES is it enough NO!

Republicans will have to cut the dead meat before we see a true contender for the White House. Oh and Bush, let's just say a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush, he has an up hill fight, but can win. IMO

So at this early stage of the 2016 presidential elections those are my thoughts, which I'm sure will changes as time goes on and Nov 8th comes and I step into the voting booth to produce a hanging chad for someone in the hope it is the right someone for the USA. :301:

06-18-2015, 04:49 AM
Palin / Nugent

06-18-2015, 04:55 AM
I like Ben Carson, but he doesn't have a chance. Brilliant man, wants to make things right, but no political experience. This country will vote like a bunch of lambs, follow what looks good to everyone else. Besides Carson, I'd love to see Trump get in there and shake the place up. It needs it!

06-18-2015, 06:03 AM
Interesting take on Trump. Any specifics to support it ? Is he in bed with the Bushes ?

First of all he would never take the pay cut, second he is a dictator in his corporate world he doesn't know what it is to compromise with 535 people to get what he wants done, he says something and it's over. He can make a call now and have a meeting with any foreign leader in the world, what does he need this for, he's got the money AND the power. If you're in the game you have to deal with the Bushes, like it or not they are major players in the tiny world of the super power families. The old man was not only president but head of the CIA, their headquarters is named after him, these are no small players. HW's father Prescott Bush was even more powerful.

06-18-2015, 06:20 AM
What we need is a statesman, do we have one,NO, what we also need is an honesty politician, do we have one, well if there is, the number is very small. I would never vote for Hillary, nor would I vote for Trump, Jeb Bush, maybe, as I still haven't made up my mind on him. I am waiting to see what the others are bringing to the table. This country has gone to the dogs, everyone looking for that free scrap of meat. Everyone wanting to jump on the Government tit for the free stuff. The Government with all their experience not figuring out how a government should be run. We definitely need someone with experience, unlike Obama with nothing to his credit. I will vote for the best man on this next election, hopefully someone that can get the country turned around and headed in the right direction. Our forefathers are turning over in their graves watching these morons destroy a great nation.

06-18-2015, 07:07 AM
I'm looking for a "former democrat now Republican very successful governor with military experience" individual.

Anyone fit that bill?

06-18-2015, 07:17 AM

Retired Army
06-18-2015, 07:43 AM
Elements are in place for a possible Clinton - Trump runoff. :jerkit:

06-18-2015, 09:29 AM
Trump should make republican debates a must see.

06-18-2015, 10:00 AM
Just my thoughts but I would really like to see a non politician as president. Trump doesn't need the money. He already has the prestige. He is nobodys patsy. I think he would do what's right and watch the purse strings.

Retired Army
06-18-2015, 10:41 AM
It's truly sad that Chelsea Sullenberger isn't on the ballot. He is the problem solver with the best outcome.

06-18-2015, 10:58 AM
Just my thoughts but I would really like to see a non politician as president. Trump doesn't need the money. He already has the prestige. He is nobodys patsy. I think he would do what's right and watch the purse strings.

I agree with you Shooter. However, I think there is pause for concern with what Tax has said regarding Trump's leadership style. Being POTUS is not like being the "boss". That being said, I like the idea of a savvy non-politician president, and the fact that neither political party is in love with him I think could work in the people's favor. If he's not a single party's 'puppet', then the two sides of Congress will have to work together.

06-18-2015, 12:35 PM
I don't know about him, he appears to me not to work and play well with other, so A job that demands that skill like be President of this country he would have to adapt too or go down in flames. Not my first pick.

06-18-2015, 12:35 PM
I like the handle Elroy. That was my dads middle name. I'm not sure he would take sides. I think he would try to do what's right. You and I both know that neither party is looking out for us. Its like I said in an earlier post. I'm not republican. I'm a conservative. There are democrats that are conservative also.

06-18-2015, 12:45 PM
Choosing a politician is akin to selecting which STD you want.

All are crooks, criminals, liars and thieves.

06-18-2015, 12:49 PM
Choosing a politician is akin to selecting which STD you want.


+1, very funny and also like today's STD's, once you have them, you can't get rid of them !

06-18-2015, 02:32 PM
Choosing a politician is akin to selecting which STD you want.

