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View Full Version : You've got to buy a Harley

06-27-2015, 09:15 AM
So recently I went to an evening event held by a local MC, they have a rule that you can only join if you ride a Harley but I like to support local groups. It wasn't that well attended, but they turned out to be a good bunch of guys and we chatted for a few hours. Mostly their tales were of runs they had been on and the parts that had fallen off their bikes. Two had had carbs fall off, one had burst a tyre after the bolt on the front fender came loose and gone into the side wall, the same guy lost the pinch bracket on the front axle just before he pulled in that evening. There were many more, too many to mention.

They all seemed interested in the F6B but were Harley till they die. One person asked me, after telling me that every winter he strips his bike down and locktite every bolt, what I did to my bike last winter. My reply was added a cup holder for the wife.

As I was leaving I was told you should buy a Harley, I had to laugh, after all they said I'd stick to my Honda.

06-27-2015, 09:24 AM
I can't speak for everybody but from reading the forum most of the people who bought the f6b had prior experiences similar to the guys you were talking to. the f6b is usually bought by someone who has ridden other bikes I don't believe it's a bike a new rider or a first bike that is bought. many of us including myself actually have a Harley as a second bike and find that after purchasing the f6b we're using it less and less to the point I'm looking to sell the Harley as I am.I think it's the only way you can really experience how much better a bike the f6b is once you own another bike especially between the heat the handling the acceleration and it's just a cheaper bike to maintain.and unlike the Harley you don't need to spend another $2000 after you spend twenty thousand plus dollars to get it to run right. Even after Harley comes out with a liquid cooled bike I'd rather stick with a bike that has been liquid cooled and bulletproof from its inception because as we know Harley uses their riders as their research and development

opas ride
06-27-2015, 10:36 AM
Don't get me wrong people as I am not a Harley rider or fan, but you can bad mouth there products and riders all you want as it is your choice......But, HD is the best selling brand in America for V-twin bikes and has the best dealer net-work around, (out-sells Honda 12-1) and their marketing scheme is, "bar-none", one of the best in the world!!!...Brings in $Billions of dollars every year.....Just sayin!!!

06-27-2015, 10:50 AM
I don't think by agreeing with Harley owners - I am one also - anyone here is "bad-mouthing" them.
They freely tell their tales of woe and smile about it after that fact. Most of the HD riders I know are good people that just want to bust loose every now and again.
Yes, they have their status symbol and their wardrobe. I'd be more leery of my dentist if I didn't see him dress and act like a pirate occasionally.

And while I concur with tax, I do ride the HD-FLSTN less and less often, there is still a time and a place for her.

06-27-2015, 10:57 AM
Don't get me wrong people as I am not a Harley rider or fan, but you can bad mouth there products and riders all you want as it is your choice......But, HD is the best selling brand in America for V-twin bikes and has the best dealer net-work around, (out-sells Honda 12-1) and their marketing scheme is, "bar-none", one of the best in the world!!!...Brings in $Billions of dollars every year.....Just sayin!!!

No arguments here HD has the best marketing in the motorcycle world. I am in no way badmouthing just reflecting personal experience over the last 30+ years. Badmouthing is usually associated with fippant comments without prior knowledge of what you're speaking about. The truth is spoken because we love the brand but they refuse to change with the times. The Sony BetaMax was a better product than the VHS, Apple was a better computer than the PC, Patek Philippe is a better quality watch than a Rolex yet the lesser quality has higher sales than the better product. Volume doesn't always translate to a quality product.

06-27-2015, 11:09 AM
I have both a F6B and a Harley Road King. My Road King is flawless and never gave a problem. I did put $2k making it faster, louder and more comfortable. It is fun riding with the pack and making lots of noise.

I had a choice of putting more money into making it faster, engine size increase, and more comfortable, seat exchange. Decided to get the F6B rather than put more money into my perfectly running Harley. Planned to use the Harley for local solo runs.

Since getting the F6B, I only rode the Road King once. Just turned the tag in and cancelled insurance. I always take the Honda out.

I enjoy the F6B's power and comfort more. I found the Harley to be dependable and easier to work on than the F6B. The ease of oil checks air air filter changes are an example.

opas ride
06-27-2015, 12:28 PM
Perhaps "bad mouthing" was a poor choice of words on my part, should have said "criticizing" I suppose...In any event, the thing that "bugs" me the most about a lot of HD riders is they always seem to find fault with JAP bikes, and according to the ones I have seen/met, think that HD bikes, made in America, are next to "Godliness", yet they go home and get in their Toyotas, Nissans, Hondas, etc. and drive off into the sun set fat and happy!!!!

06-27-2015, 01:40 PM
I have never understood the mentality where you spend your hard earned money on something just because it is a particular brand. Pesonally I do my research and then purchase the product u think is best and gives me the most value for my money. Did I mention I have been owning and riding Honda's since 1969?

