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View Full Version : Honda Trip planner for F6B'rs

08-23-2015, 02:36 PM
Steve 0080 wanted a way for all member's to share GPS (GPX) files. Without a specific FTP program the only way to do it was to send the files via email or CD or flash. So Steve came up with the idea of a group login for the HONDA Trip planner website. We did a small test and it does work. So you can now log into the website and import or export GPS trips, typically in the GPX format.

Shortcomings of this system?

Anyone can log in and delete files. Don't be a dik and delete someones files. That's easy enough.

We have not had more than two or three users at a time from different PC's. I don't have a clue if it will stop allowing the same user name to log on after so many have logged in. You can help this by not checking the 'stay logged in' check box at the sign in screen. Also you can log out when you are finished with your business.

Virus protection. Make sure you are actively using a virus protection when you import a file. Back to 'there are diks on this planet' and they live to screw it up for the good folks. Be cautious downloading.

So with that, here is the info you need


It's case sensitive, so pay attention or I'll get your momma to slap you.

Here is the web link to the site


Steve 0080
08-23-2015, 04:32 PM
Thanks Stroguy, This was a collaborative effort starting with Big Dawg ( Jimmy ), Stroguy and myself....

This is a great addition to the board. This will allow members to exchange rides in their area and members to copy these files to their GPS. We have the Franklin area covered...feel free to add any of your area...make sure you have a state and area/town in the description !!!

Thanks again to Jimmy and Randy !!!!!!!

I have up loaded 7 routes...enjoy!

08-23-2015, 07:13 PM
Nice work Stroguy. I'm sure a lot of us will use it.


08-24-2015, 07:10 AM
Nice work....thank you Stro and all involved. That will be helpful for next months trip to TN

08-24-2015, 07:19 AM
Thanks Stroguy, This was a collaborative effort starting with Big Dawg ( Jimmy ), Stroguy and myself....

This is a great addition to the board. This will allow members to exchange rides in their area and members to copy these files to their GPS. We have the Franklin area covered...feel free to add any of your area...make sure you have a state and area/town in the description !!!

Thanks again to Jimmy and Randy !!!!!!!

I have up loaded 7 routes...enjoy!

Steve did you add from lake City to Franklin?

Steve 0080
08-24-2015, 07:25 AM
Steve did you add from lake City to Franklin?

No, have not given it a lot of thought...we have taken about 3 different routes up.... let me see if I have time or can sweet talk Jimmy into it ! We usually
just plow North until the GPS says turn left...I do like SR16 though..

08-24-2015, 07:34 AM
You can go to the group site and design and save while you are there.

Big Dawg
08-24-2015, 08:45 AM
Steve did you add from lake City to Franklin?

OK John, I have created 2 more maps and loaded them in the Honda trip planner for you. One is the fastest way from Lake City to Franklin and the other is created using 441 from Lake City all the way to Franklin. You will notice that you will be sitting in the saddle for a couple of extra hours taking 441.

Cheers! See Y'all in Franbklin.

Any other requests? Just give me a shout.

08-24-2015, 09:07 AM
Thanks BD! I just followed Steve Last year.

So for us old slow people we just plug our Garmin in to our computer and select export to gps and like magic it's in the garmin? :clap2:

Big Dawg
08-24-2015, 11:04 AM
Thanks BD! I just followed Steve Last year.

So for us old slow people we just plug our Garmin in to our computer and select export to gps and like magic it's in the garmin? :clap2:

No worries, Steve seent me a message saying you wanted a route up there..

09-03-2015, 06:30 AM
Thank you all, this is a fantastic addition to the site! great work and I am a technically challenged traditionalist! Even I can work it.