All are crooks, criminals, liars and thieves.

Was not going to post here because I believe our politician's are all bought and sold-No matter what party.This is the only post here that I agree with.System is broken and no one person at the top is going to change a damn thing IMHO:banghead:

06-18-2015, 02:56 PM
Well it appears that the liberal media has you where they want you. Sitting in your LAZBOY on Election Day. While the liberals will bus dead people and dogs to the voting box, you have decided nobody gets your vote. In every election one, just one of the candidates tips the scale in your favor. And so many people piss away their chance to keep the worst of the two evils out. Between hilaree and anyone else, some will decide it is not necessary to be bothered by voting because the other option doesn't fit tightly into their mold. I couldn't stand --Cain, but I showed up to vote against the worst of the two evils. Romney a conservative dud, but I showed up to cast a vote against the worst of the two evils. Sad, but the media has you where they want you.

06-18-2015, 03:45 PM
You're right Stro. Sometimes it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Nowdays its a vote against instead of a vote for.

06-18-2015, 03:46 PM
You still have to get out there and vote. That's what is important.

06-18-2015, 04:11 PM
I have come to the conclusion that voting counts only when the powers that be agree with the outcome (if it (or who) actually makes it to the ballot in the first place).

As an example, in 2010, Oklahoma voters passed an amendment by 70% of the vote to prohibit sharia law in Oklahoma only to have 1 judge overrule the vote of the majority of Oklahoma voters. This is the USA, not an islamic state and should have been a no-brainer.

In California, signatures were collected to add initiatives on the ballot, only for the powers that be to rewrite what was placed on the ballot (from the petition that people signed) to defeat the initiative. When the voters passed it (even with the slanted rewrite), 1 biased judge overruled the majority vote.

I doubt these are the only examples. I have been in meetings where trial attorneys have stated that in their 30 year professional careers, they have not seen the types of rulings coming from the judges as they have recently where the judge rules on personal bias versus law or case law.

There are also a lot of games done in the primaries which results in a choice between bad and worse as Stro mentioned in his prior posts.

2010 Oklahoma voters overruled by 1 judge (http://newsok.com/u.s.-judge-permanently-bans-oklahoma-islamic-law-vote/article/3872460)

06-18-2015, 04:50 PM
All the liberal media has to do is convince you that you don't have a chance, then you stay home. You most definitely DON'T have a chance when you stay home. I have many democrat conservative friends and coworkers and I have a few libs that I know and I have a lot of conservative acquaintances.........funny but we all agree with that point.

06-18-2015, 04:53 PM
You're right Stro. Sometimes it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Nowdays its a vote against instead of a vote for.

Man if obama doesn't prove that I don't know what it takes.

06-18-2015, 05:00 PM
All the liberal media has to do is convince you that you don't have a chance, then you stay home. You most definitely DON'T have a chance when you stay home.

I haven't missed a vote since 1975. Rain, snow, sleet, whatever, I always make it to the polls.

06-18-2015, 05:49 PM
All my adult life I have had to vote for the lesser of two evils and always leave the booth with a bad taste in my mouth.I mean come on-20 months to campaign?fixed districts by redistricting,corperations are people?-Put as much mula as you want behind your boy or girl.Billion dollars to become President-Oh yea you won't have any favors to call in once in office.It's said the average Senator,Congress person spends half there day calling in donations from the day they are elected to get the war chest ready for the next one.The whole thing makes me want to puke-ARRRRRG I knew I shouldn't have thought about these crooks.Only good thing is a ride on the F6 will calm me down.I guess thats better then beating the old noggin against the wall.:crackup:

opas ride
06-18-2015, 06:47 PM
At my ripe old age of 75+ I have never, in my lifetime, seen so much BS, negative junk, out right lies, and extreme corruption in our government..Racism, since Obama bought his way into the WhiteHouse, is worse now than I can remember. His BS and lies are almost to much to bear!!..His Obama Care policy has raised my insurance premiums over 60% and I cannot wait until his lying ass is out of office...Obviously I am a conservative Repubican and proud of the fact that I still believe in God and country and the good old USA..Which is more than he has demonstated....Might vote for Bush, like some, I think Trump would "kick some ass", but not sure he has a chance...Carson is alright as is Cruz and Rubio , but only time will tell....ANYONE BUT HILLARY CLINTON!!!!!!!