06-27-2015, 02:05 PM
I have never understood the mentality where you spend your hard earned money on something just because it is a particular brand. Personally I do my research and then purchase the product I think is best and gives me the most value for my money. Did I mention I have been owning and riding Honda's since 1969?

My HD purchase had nothing to do with brand and everything to do with - "I want THAT bike." "Now!"
She was 2 years old, 2,000 miles, had lots of performance mods and custom paint, tank, chrome, controls, lighting, and whitewalls.
No other HD looked or behaved like her.
Still have never seen one like her.

06-27-2015, 03:03 PM
My original Harley purchase was based on quality of bike, desire for the bike, local product support and local community support. I am very impressed with my Harley's quality and it was tough to accept the Honda's plastic. I now appreciate both approaches.

At the time, the F6B was not an option. Did not want the big Goldwing or other bike.

I live in Harley country with the closest Honda dealer, that's not a joke, being an hour away. I went over two hours away to purchase the bike new.

I liked the F6B enough to give up local support and I'm part of the local community enough now that the F6B is appreciated for its style and power. My confidence and knowledge makes me secure enough to own the F6B with no known local support.

My nearest Goldwing riding buddies are 45 minutes away. I have dozens of Harley, or knock-offs, riding buddies within 5 miles.

06-27-2015, 03:09 PM
I bought my only Harley back in the mid 70s, and loved it. It was the first one in Northern Australia apart from a Duo Glide owned by a friend. My Harley wasn't a real Harley, it was made by AMF when they took over. It was a 74ci Electroglide with the square profile tyres and a back brake that didn't work very well. I loved it but ended up putting it into the side of a car at about 60mph, couldn't stop it in time and couldn't lean it, oh well. :yikes::yikes::yikes:

My next ride was the first Goldwing, the 1000cc 4 cylinder, a great ride.



gray rider
06-27-2015, 09:23 PM
I put a couple of hundred miles on my F6B the other day going nowhere in particular and just enjoying the great weather. I had a call last night from a friend who wanted to take a breakfast run today so this morning I rolled out my Harley FLSTNI and off we went. After about thirty miles I realized, almost subconsciously, that the FL runs smoother in every way compared to the F6B. These new generation balanced Harley engines are smooth. The Harley makes all the usual HD engine sounds but sans the old school vibration. The engine in the FLSTNI is rigidly mounted in the frame so any engine vibration would be transmitted to the rider. My Harley has been absolutely reliable as has my F6B. As stated earlier it is much easier to perform routine maintenance on the Harley. As an example air filter replacement is less than five minutes for the Harley and hours for the F6B. I have nine bikes they all have their pros and cons. I have go to bikes depending on what type of ride I'm doing. I want to see more people riding and enjoying the sport and don't care what they ride, just ride. Image is a farce, it's all about the personal experience. Ride your own ride.

06-27-2015, 10:59 PM
These days I measure how easy routine maintenance is by how close the dealer is to me and if they have a big screen in the waiting area. Now this is smoooooooooth.


06-29-2015, 01:00 PM
Don't get me wrong people as I am not a Harley rider or fan, but you can bad mouth there products and riders all you want as it is your choice......But, HD is the best selling brand in America for V-twin bikes and has the best dealer net-work around, (out-sells Honda 12-1) and their marketing scheme is, "bar-none", one of the best in the world!!!...Brings in $Billions of dollars every year.....Just sayin!!!

McDonalds is the best selling brand in America for fast food and has the best franchise net-work around, (out-sells every other burger place on the planet) and their marketing scheme is, "bar-none", one of the best in the world!!!...Brings in $Billions of dollars every year.....Just sayin!!

That doesn't make their burgers the best. Or even close to it.


Steve 0080
06-29-2015, 01:33 PM
I put a couple of hundred miles on my F6B the other day going nowhere in particular and just enjoying the great weather. I had a call last night from a friend who wanted to take a breakfast run today so this morning I rolled out my Harley FLSTNI and off we went. After about thirty miles I realized, almost subconsciously, that the FL runs smoother in every way compared to the F6B. These new generation balanced Harley engines are smooth. The Harley makes all the usual HD engine sounds but sans the old school vibration. The engine in the FLSTNI is rigidly mounted in the frame so any engine vibration would be transmitted to the rider. My Harley has been absolutely reliable as has my F6B. As stated earlier it is much easier to perform routine maintenance on the Harley. As an example air filter replacement is less than five minutes for the Harley and hours for the F6B. I have nine bikes they all have their pros and cons. I have go to bikes depending on what type of ride I'm doing. I want to see more people riding and enjoying the sport and don't care what they ride, just ride. Image is a farce, it's all about the personal experience. Ride your own ride.

I have said this same thing, many,many times!!!!! Kinda like girls they each have something special to bring to the party and they are all good !

