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11-14-2015, 10:21 AM
I don't think I need to say to much about this picture. Al

11-14-2015, 01:24 PM
Those two men could be the worst thing ever to reside in The White House.

11-14-2015, 01:54 PM
Despicable them :icon_frown:

11-14-2015, 02:25 PM
I think it has been sufficiently proven that this clown was a HUGE mistake. Especially as he can't seem to grasp the difference between 'President' and 'King'.

But, hey...at least he has saved Jimmy Carter from being the worst President on record!


11-14-2015, 04:16 PM
Those two men could be the worst thing ever to reside in The White House.

The scary thing is I don't see anything good coming out of the next election. If Hilliary is going to be the first lady president Im thinking she will finish the job the current clowns have started. Not only that but the mentality that put the current clowns in the white house still exist out there. Al

11-14-2015, 04:24 PM
He may have saved Jimmy Carter, but George W Bush is still in the lead.

11-14-2015, 04:58 PM
He may have saved Jimmy Carter, but George W Bush is still in the lead.

Ahh yes another one.....let's see what we can blame on the man this time around and for how long. I was looking for a Canadain address...
That being said I could stay home if Jeb is the only vote.

11-14-2015, 05:17 PM
I don't think I need to say to much about this picture. Al

They are both a disgrace. Neither one of them are patriots. At least Bush is a patriot. Granted , that was a lackluster performance. We need someone that doesn't bow to the status quo. Someone bold and self confident. Someone who's not afraid to muddy the waters. I'm voting for Trump. Call me a fool but he will at least change things.

11-14-2015, 05:18 PM
The scary thing is I don't see anything good coming out of the next election. If Hilliary is going to be the first lady president Im thinking she will finish the job the current clowns have started. Not only that but the mentality that put the current clowns in the white house still exist out there. Al

I think she'll get the vote. If the current dickhead in the White House got two terms... the Hildebeast won't have any issues getting there either.

I am glad my life is two thirds accomplished. Thus far, being an American was a pretty good deal for me; both idealistically, patriotically and materialistically.


...it's all going to go downhill from here on out. Y'all are in on the downhill ride as well. We are going the way of Rome.

11-14-2015, 05:34 PM
I want to see the hill-billy ticket.
At least it will be a big joke which it is. Unfortunately, I don't think they can be beat.

I was so depressed after Obama got the 2nd term / I went and bought a nice amplifier, subwolfer, and new speakers (polk by the way) for the car. I did not listen to fox news for over a year.
It is almost like our votes just don't matter any more with all the hands sticking straight out begging.

11-14-2015, 05:45 PM
I don't think I need to say to much about this picture. Al



11-14-2015, 05:47 PM

11-14-2015, 06:04 PM

Sadly I am going to vote for him if he get's the GOP nomination.

At least it'll be better than the Hildebeast. However Trump's mouth will probably get us into WW3.

We are damned if we do; and damned if we don't.

11-14-2015, 06:04 PM

11-14-2015, 06:13 PM
However Trump's mouth will probably get us into WW3.

With things going the way they are, we may be headed for WW3 with or without Trump.

Go Donald!

11-14-2015, 06:21 PM
What I'm having a problem with is...Hillary had to resign as Secretary of State because she hit her head and couldn't remember anything. Now she's running for President? Shouldn't she be banished from running for any public office or is she "all better now"?

11-14-2015, 06:31 PM
What I'm having a problem with is...Hillary had to resign as Secretary of State because she hit her head and couldn't remember anything. Now she's running for President? Shouldn't she be banished from running for any public office or is she "all better now"?

Just amazed that we can't find one trustful, honest, lobbyist free, American to run for POTUS.

Politics is really just the art of compromise. You NEVER will get 100% of what you hawk for; unless you do a dope deal behind the scenes with others. That is what our legislative branch has morphed into.

I am still astounded over the fact that Judge Robert's A-ok'ed the ACA. Wonder what kind of dope deals went down over that.. and he's in the judicial branch of government.

I repeat myself... We are going the way of Rome.