06-18-2015, 06:54 PM
Well it appears that the liberal media has you where they want you. Sitting in your LAZBOY on Election Day. While the liberals will bus dead people and dogs to the voting box, you have decided nobody gets your vote. In every election one, just one of the candidates tips the scale in your favor. And so many people piss away their chance to keep the worst of the two evils out. Between hilaree and anyone else, some will decide it is not necessary to be bothered by voting because the other option doesn't fit tightly into their mold. I couldn't stand --Cain, but I showed up to vote against the worst of the two evils. Romney a conservative dud, but I showed up to cast a vote against the worst of the two evils. Sad, but the media has you where they want you.
I have voted in a lot of elections but I am tired of voting for the less of two evils!!!!! It has nothing to do with the media. The quality of the people running is horrible. When I find myself listening to Trump I realize there is a problem. I will vote again but at this point I have no idea who.

06-19-2015, 06:55 AM
Opas, how quickly we forget that at the end of the last republican administration we were lossing 700,000 jobs a month.

06-19-2015, 07:07 AM
With a democrat controlled house...........we can do this all day. It solves nothing.

06-19-2015, 07:48 AM
How do you explain our national debt up 133% and the total dollar figure over 18 trillion...

go to "US national debt clock"

Steve 0080
06-19-2015, 08:34 AM
Opas, how quickly we forget that at the end of the last republican administration we were lossing 700,000 jobs a month.

This is the part that cracks me up...The Dems forced banks to take house loans knowing the people could not pay them back, and then sued the banks for doing it.....The Dems had control of congress the last two years of Bush's term, caused the housing demise and then spent the next 4 years blaming Bush and the people were naive enough to believe it...

06-19-2015, 09:49 AM
You know what guys , this isn't a democrat or republican problem. This is an American problem. Let's face it. There isn't that much difference between the two parties. Have you ever noticed that neither side wants higher taxes and yet we have higher taxes. No , this is an American voter problem. We need to vote their asses out and put it in some new ones. If they don't perform up to standards recall their ass. We have a the power , we just don't have the brains. Present company excluded.

06-19-2015, 09:57 AM
You know what guys , this isn't a democrat or republican problem. This is an American problem. Let's face it. There isn't that much difference between the two parties. Have you ever noticed that neither side wants higher taxes and yet we have higher taxes. No , this is an American voter problem. We need to vote their asses out and put it in some new ones. If they don't perform up to standards recall their ass. We have a the power , we just don't have the brains. Present company excluded.

This summarizes how I see the current state of the federal government exactly. The hard part is, we have to focus long enough to allow ourselves to do the deed. We need to visualize the changes we might get with an H Ross Perot, Clayton Williams or even a Donald Trump. Hell, think of what Bill Gates, Larry Ellison or Elon Musk could do with the time in office. Given that we do the same thing all at once to congress, both sides, then I believe we'd be on track to actual debt-free profitability. Yup, a government that actually added value to our economy. These folks are out there, and would likely answer the call. Most are smart enough and well enough insulated that they'd never seek it out on their own. Hell, I wouldn't either. What I will do is what I have always done. Vote. Everybody please get out and vote.

06-19-2015, 10:16 AM
I have always said we could survive Obama's presidency but I don't know if we can survive the people that put him in the first time and then elected him a second time.
I was always proud of the fact that I knew my job and new how to do it well. what do you say about a president that doesn't know how to do his job well or otherwise.
the man has nothing to his credit, not one piece of legislation that was worth the powder it would take to blow it to hell.
You also have senator and House members that have been running the government for many years in office and yet they seem to have forgotten what works and what doesn't work.
It just sad to see a great nation brought to its knees by incompetent Idiots.

06-19-2015, 10:36 AM
You know what guys , this isn't a democrat or republican problem. This is an American problem. Let's face it. There isn't that much difference between the two parties. Have you ever noticed that neither side wants higher taxes and yet we have higher taxes. No , this is an American voter problem. We need to vote their asses out and put it in some new ones. If they don't perform up to standards recall their ass. We have a the power , we just don't have the brains. Present company excluded.