06-29-2015, 02:05 PM
According to World Business report, the top 5 selling brands in the "World", are as follows, by 2014 data, #1 Honda, #2 Yamaha, #3 Hero Moto Corp, #4 Bjaj Auto, #5 Suzuki.
Yes, Harley was the #1 seller in the US, butt not in the top 5 world wide. Yes, most of those bikes sold in 3rd world Countries are small cc's, but that shows marketing !

06-29-2015, 04:04 PM
"...the FL runs smoother in every way compared to the F6B", that's the line that lost me. I used to have to wear a weightlifting belt on my old sportster not to get the shit shaked out of me and all the way to my 2013 Road Glide that I traded for the F6B and the XL1200 I have now, although they're smoother there is no way it runs smoother than the flat 6. Even my XL to accelerate you crack the throttle, wait for the noise and then it starts to go. When you're on the F6B, you look at a spot, crack the throttle, you're there so quickly you have to slow down not to overrun.

opas ride
06-29-2015, 04:08 PM
McDonalds is the best selling brand in America for fast food and has the best franchise net-work around, (out-sells every other burger place on the planet) and their marketing scheme is, "bar-none", one of the best in the world!!!...Brings in $Billions of dollars every year.....Just sayin!!

That doesn't make their burgers the best. Or even close to it.


I never implied or suggested that Harley's were the best or the worst...We all have a choice as to what we ride and like the best...BTW, I personally like McDonalds burgers..JMHO

06-29-2015, 04:33 PM
Yeah , I'm with Opas. I don't care what you ride. Its your money. My brother in law and best friend rides an Ultra Classic.

06-29-2015, 05:29 PM
Well I rode Harley's for 35 years....The last I owed was a piece of Shit that left me in the middle of nowhere in a motel room while the Dealer spent days trying to repair it. 4 times in 20,000 miles it had major break downs. They fixed it under warranty every time but didn't reimburse me the expenses of Motel stay and loss of work. When I decided it was costing me too much and decided to trade it in for a new one when they came out in 2013.The dealer offered trade in value of $5000.00 below book value because it had a" history of breakdowns". That was the last straw with Harley-Davidson..I'm now riding a Honda F6BD. I love it and doubt I'll ever buy another Harley.. The Problem Harley was a 2011 Road Glide Ultra 103. Honda gave me top book value for the Harley and sold me the F6B Deluxe Black for $18.400.00 out the door in 2013 a steal of a deal at the time....... Dickie

Brian D
06-30-2015, 05:05 AM
My harley lemon was a 13RG custom. 5 times in the shop in exactly 1 year and 10,000 miles for elecrical issues. I have to admit I really do miss it and I know I say a lot on here that I'm going back to the new RG because I can't seem to get comfy on this bike but I really don't know. I'm not loyal to any one brand at all. I just enjoy riding and do it as often as my work scedule permits. I just like the look and sound of a v twin. And sorry guys Harley's sound way better than any metric v twin. Had a roadstar with full Vance and Hines and although it was loud it did not have that deep rumble... And yes I like that. But the performance of this f6 is gonna be hard to walk away from. Talked to a guy at a concert last night on a victory cc and he loved it and my wife also liked the look. It's his 3rd Vic and no problems. Last one he put 60k on it. That new vic magnum is sharp. But so is the RG. And the f6 is pretty fun to ride. Grrrrrrr. The only prob I have is I can't afford 4-5 different new bikes haha!!! Ohh well I'm gonna sit back and ride the f6 this summer and who knows what I'll be getting in the spring. Just thought I would chime in on the YOU SHOULD BUY A HARLEY

06-30-2015, 11:44 AM
Perhaps "bad mouthing" was a poor choice of words on my part, should have said "criticizing" I suppose...In any event, the thing that "bugs" me the most about a lot of HD riders is they always seem to find fault with JAP bikes, and according to the ones I have seen/met, think that HD bikes, made in America, are next to "Godliness", yet they go home and get in their Toyotas, Nissans, Hondas, etc. and drive off into the sun set fat and happy!!!!

I wasn't bad mouthing or criticizing, I was just relating a tale. I listened to their tales for two hours solid and I thought it was funny when they told me I should get a Harley.

06-30-2015, 11:51 AM
This is a little off base, but I heard on the news last night that the most American made vehicle with the most parts and made in this country is.....Toyota. So, even though I don't, driving a Toyota isn't such a bad thing.

06-30-2015, 12:40 PM
Yup. The VTX was made in Marysville, Ohio... but for many HD guys, that wasn't good enough. "the profits still go to Japan."


Funny how that doesn't matter when applied to cars. :icon_lol:

06-30-2015, 12:42 PM
I never implied or suggested that Harley's were the best or the worst...

Cool. I agree they aren't the best or the worst... :icon_biggrin: