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02-12-2016, 10:08 PM

Got a pretty cool hat on Ebay today for $15 bucks :icon_biggrin:

02-12-2016, 11:32 PM
I like that. Thanks for the tip. Just ordered one.

Ray H
02-14-2016, 05:56 PM
Just ordered two of them. Thanks for the heads-up.

opas ride
02-14-2016, 06:53 PM
Just placed my order..Looks like black only available....Ride safe

Cool Hand Luke
02-14-2016, 11:04 PM
If you would like the matching t shirt the same seller has them in many sizes with same text plus your name on the sleeve.

Just look up item number 200797085745 on Ebay to see it. Price ranges from 19.99 to 23.49 with free shipping.


02-14-2016, 11:47 PM
If you would like the matching t shirt the same seller has them in many sizes with same text plus your name on the sleeve.

Just look up item number 200797085745 on Ebay to see it. Price ranges from 19.99 to 23.49 with free shipping.


Gentlemen with all due respect, we have our own T-Shirts and WingStuff has Goldwing merchandise. Lets try to promote within and support the website and it's vendors that make this forum possible. Thanks


More apparel …..


Cool Hand Luke
02-15-2016, 06:50 AM
Gentlemen with all due respect, we have our own T-Shirts and WingStuff has Goldwing merchandise. Lets try to promote within and support the website and it's vendors that make this forum possible. Thanks


More apparel …..


OK, fair enough. I apologize for posting :icon_doh:

I have personally bought several t shirts from the members of this forum and can say they are the top quality and design. In fact, I am wearing one right now...

02-15-2016, 10:34 AM
OK....I don't have my F6B anymore but......unless the sponsored vendors have that specific product I don't see any harm in buying whatever you want....We do live in the USA I think..... unless that has changed I would buy that hat and shirt if I wanted to. Just sayin.......Ride on guys!!!

02-15-2016, 11:38 AM
OK....I don't have my F6B anymore but......unless the sponsored vendors have that specific product I don't see any harm in buying whatever you want....We do live in the USA I think..... unless that has changed I would buy that hat and shirt if I wanted to. Just sayin.......Ride on guys!!!

I want to see and hear about new products. Buy whatever you want, however we ask that everyone take into consideration our supporting vendors. We make sure that our vendors are top notch and not some shady characters operating out of a closet.

Unless you and others start paying for the maintenance and hosting of the forum (membership dues KILL forums), supporting vendors are the ones that pay for the forum that you have enjoyed for free.

This is the USA, however this website is not maintained or hosted for FREE by the US Government. A dumbass tax payer volunteers 1000's of hours every year to run it.

You give no consideration for those of us that make this forum possible and dedicate so much time to it. Take a look at how well the Non-supporting vendors F6B forum is doing….... Nothing is perfect and we must accept reality even though we don't agree with it. All of this forum expense can go away tomorrow by making one easy call and have our website hosting company pull the plug.

FREE loaders have no clue … Nothing is free in this world … Nothing.
Someone has to pay for everything that you enjoy for free. We don't ask for much, it's a fine line that we must balance … we are only asking that you do your best supporting those that support YOU. Is this asking too much ???


02-15-2016, 01:17 PM
I would say that most of the members do....that's all you can ask but it definitely doesn't hurt to put the bug in their ears.....

02-15-2016, 02:40 PM
Gentlemen with all due respect, we have our own T-Shirts and WingStuff has Goldwing merchandise. Lets try to promote within and support the website and it's vendors that make this forum possible. Thanks


More apparel …..

Link for our t- shirts? I may have missed them on this sight. I have only been able to find the F6B official Honda cap and the t-shirt on Wingstuff by knowingly doing a search for those items. Is it ok to say I found a cool "thing-ama-jig" with apart # , at, if there is no direct link?

02-15-2016, 05:49 PM
Phantom and I have had at least a couple of conversations on this very subject...that is, the subject of supporting our vendors. No doubt, there is a fine line between supporting those vendors and recognizing a non-supporting vendor with a great product. I don't believe Tony is suggesting to have blinders on to new and great products but is simply reminding all of us to always first look to our supporting vendors. Otherwise, why would those vendors continue to support this forum? If they don't offer the product that we want or are not competitive with other offers then, by all means, I support looking elsewhere. But, we do owe them the first look. I think many of you would be surprised to know all that Tony does to make sure we have solid vendors and that they support our forum. This is no easy task but it is one of the main reasons we still have such a vibrant and active forum :2cents:.

02-15-2016, 08:30 PM
Link for our t- shirts? I may have missed them on this sight. I have only been able to find the F6B official Honda cap and the t-shirt on Wingstuff by knowingly doing a search for those items. Is it ok to say I found a cool "thing-ama-jig" with apart # , at, if there is no direct link?

We currently have a limited amount of specific sizes. Just send me a PM with what you are looking for ….

Phantom and I have had at least a couple of conversations on this very subject...that is, the subject of supporting our vendors. No doubt, there is a fine line between supporting those vendors and recognizing a non-supporting vendor with a great product. I don't believe Tony is suggesting to have blinders on to new and great products but is simply reminding all of us to always first look to our supporting vendors. Otherwise, why would those vendors continue to support this forum? If they don't offer the product that we want or are not competitive with other offers then, by all means, I support looking elsewhere. But, we do owe them the first look. I think many of you would be surprised to know all that Tony does to make sure we have solid vendors and that they support our forum. This is no easy task but it is one of the main reasons we still have such a vibrant and active forum :2cents:.

Thanks again Ken … I owe you a beer or two :icon_cool::yes: