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View Full Version : What ever happened to football?

Old Ryder
01-10-2016, 10:47 AM
I like--not love football. Baseball and the Yankees and Braves are my main sports interest, but I somewhat follow football --I watch about a single game or parts of 2 or 3 per week--with a passive interest until the playoffs. Living in NC, you have to root for the Panthers and the game with the Giants the other week really turned me off with all the crap going on between the Odell Beckham show and Carolina defense. I was really turned off.

Well last night just about did me in for professional football. I do not really care for the Bengals, but I do hate the Steelers so that kind of forced me to pull for the Bengals. I ended up wishing both teams could have lost. The stupidity on the part of both teams---even a Pittsburgh coach got penalized for unsportsman like conduct. The crown jewel was when Bengals players cost their team a hard fought come from behind victory by giving up 30 yards to Pittsburgh without running a single play and allowing them to win the game because of conduct that would get them arrested outside the stadium. What really ticks me off is that the Steelers were just as bad goading them.

It appears the NFL is looking more and more like the WWF. All that was missing was a player running off the bench with a metal folding chair and hitting somebody on the back of the head while the ref is not looking.

I am so disgusted!!!!! (as if you can't tell)

01-10-2016, 11:05 AM
Not only that which you have mentioned above... the officiating this year sucks too. Terrible calls, missed calls; etc.. :icon_rolleyes:

01-10-2016, 11:11 AM
I'm a Patriots fan, living 40 miles from the stadium, but... I agree. I've toned down my interest in the game, and to be honest , in sports in general. I'm no longer a fanatic, I go to bed before games are over. I'm more about living my life than dying with sports.

01-10-2016, 11:16 AM
I'm a Patriots fan, living 40 miles from the stadium, but... I agree. I've toned down my interest in the game, and to be honest , in sports in general. I'm no longer a fanatic, I go to bed before games are over. I'm more about living my life than dying with sports.

Agree. I do not worship men in tights :icon_lol:

opas ride
01-10-2016, 12:02 PM
Agree. I do not worship men in tights :icon_lol:

I also have lost much interest in Football...The rules "suck", too many flags, wrong calls, boring running plays, way to much "look at me dancing around BS" and I play football but can't read or write attitudes...Have not watched a game from beginning to end in a long time...Oh well, as long as these guys get "huge bucks" for acting like jerks the game will go on!!!....JMHO

Dirtstiff's F6B
01-10-2016, 12:12 PM
I like--not love football. Baseball and the Yankees and Braves are my main sports interest, but I somewhat follow football --I watch about a single game or parts of 2 or 3 per week--with a passive interest until the playoffs. Living in NC, you have to root for the Panthers and the game with the Giants the other week really turned me off with all the crap going on between the Odell Beckham show and Carolina defense. I was really turned off.

Well last night just about did me in for professional football. I do not really care for the Bengals, but I do hate the Steelers so that kind of forced me to pull for the Bengals. I ended up wishing both teams could have lost. The stupidity on the part of both teams---even a Pittsburgh coach got penalized for unsportsman like conduct. The crown jewel was when Bengals players cost their team a hard fought come from behind victory by giving up 30 yards to Pittsburgh without running a single play and allowing them to win the game because of conduct that would get them arrested outside the stadium. What really ticks me off is that the Steelers were just as bad goading them.

It appears the NFL is looking more and more like the WWF. All that was missing was a player running off the bench with a metal folding chair and hitting somebody on the back of the head while the ref is not looking.

I am so disgusted!!!!! (as if you can't tell)

Right on, our feelings exactly. None of these"professionals"
including the coaches, should have the privilege of professional sports. I'd hope there is some discipline headed their way.

01-10-2016, 01:38 PM
I also have lost much interest in Football...The rules "suck", too many flags, wrong calls, boring running plays, way to much "look at me dancing around BS" and I play football but can't read or write attitudes...Have not watched a game from beginning to end in a long time...Oh well, as long as these guys get "huge bucks" for acting like jerks the game will go on!!!....JMHO

Yep, probably the same sentiments from anyone from Detroit. I just may go through my life time and never see the Lions win a Super Bowl.

01-10-2016, 01:50 PM
At least you guys have someone to root for. I have an indignant Rams team that wants a billion dollar stadium or they are leaving. They however can't seem to have a winning season. Its like that Albert Pujols thing. Let em go. Pujols hasn't done anything since he left. The Rams won't do anything until they get new ownership. Wal-Mart shouldn't own a football team. Slashing costs won't get you a winner.

01-10-2016, 02:47 PM
NFL should suspend the Bengal`s LB for at least 4 games for making that hit late in the game--dumb play by a dumb player---agree about most sports--love football, played for six years, but is getting hard to watch---NBA ain`t much better-----still enjoy baseball but just as soon ride the bike and listen to a game on the radio---GO ASTROS!!!!!!

01-10-2016, 03:05 PM
I personally liked the hit by Burfict on AB. This is a game of violence and I want to see violence. You don't want your WR's getting smoked like that, then don't cross the middle. I'll bet Ronnie Lott and Dick Butkis are turning in their .....beds.

01-10-2016, 04:09 PM
I"ve made a living for many years photographing sports. In Texas our Friday Night Football is a big deal & the perspective from the sidelines is exciting. I see a lot of good and bad. What I don't like is the decline in moral character in Players and Coaches alike at all levels. A really good Coach who teaches honorably is not the norm any more. Yes, I still see them, and some good kids, but the Coaches are worried more about keeping their jobs and winning records.

01-10-2016, 04:24 PM
You could always try Rugby, it was the fore-runner to football, it's very similar except no helmets, tights or padding

01-10-2016, 04:32 PM
Now I will punctuate my want for violence like the old days with the need to throw flags whenever these crumbs make a hard hit and then front up or stand over the recipient. That is the unsportsmanlike attitude that is dragging the game down. Make the hit, go back to your sidelines.

01-10-2016, 05:00 PM
BTW that was one spectacular catch by Martavis Bryant for Pittsburg. Sad to see Big Ben hurt.

01-11-2016, 03:50 AM
I would like to see them dial back the officiating and let them play...The hits, attitudes and trash talking have been a part of the game since the beginning...Yes you need to have rules, however if your not going to enforce them unilaterally regardless of the team/player/position involved there's no point. The No Fun League has lost its way...

Steve 0080
01-11-2016, 08:18 AM
Seems like flag football to me... gone are the day of the big crashes and the total fear of catching the ball over the middle ....

Retired Army
01-11-2016, 08:52 AM
I"ve made a living for many years photographing sports. In Texas our Friday Night Football is a big deal & the perspective from the sidelines is exciting. I see a lot of good and bad. What I don't like is the decline in moral character in Players and Coaches alike at all levels. A really good Coach who teaches honorably is not the norm any more. Yes, I still see them, and some good kids, but the Coaches are worried more about keeping their jobs and winning records.

Winning = employment, ask Belichick