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07-23-2015, 07:30 AM
I am sure we have all noticed the amount of crevices on the front of these F6B's and of course the bugs seem to find every one of them and get deep into them. What are you using to get the bugs out. I have cut down old tooth brushes and have milled a couple of denture brushes down to one line of bristles. But even those are inadequate in some areas. Has anyone discover the a brush that works the best?:popcorn:

07-23-2015, 07:37 AM
Doug I think you have a lot more bugs than me. A plastic knife blade tool , a rag and some aerosol glass cleaner works for me.

07-23-2015, 08:06 AM
Take a natural fiber paint brush, cut the bristles down to about 1/2" long and dip it in your wash water.

07-23-2015, 08:32 AM
I have discover that Armorall Multi-Purpose auto cleaner in the spray bottle works very well on removing bugs, this matte silver finish is a lot more porous than some of the other colors and holds onto the bugs quite well. Since I bought it it has been a research project when my old stand by cleaner and polish failed to remove the bugs very well off this finish. It still works very well on the plastics and vinyls, rubber and lenses, but the glued on bugs on the front require the armorall auto cleaner.

07-23-2015, 08:39 AM
On a matte finish try windex. Armor all and polishes will probably make it shine, unless that's what you want.

07-23-2015, 08:43 AM
I just use a hose and spray water on the bike / let it soak a minute or two / rub it with my bare hand / rinse / dry with a towel / and then ride real fast to remove excess water. (I do this about one a week) Once a month I throw a coat or two of the Clear Glass or what ever its called on it.

To me just keep the stuff off that will stick to you when you ride. Most of the time from the riding position I can't see any dirt or bugs. My recommendation is to be in the saddle more and forget about making the bike a show pony. I just ride the hell out of my bike and as far as I can tell it loves me as much as I love it.

I know a lot of you have a lot more miles than me but I have just turned 8,000 miles since the end of March 2015. That is a lot more than I put on my Harley Fatboy in the 1st year. The best part is unlike the Harley I don't have to worry about putting too many miles on the F6B. I hope I live long enough to be one of the guys that break over 200,000 miles. I bet there are not many of those guys around. I think that would be real cool.

Also since my bike came from the factory with scratches already on it I don't have to treat it like its a fancy bike. I can just ride it like I stole it. I think the GL1800B engine on the F6B is like a wild stallion and it just loves to run wild and free.

I had a 68 Camaro for 30 years and I loved it more than most people do because after I wrecked it a few times I could just drive it and have fun. I could go back road gravel ripping or whatever I wanted and not have to worry about how pretty it was. After I saw the Road Warrior movie I made a stencil and painted road warrior on the door panel that was smashed. Everyone loved that or maybe they loved laughing at me. I don't care that car was just plain fun like the F6B.

07-23-2015, 08:44 AM
http://www.drbeasleys.com/matte-motorcycle-kit.html This is the kit I use for my bike, it is pricy but it cuts through grease and scrubs the bugs clean. You can get away with the wash and the sealant if you don't want to get the kit. I highly recommend these products, top notch stuff. Makes the bike look showroom new.

07-23-2015, 01:54 PM
On a matte finish try windex. Armor all and polishes will probably make it shine, unless that's what you want.

The multi purpose cleaner is like windex it isn't to put a shine on it but it does break those stuck on bugs down pretty fast on that course matte silver finish. My 6 gets cleaned after every ride and I don't just keep riding it without cleaning it. Just how I like things and I could never get on a filthy motorcycle.

07-23-2015, 02:35 PM
+1 Dog. I always win the show and shine award. I won't get on a dirty bike.

07-23-2015, 08:00 PM
You can grow a wet towel over the fairing go have a beer and when you are done the bugs will come come off very easy.

07-23-2015, 08:03 PM
You can grow a wet towel over the fairing go have a beer and when you are done the bugs will come come off very easy.

This is the one sure way to do it with success.


07-23-2015, 08:09 PM
We have love bugs twice a year here in Florida. They are thick and they are acidic. If you don't get them off they will eat through your paint in 2 days. My buddy swears by using hydrogen peroxide to get them out of those hard to get to areas.

07-24-2015, 01:34 AM
I use invisible glass on the paint and windscreen..Lemon pledge works very well on my matte silver and seems to leave a coating so bugs dont stick as much...Been using these products on my Rune since 2005...

07-24-2015, 05:43 AM
Got in the habit of using my air compressor and air gun on the bike. About every other ride I put the 6 on the center stand and give the radiator and all crevices a thorough cleaning. I also hit the brake pads. Sure is a quick way to remove leafs, bugs and other debris from the bike. I usually finish up misting the front of the bike, to include the windshield, with a 50/50 mix of Ammonia and water. Letting that mixture set for a few seconds a quick wipe down with a Terry Cloth Towel finishes the task:icon_wink: