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View Full Version : i hate to turn on the news anymore

09-21-2015, 05:22 PM
Seem bad is the main topic these days, nothing good on the new. Here we are living the American dream being lead by Ali Obama and his band of thieves. Seems social security is the next on the chopping block, after they robbed it out of the lock box it was in and spent every last dime on stuff that had nothing good for the American people and then claim it wasn't our money in there.

09-21-2015, 05:39 PM
I feel ya. Our country is going to shit. I already know that SSA is going to be insolvent very soon. I am not banking on it for retirement. I haven't for a long time.

And the rest of the world... in chaos as well. Everyone is living on credit. The bills are due.. and no one is going to be able to pay them.

Hopefully the implosion of this earthly orb will occur; after my wife and I have left of natural causes.

09-21-2015, 05:39 PM
I feel your pain, Seadog :banghead:. There are those in our government today (and one running for office) that should be tried for treason and imprisoned. Frankly, I would vote for a public hanging. I hope and dream for some satisfaction in return for the pain and misery these lowlifes have caused, not to mention the harm they have done to our freedom and way of life :moon:.

09-21-2015, 05:58 PM
SS has been turned into a Ponzi scheme (general fund, no longer a lock box dedicated to it's sole contributors). The US has the lowest labor partition rate in 38 years which is the exact opposite of what a Ponzi scheme needs to stay afloat. When SS finally tanks, will the GuberMint still withhold 15% SSI funds from our checks and how will they justify it ?

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics:


09-21-2015, 06:38 PM
SS will be insolvent without change. There are changes which would have a huge impact. People live longer than ever today - just raise the retirement age. If you told me when I was fifty that i would have to work until 70 before i retire i would have had no problems with the change. I would have simply adjusted my retirement plan to fit. One of the reasons for the SS issues is that there are large factions of our government who want it to fail - social programs which work give conservatives a headache. The liberals will never agree to a change which raises the retirement age - it goes against their nature to reduce the no of people who benefit. It really is a shame that our two parties are so polarized. What is really needed is someone to vote for who is not on the far right or the far left. We need some moderated to take office. Someone who would actually look for solutions and compromises.

opas ride
09-21-2015, 06:45 PM
Seem bad is the main topic these days, nothing good on the new. Here we are living the American dream being lead by Ali Obama and his band of thieves. Seems social security is the next on the chopping block, after they robbed it out of the lock box it was in and spent every last dime on stuff that had nothing good for the American people and then claim it wasn't our money in there.

Seadog my friend, I feel your pain, but NOTHING is going to get better in the future for the average American...Our Government is so out of control and loaded with self serving "assholes" that could give a "rats ass" about you and me..Corruption, lies, plain old BS and bankrupting our system is the name of the game...What a shame our great country has become...Sad, Sad, Sad....Regards and ride safe...

09-21-2015, 07:01 PM
I feel your pain, Seadog :banghead:. There are those in our government today (and one running for office) that should be tried for treason and imprisoned. Frankly, I would vote for a public hanging. I hope and dream for some satisfaction in return for the pain and misery these lowlifes have caused, not to mention the harm they have done to our freedom and way of life :moon:.

Ken I'm with ya on those public hangings. We bring those back and that will help effect Real Change.

09-21-2015, 07:14 PM
Sadly we're quickly approaching the time when we the people are going to have to kill a few people to re-take our country. Always been that way & I see no way around it on the horizon. And that is only if we have enough true patriots that love the country enough to do what's needed.
The Truth is Often Painful

09-21-2015, 07:23 PM
nakednews.com - makes watching the news more fun, even if the news isn't.

09-21-2015, 07:24 PM
It's time to start again with the Divided States of America. Liberals take one half and conservatives take the other. There is no changing sides once the left goes bankrupt.

09-21-2015, 08:15 PM
Sadly we're quickly approaching the time when we the people are going to have to kill a few people to re-take our country. Always been that way & I see no way around it on the horizon. And that is only if we have enough true patriots that love the country enough to do what's needed.
The Truth is Often Painful

We've been down that road I think in the 1800's. If we haven't learned how futile it was to kill our own brothers over politics then we aren't the greatest nation. We aren't Syria, we aren't Vietnam, we aren't Russia. Don't get me wrong that I have no issue over whacking the devoid of morality thug piece of crap and striking down anyone that threatens the freedom of every American. But thinking that the ultimate solution to our issues is killing other Americans.....nah, don't need that. As uncle Ted states, the world sucks but we suck less. Compared to the rest of the world I would say we are doing pretty good. If we are suckered by the false security blanket of SS then we failed in the American Dream of self reliance.