06-19-2015, 12:00 PM
It's going to take something very big to change things for the good and a vote is not going to get the job done. Voting in the USA is smoke and mirrors, allowing Americans to think they have a say to their future but at the end of the day, the trillionaires (aka..Rockerfeller's) are the puppet masters and what they say...goes. People say if you don't vote, you can't complain...all media propaganda owned by the gold hoarders making us think our vote is important. Alot of lives will be lost and major sacrifices most Americans won't/can't do will be needed to put America back in check. If we did put a good moral person who truely cared about the well being of American people in the white house....he/she would have to battle conforming to the demands of the elite or die. Current system is not working. Off my rant and onto my bike.

06-19-2015, 01:14 PM
Well there you go, another convinced the vote does not matter. Your vote does matter. Just remember the chads in Florida. Those votes mattered. Your vote does matter. When barry'o was crying on election night because he wasn't sure he had the votes for a second term, you better damn well believe your vote matters. Your vote matters.

Steve 0080
06-19-2015, 01:31 PM
Term limits is the answer but it will not happen , no more than the 52% who suck the teat will vote themselves out of a check.....

06-19-2015, 02:09 PM
Term limits is the answer but it will not happen , no more than the 52% who suck the teat will vote themselves out of a check.....

From an email I received a while back:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters (and politicians) discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship."

The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage."

06-19-2015, 02:37 PM
Well there you go, another convinced the vote does not matter. Your vote does matter. Just remember the chads in Florida. Those votes mattered. Your vote does matter. When barry'o was crying on election night because he wasn't sure he had the votes for a second term, you better damn well believe your vote matters. Your vote matters.

With you, on all your comments ...hope we're not so far down a hole we can't get back on top, I think this election is maybe the last chance...even then it's going to take awhile to untangle it all. Don't be too hard on sandraggen..how'd you like to be under the thumb of Rahm Emanuel

06-19-2015, 02:44 PM
I don't think I was too hard on him, and I hope he doesn't take it that way. The media would never spend the gobs of money counting electoral votes if your vote didn't matter. This country is not broken, limping but not broken. Weren't broken with Nixon and we weren't broken with Carter. Just limping. obama the great savior never materialized. As Rick Perry said, this country is strong enough to survive the depression, world wars....we can survive the obama presidency.

06-19-2015, 04:12 PM
I'm with Shooter they leave a bad taste in your mouth. I would just like to add they also stain your best blue dress.

06-19-2015, 04:29 PM
The problem is the politicians have successfully convinced us that looking to a far off capitol will improve our lives, all politics is local as Tip O'Neill used to say. Your local assemblyman's and congressman 's vote will have more of an impact on your life than any President and that is where the organization and pressure should be exerted. What politicians say is who they want to be how they vote is who they are.

Retired Army
06-19-2015, 05:29 PM
Letting the popular vote be the deciding factor instead of congress is the answer. Then if a bad decision is made the majority are responsible for it.

06-19-2015, 06:21 PM
With you, on all your comments ...hope we're not so far down a hole we can't get back on top, I think this election is maybe the last chance...even then it's going to take awhile to untangle it all. Don't be too hard on sandraggen..how'd you like to be under the thumb of Rahm Emanuel

Illinois also gave you Obama..how do you like being under that thumb?

06-19-2015, 08:25 PM
Term limits is the answer but it will not happen , no more than the 52% who suck the teat will vote themselves out of a check.....

Steve I agree 2000%. Our congressmen and women get so corrupt after two or three terms. How can you spend millions to get a job that pays $150,000?. Under the table money. Lobbyists should be illegal. One six year term and no retirement. That would stop most of the deadbeats. Its a corrupt system and like Steve said , term limits would be a good start.

06-19-2015, 08:54 PM
Term limits is the answer but it will not happen , no more than the 52% who suck the teat will vote themselves out of a check.....

Exactly, and what we really need is someone with a spine willing to cut the handouts.
I think it all started with the "War on Poverty," here we are 51 years later, time for someone to admit it just ain't working.

06-21-2015, 01:41 AM
Going through an old hard drive I found this, Patton - what a guy.

Retired Army
06-21-2015, 08:25 AM
Go green, recycle congress.