History repeats itself.

11-14-2015, 06:39 PM
What I'm having a problem with is...Hillary had to resign as Secretary of State because she hit her head and couldn't remember anything. Now she's running for President? Shouldn't she be banished from running for any public office or is she "all better now"?

Sadly Junkyarddog... the mass of Americans whom vote don't comprehend such observation. Nor do they remember past issues surrounding this "candidate". All they mentally register is the latest provided by the left leaning American media.... and the liberal loving fawning rhetoric that will be ratcheted up; once the general election is approaching.

Many Americans live for the moment these days. Sort of like auto bidding on Ebay. We're pretty much fucked to get a thinking populace to examine the issues and take apart the long standing and entrenched politicos; whom control the direction of our combined futures within this country.

11-14-2015, 07:34 PM
Your thoughts of were going the way of Rome couldn't be more correct in my mind. Its really sad and my only thoughts or solutions at this point is to start over. Boston Tea party time but I think we may be beyond that point as well. Al

11-14-2015, 07:51 PM
Sadly Junkyarddog... the mass of Americans whom vote don't comprehend such observation. Nor do they remember past issues surrounding this "candidate". All they mentally register is the latest provided by the left leaning American media.... and the liberal loving fawning rhetoric that will be ratcheted up; once the general election is approaching.

Many Americans live for the moment these days. Sort of like auto bidding on Ebay. We're pretty much fucked to get a thinking populace to examine the issues and take apart the long standing and entrenched politicos; whom control the direction of our combined futures within this country.


opas ride
11-14-2015, 08:18 PM
Regarding the photo of Michelle Obama, too bad someone can't ship her "stupid" lousy self to Syria and let her figure it out...She would last about 5 minutes before someone "spit in her face"......

11-14-2015, 08:20 PM
This guy is in So Cal and its the same place that produces Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein. I wouldn't expect any other answers to his Sharia law questions. This is the prime example of what I said in another post. The votes are out there to put another loser in office just like the one we have now. Al

11-14-2015, 08:34 PM
Sadly I am going to vote for him if he get's the GOP nomination.

At least it'll be better than the Hildebeast. However Trump's mouth will probably get us into WW3.

We are damned if we do; and damned if we don't.

You know what Will , he may get us into another war but by god I bet he brings back some of the respect we have lost. Nobody fears us anymore. You rule from a stance of Power and Decisiveness. Every skirmish we have been in since Reagan has been fought half-azzed. War is when you go at it as hard and fast as you can for as long as it takes. We peck at it and it causes more casualties for our fighting men. We have the technology to where we don't need boots on the ground till its time to clean up. That's cause politicians are running the Armed Services instead of fighting men.

11-15-2015, 09:09 AM
I do not believe the "Powers that Be" will ever let Trump win. It appears already decided that Clinton will be our next. Just like her NY Senate "win", she will be enshrined and not elected. The election is only "Theater for the Masses" and huge profits for the media.

opas ride
11-15-2015, 12:26 PM
I do not believe the "Powers that Be" will ever let Trump win. It appears already decided that Clinton will be our next. Just like her NY Senate "win", she will be enshrined and not elected. The election is only "Theater for the Masses" and huge profits for the media.

I agree totally and it is a shame that our country has sunk so far as to let this arrogant, lying, deceiving, and totally incompetent "bitch" become the President of the greatest nation on earth!!!....

11-15-2015, 12:36 PM
I agree totally and it is a shame that our country has sunk so far as to let this arrogant, lying, deceiving, and totally incompetent "bitch" become the President of the greatest nation on earth!!!....

She is an effective criminal, liar and obfuscator. Anyone watch yesterday's Dem debate? Someone in the audience called her out for disgracefully invoking the 3,000 murdered on 9/11 to justify her massive crony Wallstreet campaign contributions and she clearly did NOT like getting outed. I am surprised the moderator actually presented the question to her.

If Hitlery gets in, she will be BHO's 3rd term on steroids by exploding BHOcare, executive amnesty and subsequently expanding the ranks of the FSA voting base. She confidently stated that BHO has submitted the courts's injunctions against BHO's illegal executive amnesty to BHO's biased SCOTUS to overrule the lower courts (plural) 26-state lawsuit rulings of his illegal unconstitutional behavior. It appears the "fix is in" and Hitlery outed it.

Hitlery also took credit for the alleged bagging of Bin Laden. Apparently, little Barry Sorento needed her permission to launch the attack.

11-15-2015, 11:50 PM
Good points ya`ll--very good points---can`t wait to see Hill-beast debate against anyone on the Rep side--would love to see Cruz get a shot at her--got a feeling she may weasel her way out of any debates-----Junkyarddog--like your pic of Rotts!!!

11-16-2015, 12:03 AM
THS61, OMG where did you find that video?
These folks don't have the smarts to just admit they don't know what someone else is talking about, let's see how that works out for them in life!!!
hmmm, now where can I get a nice matching set of yellow suspenders/hat like that?

11-16-2015, 07:37 AM

THS61, OMG where did you find that video?
These folks don't have the smarts to just admit they don't know what someone else is talking about, let's see how that works out for them in life!!!
hmmm, now where can I get a nice matching set of yellow suspenders/hat like that?

I would love to see someone do a followup video with each one of those females and explain what Sharia law really means for women; and let them know that the world has witnessed how stupid they are...

11-16-2015, 07:58 AM
Good points ya`ll--very good points---can`t wait to see Hill-beast debate against anyone on the Rep side--would love to see Cruz get a shot at her--got a feeling she may weasel her way out of any debates-----Junkyarddog--like your pic of Rotts!!!

Ted has really got to refine his debate skills. SARCASM


11-16-2015, 12:01 PM
The ISIS-initiated terrorist attacks in Paris prove at least seven things about the policies of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton:

1. Strict gun laws clearly stop mass shootings.

2. ISIS is a JV team.

3. “We have contained” ISIS, as Obama declared on Good Morning America just hours before the attack.

4. We have nothing to worry about by allowing 100,000 Syrian refugees into the America.

5. When Obama proclaims a war is over, the war is over, regardless what the enemy thinks.

6. The police are the problem.

7. Islam has nothing to do with these attacks.

seven-things-the-isis-initiated-attacks-proved-about-the-policies-of-obama-and-clinton (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/11/14/seven-things-the-isis-initiated-attacks-proved-about-the-policies-of-obama-and-clinton/)

11-16-2015, 12:14 PM
The ISIS-initiated terrorist attacks in Paris prove at least seven things about the policies of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton:

1. Strict gun laws clearly stop mass shootings.

2. ISIS is a JV team.

3. “We have contained” ISIS, as Obama declared on Good Morning America just hours before the attack.

4. We have nothing to worry about by allowing 100,000 Syrian refugees into the America.

5. When Obama proclaims a war is over, the war is over, regardless what the enemy thinks.

6. The police are the problem.

7. Islam has nothing to do with these attacks.

seven-things-the-isis-initiated-attacks-proved-about-the-policies-of-obama-and-clinton (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/11/14/seven-things-the-isis-initiated-attacks-proved-about-the-policies-of-obama-and-clinton/):yes:Amen brother.
https://theaggiehipster.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/c68b34f26a6eb944f3ed5120723ae33efe720c855fed6d1080 4a1dc7937670eb.jpg

Retired Army
11-16-2015, 12:54 PM
Lets just change the dynamics of the election and have an all female ballot. It is time to play the sex card. As much as I hate to mention this but Obama will have the legacy of authorizing the killing Osama bin Laden.

11-16-2015, 01:00 PM
Lets just change the dynamics of the election and have an all female ballot. It is time to play the sex card. As much as I hate to mention this but Obama will have the legacy of authorizing the killing Osama bin Laden.

According to Hitlery, it was her decision to do the attach. She instructed BHO to do so.

11-17-2015, 02:16 AM
Sharia Law.

Heaven help us


11-18-2015, 11:32 PM
What Big Larry said!!!!