09-21-2015, 08:23 PM
Well said Stro. I'm all for shooting someone that needs to be shot. In this case shooting your neighbor is not the answer. Washington can be changed by your vote. Unfortunately too many people are apathetic. In this country we never have a 60% voter turnout. If we could get an 80% turnout we could change this country. It's not too late. And I'll tell ya , its mostly conservatives that stay home. Killing each other is not the answer. Getting your neighbor to the polls is.

09-21-2015, 08:41 PM
Boy ain't that the truth shooter. If people could understand the power of the vote it would be a better future. I have heard the 'both candidates suck' song for so many years. What could be an easier excuse to be lazy and stay at home on Election Day? Well I say if you put two candidtaes on a scale one of them is going to lean your way, go vote for that one. Because if you don't you lazy azz, guess what.............one of them IS going to be elected, so why not have a voice in it.

09-21-2015, 08:41 PM
"Except for ending slavery, fascism, Nazism, communism, and founding the greatest nation on earth, war has never solved anything."

09-21-2015, 08:44 PM
I have 2 words to say here that sum this entire thing up MONEY and Greed. And thats all I have to say about that.

09-21-2015, 08:47 PM
Slavery still exists, communism is doing fine, Naziism in morphed forms is fine and dandy. Nothing is ever ended in war. A meteor the size of Nebraska has a chance of ending the planets ills.

09-21-2015, 09:07 PM
Some people are alive simply because its against the law to kill them, when anarchy rule they will be the first to go!

09-21-2015, 09:17 PM
War has its place. What some people seem to forget is that everyone has a voice and a right to an opinion and a vote. Guys the liberals outwork us plain and simple. Couple years ago I was at Donelson Cycle on a Saturday morning looking around. On the way home I wanted some Church's Chicken. Got off on Union Blvd in North St. Louis. Now guys North St.Louis is not the best neighborhood to be in. Its the area in the city where most of the shootings and killings take place. The population is predominately black. As I pulled in the parking lot to get my chicken I noticed a large crowd across the street in a vacant lot. A voter registration rally was taking place. I decided to check it out. The Community had organized this. You could pull in and get a burger some chips and a soda and someone would help you to sign up to vote. They had live music , people was dancing and generally having a good time. You could even stay in your car. They had a drive up lane. I was amazed. In my mid fifties , it was the first time I had seen a voter registration rally. I sat there and eat my chicken and watched. That's why conservatives can't win the white house. They , meaning democrats , out work us. I applaud those people and I commend them. They are passionate about their right to vote.

09-21-2015, 09:31 PM
... They are passionate about their right to vote.

It's hard to beat Santa Claus in an election.

in_a_nation_of_children_santa_claus_wins (http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2012/11/07/in_a_nation_of_children_santa_claus_wins)

09-21-2015, 09:38 PM
It's hard to beat Santa Claus in an election.

in_a_nation_of_children_santa_claus_wins (http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2012/11/07/in_a_nation_of_children_santa_claus_wins)

Unless you are from Philadelphia!


09-22-2015, 06:36 AM
It's primary election day in my city and I'm not voting for the first time in years. I don't care anymore. Let the younger generations work it out. We don't vote in new people anyway. Look at Washington and see how many politicians are still there after 30 plus years. Stop complaining, it's obvious that it won't change. I'll finish out my next 25 or so years, SS or not, it doesn't matter.

*The above statement was made under deep depression of not having a bike all season.

09-22-2015, 06:50 AM
That is the voter apathy that is all too exhibited these days. :icon_frown:

There are people in other countries; whom would jump at the chance to influence their government. No matter how small effect they think they would have.

I'll always vote; at least in the general election.

09-22-2015, 07:39 AM
That is the voter apathy that is all too exhibited these days. :icon_frown:

There are people in other countries; whom would jump at the chance to influence their government. No matter how small effect they think they would have.

I'll always vote; at least in the general election.

I haven't missed too many voting opportunities in my 41 years of eligibility, but I have no incentive this year.

09-22-2015, 07:58 AM
I haven't missed too many voting opportunities in my 41 years of eligibility, but I have no incentive this year.

I understand. It is grim. I'll do my best though; as little as it may be; to keep the Hildabeast out of the White House.

09-22-2015, 08:11 AM
Wayne , do me a favor. Go vote. Your vote matters. If you don't go then no complaining is allowed. I know you'll do the right thing.

09-22-2015, 08:44 AM
Wayne , do me a favor. Go vote. Your vote matters. If you don't go then no complaining is allowed. I know you'll do the right thing.

Come on shooter...I'm kind of happy not doing it. Looks like a bunch of young kids and/or morons running for city council and mayor. They threw out the last mayor and he was doing a good job. This one is invisible and is touting his record. I can't take it. I have no clue who to choose. I promise I won't complain.

09-22-2015, 09:18 AM
Wayne we need to he an example for the younger guys on this forum. I know sometimes it leaves a bad taste in your Mouth. I remember McCain........ C'mon buddy. Suck it up. That's it. I've done my part.

09-22-2015, 10:23 AM
Wayne we need to he an example for the younger guys on this forum. I know sometimes it leaves a bad taste in your Mouth. I remember McCain........ C'mon buddy. Suck it up. That's it. I've done my part.

You're a tough guy to ignore

09-22-2015, 10:49 AM
Wayne I just try to do my part in any small way I can. I don't think I'm making an impact but I'm trying. I urge all my customers to vote and threaten my kids with bodily harm. I appreciate you brother. We need more people like you and others on this forum.

09-22-2015, 10:57 AM
How many conservatives here have worked voter registration drives, walked precincts (or call centers) for conservative candidates, posted signs, funded, raised funds or worked voting polls ?

There is a lot more to do than just voting in the final or presidential election. The proper choice (maybe you?) has to get into and past the primaries first (including school board, city council and other local and regional offices).

09-26-2015, 07:12 PM

09-26-2015, 10:20 PM
How many conservatives here have worked voter registration drives, walked precincts (or call centers) for conservative candidates, posted signs, funded, raised funds or worked voting polls ?

There is a lot more to do than just voting in the final or presidential election. The proper choice (maybe you?) has to get into and past the primaries first (including school board, city council and other local and regional offices).

YOU are NOT going to guilt me. I don't work for any candidate. Too busy trying to earn a living; much less trying to propel someone into office on my own dime and time.

I'll vote for whatever presents itself aligned with my views and beliefs. I'll talk to people on the fence and try to convince them of my views. Sometimes I think I've swayed them over. At the least; I'm exercising one of my rights; rather than staying home munching on a bag of Cheetos and flipping to the next Reality TV show.

Take away that bag of Cheetos and that Big Screen TV... you'll have the next American Revolution on hand. Guaranteed. That's what it's going to take.

09-26-2015, 10:47 PM
YOU are NOT going to guilt me. I don't work for any candidate. Too busy trying to earn a living; much less trying to propel someone into office on my own dime and time.

I'll vote for whatever presents itself aligned with my views and beliefs. I'll talk to people on the fence and try to convince them of my views. Sometimes I think I've swayed them over. At the least; I'm exercising one of my rights; rather than staying home munching on a bag of Cheetos and flipping to the next Reality TV show.

Take away that bag of Cheetos and that Big Screen TV... you'll have the next American Revolution on hand. Guaranteed. That's what it's going to take.

Will, ever think of running for office yourself? I hear the bennies are quite good. :icon_wink:

09-27-2015, 08:24 AM
Will, ever think of running for office yourself? I hear the bennies are quite good. :icon_wink:

Nope. That would be like corporate. Too much knifing in the back and ass kissing.

Don't need that stress at all. :icon_wink:

09-27-2015, 01:45 PM
How many conservatives here have worked voter registration drives, walked precincts (or call centers) for conservative candidates, posted signs, funded, raised funds or worked voting polls ?

There is a lot more to do than just voting in the final or presidential election. The proper choice (maybe you?) has to get into and past the primaries first (including school board, city council and other local and regional offices).

I have approximately 600 ft of road frontage between my house and business on a major hwy that I allow conservative candidates to post signage and through my business I contribute to their campaigns. I also hand out leaflets to customers inside and without being pushy am always willing to talk about issues.

09-27-2015, 11:16 PM
I have approximately 600 ft of road frontage between my house and business on a major hwy that I allow conservative candidates to post signage and through my business I contribute to their campaigns. I also hand out leaflets to customers inside and without being pushy am always willing to talk about issues.

Excellent !!!