View Full Version : Advanced Rider Training

06-07-2016, 09:16 AM
Copper Mike and myself spent the 6th on a go kart race track with 11 other riders. Every kind of bike was there. We had signed up for this course to improve our skills, even tho both of us have ridden for many years and taken several classes. This course has turns, switchbacks, and a long straightaway. It was really worth it. We did over 50 miles riding the course. The instructors are well known riders. The lead instructor set up the original training for the motor officers of the Oregon State Police and they still use it today. This class is also the same training any motor officer takes, they just use their work bikes and we use our fun bikes. I read off the temp on the track and it came up at 118 degrees. It was a very hot day in Pacific N.W.
I have attached some pics of the bikes & course. They would have you run the course both directions and also would change it by cutting off some of the routes. It was very good training and while you learned a lot, you need to go forward and continue practicing. I recommend a similar class for anyone.

Retired Army
06-07-2016, 09:23 AM
You received a bonus, hot weather riding training thrown at no extra cost.

06-07-2016, 09:31 AM
Roger that!

06-07-2016, 09:58 AM
How did you find out about this course, and how much did it cost?

06-07-2016, 04:45 PM
It was through Oregon's equivilant of MSF. It cost us $150.00, which in retrospect was worth it. It by far is the best course I have ever taken. Might redo next years too. Just to whittle away at my driving flaws. Time will tell, as I plan on using the info we gained to the best I can.
Anyway check your State's MSF program and if you are comfortable with the this type of class, go for the Advance Class they may offer. If not comfortable, see if there is an intermediate class and take it. Then fine tune and check again on the advance class. What ever is best suited to you and your riding style.

06-07-2016, 09:36 PM
Some further information:
The MSF offers a one day course which has gone through several name changes recently:
ERC - Experienced Riders Course
BRC2 - Beginners Rider Course "2"
BRC2U - Beginners Rider Course 2 "upgraded"
This one day class has some classroom and lots of range, but you are on your bike and the coaches tailor their comments for your style of riding and bike.

The next level is the Advanced Riders Course or ARC.
Again, one day, classroom and range, a bit "peppier" and more technical than the BRC2, and you are on your own bike.

More info: msf-usa.org

Many states and Harley Davidson have made "adaptations" of these curricula to fit their state requirements for training.
It looks like Oregon has done a great job at that as well.