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View Full Version : Night Owls vs Morning Larks

04-21-2016, 03:16 AM
I've been working backshift 12's for the last week and a half. It's been fun reading the posts/responses as the various forum members cycle on an off thru the evening. Even the dead spot when most of the west coasters are done for the night but before the east coasters start their days. Plus the random posts from around the world.

So my question is this: Are B riders more Night Owls, Morning Larks or Hummingbirds?

04-21-2016, 04:32 AM
It's 5:32 am....east coast. There's my answer! I'm in bed by 9 pm most nights.

04-21-2016, 04:55 AM
Go to bed pretty much when I want and get up early, from the working days, so I am a bit of both, mostly a morning lark, need help to be a good night owl.

04-21-2016, 05:26 AM
Been an early riser ever since I was in the military; that darn internal alarm clock is permanently fixated inside of me. Now retired from that; I work in I.T. from home these days. My "office" is roughly 12 paces away from the bedroom. Always up at 0500 hours to get on the network and attend to issues that take me virtually all over the globe. Along with my work laptop; I simultaneously use my personal desktop to pursue my other Internet interests (like this forum and it's participants) so it is nice to be able to do that in the quiet of the early morning; sipping coffee while in my work clothes (bathrobe normally :icon_lol: ) before the bulk of the day arrives and ramps up with activity. :icon_cool:

04-21-2016, 07:01 AM
I'm a night owl who works high school hours, which means I'm pretty much running on coffee all the time. Sleeping gets in the way of living.

04-21-2016, 10:08 AM
felonious babysitter here working grave shift for the last 3- 1/2 years, keeps me out of the Arizona heat, plus I love driving at night

04-21-2016, 10:16 AM
Morning person here. I usually don't get to bed before midnight and wake up at sunrise. Can't sleep when the sun is shining.
Love taking morning rides.

04-21-2016, 02:53 PM
I'll sleep when I die...I have no need to rest or be awake at a certain times. I do 4 to 5 hrs of sleep every 24 hrs then I'm good to go, it might be midnight or it might be noon or anywhere in between when I get up and start my next wakeful retirement cycle, been that way for over 10 yrs.
I play in my shop at all hrs of the day or night, but try and keep the real loud noises down like running engines or shooting late at night so I don't get neighbors to upset, but they all know me and usually ask what I'm working on when they hear me late at night or 3 AM.:icon_biggrin:

04-21-2016, 07:49 PM
In complete spite of wearing a uniform for 28 years, I am a night person.
Prime operating hours are 2200-0200.
Unfortunately, people like me around before 1000 usually, so I must compensate, sometimes most un-willfully.
Coffee is my friend.

04-21-2016, 10:21 PM
In complete spite of wearing a uniform for 28 years, I am a night person.
Prime operating hours are 2200-0200.
Unfortunately, people like me around before 1000 usually, so I must compensate, sometimes most un-willfully.
Coffee is my friend.

Well I have an accounting business(taxes and book keeping) by day and work the night shift at a casino at night (benefits baby!!!) so I'm usually on night hours when I am "working" my night job as a supervisor........


04-22-2016, 11:24 AM
I'm all over the place on this one. I usually get up at 5-6am and fall asleep at 1-2am on weekdays. Weekends I sleep in to about 7-8am and nap an hour around 5pm to wake back up a and piddle around up to 3 or 4am, then crash again. Nothing consistent. Between all the constant honey-do's, the day job, my personal interests, along with riding, I still wish days were longer and we didn't require any sleep.

04-22-2016, 11:28 AM
It's 5:32 am....east coast. There's my answer! I'm in bed by 9 pm most nights.

Ditto. Even the weekends.

04-22-2016, 12:00 PM
Ditto. Even the weekends.

I went to a concert with my son Tuesday night in Boston...got home at 1am. I was toast all day Wednesday.

04-22-2016, 12:16 PM
Early to rise and late to bed. I'm bored when I'm not moving and I like to get my chores done first to maximize my play time.

Bob Penn
04-23-2016, 08:15 AM
AAHHH, the beauty of true retirement. When I'm tired I lay down. But some times I wake up tired from doing nothing so I do what comes natural I roll over and take a nap!
If I have something that I really want or have to do I'll have that extra cup of Joe to keep me running until the task is done. As a reward that usually leads to a longer after nap.
What are all these numbers you guys are talking about? I kind of remember something about AM and PM but I can't remember what that was all about either.
Did you ever think that your need for sleep stems from the hopes that you will again experience a wet dream from your past youth.:jerkit::nono:
If your having trouble falling asleep put the TV on; with today's programming you'll be out like a light in no time, but at your age forget the dream.

PS. Old men are not dead we just smell that way.:039:

Steve 0080
04-23-2016, 08:29 AM
I'm with Larry on this one, I'll rest when I'm dead.... Having said that I cannot come up with a reason to be up when the sun comes up! I detest the morning!!! A good time to get out of bed is before 0900 as some have noted, I force myself to go to bed before 0300. Sometimes I fail!. I never let sleep get in the way of something going on!

04-23-2016, 12:25 PM
AAHHH, the beauty of true retirement. When I'm tired I lay down. But some times I wake up tired from doing nothing so I do what comes natural I roll over and take a nap!
If I have something that I really want or have to do I'll have that extra cup of Joe to keep me running until the task is done. As a reward that usually leads to a longer after nap.
What are all these numbers you guys are talking about? I kind of remember something about AM and PM but I can't remember what that was all about either.
Did you ever think that your need for sleep stems from the hopes that you will again experience a wet dream from your past youth.:jerkit::nono:
If your having trouble falling asleep put the TV on; with today's programming you'll be out like a light in no time, but at your age forget the dream.

PS. Old men are not dead we just smell that way.:039:

Bob could not of said it better.Heck I've been retired so long now I don't even know what day it is and really could not care less.Real men take naps-LOL.

04-23-2016, 07:20 PM
Sleeping gets in the way of living.

And, Don't let school get in the way of your education.

04-23-2016, 07:22 PM
Bob could not of said it better.Heck I've been retired so long now I don't even know what day it is and really could not care less.Real men take naps-LOL.

I have a friend who retired a few years ago. He has trouble tracking days of the week too but knows "big paper day" is Sunday. :icon_biggrin:

04-23-2016, 07:23 PM
Have always functioned better at night. Learned to get up early to put myself in sync with life. Never in bed before 12-1 am. drinking coffee at 7.

04-23-2016, 11:09 PM
I have a friend who retired a few years ago. He has trouble tracking days of the week too but knows "big paper day" is Sunday. :icon_biggrin:

I also retired in 2000, and like a few here for me every day is Saturday and every night id Friday night.
I am up late and up early to get to the gym by 5am.
I have to admit I go to the gym early to get out of my girls way so she can get to work.
Also love a good early AM rid

04-25-2016, 10:02 AM
I'm retired, so I am a bit of both. 30 years in the Army made me an early riser...but there was no real set time to be done for the day. So I am accustomed to being up all night.

Now I can follow this pattern:

Go to the gym and work out hard, then "Eat until I'm tired; sleep until I'm hungry"!

04-25-2016, 11:36 AM
Up at 4:00 AM and usually down by 6:30 - 7:30 PM.
Morning person and love to ride morning fresh !

04-27-2016, 06:45 AM
I like watching the sun come up, so being an early riser but also liking some late nights and at least getting 5 to 6 hour sleep is all I have ever needed to make my day work for me. I ran nights for work for a good number of years but was never really comfortable with being up all night. Being retired now time is irrelevant.