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06-12-2016, 07:36 PM
I know I have this thread on accessories an realized why ? Sorry for not paying attention.Anyhow,just learned of cuz crashING his harley after going left of center he was killed..This morning rolled the B out an just couldn't ride her.Wondering if any u guys or gals have felt same after close acquaintance crash.I will ride tomorrow and thanx to all responses

06-12-2016, 07:46 PM
That sucks big time, my deepest sympathy to both you and his family.

I doubt however he would want you to quit riding. So ride in his honor and keep his memory alive.

Wing'n it
06-12-2016, 07:50 PM
I had some good friends killed in Tenn a few years back when a dope head went left of center and killed him and his wife instantly. He had been waiting for her to retire so they could take this trip on their Harley and when they finally got to go they was killed. This whole mess got me to thinking and caused me to sell my 02 Wing.

06-12-2016, 08:00 PM
Its hard to deal with. All you can do is to do everything I your power to not let it happen to you. Focus and minimize your mistakes. You have to believe that every car is gonna pull out on you , every corner a car will be on your side of the line. You can still have fun , you just can't ever slack up. Sorry for your loss. It ts never easy. Ride with purpose.

06-12-2016, 08:43 PM
I'm gonna say give it a short rest for now just because your mind is distracted. After a few days when things are settled by all means get out there and ride.
My condolences on your loss.

06-12-2016, 08:59 PM
My deepest condolences.

Nothing in this scenario is your control. Motorcycle riders are controllers by nature and this affects all of us to varying degrees.
I've lost friends to motorcycle mishaps (can't call them accidents) and military mishaps.
I've buried a daughter.
I've licensed people to ride motorcycles, and learned after a certain period they were somehow killed on a motorcycle.
Summary: dealt with this many times.

My technique:
- allow grief to occur.
- set aside a period of time for grieving.
- as mentioned already, KNOW that the person you've lost wouldn't want you to stop doing something because that's what got them.
- Raise a glass in their honor at family reunions and gatherings - never forget them.
- pray for peace, tranquility, and acceptance for yourself and whomever else needs it.
- ride again when you are ready - and don't be shamed into not riding because you might feel it disrespectful. As mentioned already - ride in their memory and let your cuz ride with you in spirit.

Peace to you and your family & friends.

Steve 0080
06-12-2016, 09:46 PM

Has anyone walked out to get on their bike and then said no and went back into the house, ever pull up to an intersection and for no known reason turn right when you have ALWAYS turned left, ever been with someone who ran out of gas and made you sit along side the road for an hour only to see a bad wreck up the road after you got moving? I have experienced all of the above and some...makes you think !!!

Ixol Phaane
06-12-2016, 09:48 PM
Well said, 53driver. :yes:

Blk6bgg6... sorry for your loss.

06-12-2016, 10:39 PM

Has anyone walked out to get on their bike and then said no and went back into the house

All the time.
I even made it halfway down the block, and turned around and put the bike away.

06-13-2016, 09:57 AM
Has anyone walked out to get on their bike and then said no and went back into the house.....makes you think !!!

Yes, some days one the voices in my head seems to drown the others and ring especially true.
Walked out to a helicopter more than once, got within about 50' and stopped, and turned back to Maintenance Control.
The "time-space-Force" continuum was just not in my favor.
I've learned to listen to that voice.

06-13-2016, 10:06 AM

Has anyone walked out to get on their bike and then said no and went back into the house, ever pull up to an intersection and for no known reason turn right when you have ALWAYS turned left, ever been with someone who ran out of gas and made you sit along side the road for an hour only to see a bad wreck up the road after you got moving? I have experienced all of the above and some...makes you think !!!

Just yesterday. Was going to go on the MD COPS Ride, and knew I wasn't up for it.

Sat on the sofa and just got fatter instead.

