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07-21-2015, 06:23 PM
So I went to home depot to get the key for my key mods and found the appropriate number key and this lady ask if I wanted a key made and I told her I did. She couldn't operate the high tech key machine so she called someone on the PA, he showed up and I handed him my Honda key and the AXXIS 27R to cut from the main key. So he is sticking my Honda key in these key holes and pulling these pods out to put in the machine to cut the key and it rejects his attempt as it couldn't read the grove farthest up on the Honda keep, After standing:banghead: there 10 minutes waiting for him to show up and his high tech machine couldn't cut me a key. I said, Well, wonderful, you have this very expensive high tech key cutter that no one can operate and when there is someone that can operate it, it can't complete the task at hand. I sincerely hope you didn't buy the rest of your high tech equipment from the same company. An unbelievable waste of money I would say. He had no comment other than to point me to an old fashion hardware store out on M115 west of Cadillac, that had and old style key cutter. I was very impressed!:jerkit:

07-21-2015, 06:34 PM
That is so weird.
When I went to our local Home Depot they got out the 27R AXXIS (+) key blank,took my key,popped both into position and whoola,30 seconds later was a new key.


07-21-2015, 06:42 PM
That is so weird.
When I went to our local Home Depot they got out the 27R AXXIS (+) key blank,took my key,popped both into position and whoola,30 seconds later was a new key.


Evidently Doug your guy at your home depot actually knows how to operate his equipment, I am sure this high tech thing at my home depot would do the same thing if someone actually knew how to run it. I knew I was walking away from a machine that was more than able to complete this task unfortunately the person operating it was not.

07-21-2015, 06:54 PM
For what it is worth, if you have the key code that came with the bike when it was new and have a good locksmith in town, it is much better to give him the key code, have him pull it up on line and punch the key rather than cut it.
That gives you a much better key than a copy off a cutting machine.

But not every place has locksmiths with punches.

07-21-2015, 07:00 PM
For what it is worth, if you have the key code that came with the bike when it was new and have a good locksmith in town, it is much better to give him the key code, have him pull it up on line and punch the key rather than cut it.
That gives you a much better key than a copy off a cutting machine.

But not every place has locksmiths with punches.

I'm in the sticks out here as far as lock smiths goes and I seriously doubt any of them have a punch for keys here. But thanks for the info and I will check, you never know, miracles do happen on occasion

Greg O
07-21-2015, 07:23 PM
My Home Depot said they didn't carry that high of blank number, so I went to Ace and they had an old fashion key machine with a all metal blank. It wont start the bike but it opens the bags and cubby.

Texas TC
07-21-2015, 10:23 PM
I, too, got mine at Home Depot and the three keys were cut using my ignition key as the standard without issue. Surely that machine cannot be that complicated.

07-22-2015, 06:22 AM
My Home Depot said they didn't carry that high of blank number, so I went to Ace and they had an old fashion key machine with a all metal blank. It wont start the bike but it opens the bags and cubby.

let me go to Home Depot in Bloomington where I bought mine and see if they still have the 27R +
If they do I will bring one with me on Saturday.
That way you can have a spare cut for your ignition.
Go back to Home Depot with the receipt I will give you and they should cut a new key no problem.
Tell them the truth that someone was at a Home Depot and picked the blank up there for you.
Home Depots are good about honoring products from another Home Depot.
