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View Full Version : I was going to ride today

07-28-2015, 03:29 PM
Wow! Talk about your heat wave it was 98 degrees in Traverse City today, Glad I had an air conditioned car instead. You walk out of any air conditioned builder and it was like getting hit with a baseball bat at the door. High humidity and lots of temperature. There would have been no way to get cool behind that fairing today that is for sure. Just way to hot to enjoy a ride on the motorcycle.

07-28-2015, 03:39 PM
Baker Hand Wings II work. It's hot but never to hot to enjoy a 20-30 minute jaunt.

07-28-2015, 03:48 PM
You get used to it...or just bear it. If we southerners didn't ride in upper 90s with crazy high humidity, our bikes would be parked from April thru September. Just ride...and be thankful you aren't snowed in. :icon_cool:

07-28-2015, 03:53 PM
Stro is tough as nails Dog. When we were kids our moms used to make us stand in front of the oven while they were baking. Stros mom used to crack the door a little on us. We didn't let it slow us down. When we was 3 years old we were the badazz kids on the block.

Steve 0080
07-28-2015, 04:02 PM
Night time is the only time....go out after dinner !!! Or better yet RTE !!!

07-28-2015, 04:36 PM
It's 100 here routinely in the summer. And I very greatly dislike the heat. :) My husband bought me one of these things http://wingstuff.com/products/33215-rpcm-classic-blue-cooling-vest and today is my first day riding to work in over a month. It sure felt good coming in this morning, but I'll know in about an hour how it felt going home this afternoon when it IS 100. My ride is an hour each way in stop and go traffic. I usually ride daily, until it gets this hot. Now maybe I can stand more heat too.

07-28-2015, 04:59 PM
It's 100 here routinely in the summer. And I very greatly dislike the heat. :) My husband bought me one of these things http://wingstuff.com/products/33215-rpcm-classic-blue-cooling-vest and today is my first day riding to work in over a month. It sure felt good coming in this morning, but I'll know in about an hour how it felt going home this afternoon when it IS 100. My ride is an hour each way in stop and go traffic. I usually ride daily, until it gets this hot. Now maybe I can stand more heat too.

heat is definitely a problem with us old guys as we're more than half dried out already and then Mother Nature turns up the heat and it seems sometimes no amount of water compensates for the high heat and humidity here in Michigan. Its just not enjoyable when it gets up there and its the same when the temperature goes down, being trussed up like Nanook of the North doesn't make for an enjoyable ride either. I was a lot more tolerant of weather changes when I was 22 but that was many moons ago!

07-28-2015, 06:29 PM
It was in the 90's this weekend, but it had been weeks since I've been out for a ride, so my wife and I just dealt with it. Had fun and found some new curves too.