Old Ryder
06-13-2016, 10:07 AM
It was a winter morning with rain and a bike crossed center line looking for the reserve valve and clipped a 18 wheeler coming the other way. He lived but lost a leg. It was dark but the scene was very ugly. My secretary at the time had a relative who worked at the hospital and gave me the complete story. I had a son on the way and decided to sell my 1980 CB 750 Custom. Always kept my endorsement and a friend let me ride his Shadow back in 2004 and the bug bit again.

On the way back from bike week a few years ago, it was raining (again) and about mile marker 53 in Georgia we came upon a massive accident that killed 5 bikers on their way home. It shook my wife pretty bad. Harley parts were on the highway--in the woods and scattered everywhere. She couldn't drive after that and suggested I sell out---again. I learned my lesson the first time and that wasn't happening again.

July 15th, 2011 was the worst day of my life to date. My son in law was killed on the same I 95, 60 miles further south leaving my daughter and 2 sons--9 and 4 years old. He owned an ATV and my wife was sure he was going to end up in a wheelchair from that. She was wrong and it was his pickup truck that did him in. I still hate I 95 but drive it when I have to. I had a cousin killed at 18 on a borrowed bike. Yes he was riding over his head at night being a fool.

Here is the way I look at it. Riding a bike is more dangerous that driving a car. People die in cars, too. Sitting on your couch is safe, but you can choke on popcorn sitting there watching a movie. I refuse to sit on a couch and watch life pass by just because...................

Life is precious and meant to be enjoyed. I don't do foolhardy things and stack the odds whenever I can.

Driver, I can't even imaging what it is like to bury a daughter. Doesn't matter how long ago it has been---my heart goes out to you.

BTW--my daughter has an R6.

06-13-2016, 10:17 AM
Sorry for your loss. Yes I've dealt with this. You were wise to not ride while your head is not 100% in the game. I know it's no comparison, and don't get me wrong, but I begged off on a group ride through Angeles Crest the day after my dog died, I just wasn't mentally there. I didn't want to endanger myself or others in the group because I was distracted.

06-13-2016, 10:19 AM
...Driver, I can't even imaging what it is like to bury a daughter. Doesn't matter how long ago it has been---my heart goes out to you.
BTW--my daughter has an R6.

Cheers, thanks.
She would have been 28 next month.

06-13-2016, 10:20 AM
....the day after my dog died, I just wasn't mentally there. I didn't want to endanger myself or others in the group because I was distracted.

Good on you!

06-13-2016, 02:10 PM
I'm also sorry to learn of your recent loss Blk6bgg6.

Anytime I hear of a motorcyclist losing their life; it chills me somewhat. There but for the grace of god go the rest of us.

I remember when I got back in motorcycling over 10 years ago; the Honda salesman that sold me my VTX1300 R was killed shortly thereafter. Someone pulled a left hand turn in from on him while he was on his newly acquired Valkyrie.

I had a lot of 2nd thoughts about getting back on a motorcycle for quite awhile... after that awful incident.

06-14-2016, 09:19 AM
It's actually a good thing to have an understanding of our mortality. I for one am much more careful when riding and where I ride at 53, then when in my 20s.

Not a month goes by when I'm not threatened by a car that's in my lane on a two lane road, or somebody cutting me off. Texting drivers are the worst of the threats now, and I'm always looking out for them as well.

That all said, we have to live our lives. Not taking unnecessary risks, but understanding that life is a risk including doing what we love to do.

06-14-2016, 12:09 PM
Sorry for your loss.

I was pushed left of the white line coming in this morning.
It seems much worse than 15 to 20 years ago.
People are in such a hurry and are much less considerate on the roads nowadays.

I've told my wife, "No regrets, it is a part of me."
I'm sure all our lost ones would say the same to us.
I remember my friend when I ride, I'll never forget him because I do.

06-15-2016, 07:10 PM
Thanx all condolenses,..and to u all same,as u have similar an closer to home tragedies.Back on the bike an loving it ,great forum I learn so much.