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07-16-2016, 02:00 PM
The morning of the 20th, I rode to work on my normal route. I decided to ride in my work clothes consisting of a polo and shorts. I wore a shorty helmet also. On an off ramp from the highway there is a continuous right turn into flowing traffic on a down slope, and this morning a diesel spill got me, things got sideways and I corrected, then is went back down and pinned my left leg, sliding I hit dry pavement and was flung off landing on my left shoulder. So seeing a surgeon the 27th about a seperated shoulder grade 4, limping and suprised the bike is in decent shape. Crash bars are scraped on the right side, aero peg pin bent a bit, the right mirror folded up and broke the madstad base plate corner off, also the inside mirror fram is broken and is not listed as a seperate part to be ordered on the sites I have looked, a new whole right mirror might be the only way to get it. My friend was in traffic during this and rode her home as I rode in the ambulance. Also found out comprehensive coverage wont pay for my medical bills, health coverage at work doubled this year so I opted out. Still on the sunny side of dirt though.

07-16-2016, 02:11 PM
The morning of the 20th, I rode to work on my normal route. I decided to ride in my work clothes consisting of a polo and shorts. I wore a shorty helmet also. On an off ramp from the highway there is a continuous right turn into flowing traffic on a down slope, and this morning a diesel spill got me, things got sideways and I corrected, then is went back down and pinned my left leg, sliding I hit dry pavement and was flung off landing on my left shoulder. So seeing a surgeon the 27th about a seperated shoulder grade 4, limping and suprised the bike is in decent shape. Crash bars are scraped on the right side, aero peg pin bent a bit, the right mirror folded up and broke the madstad base plate corner off, also the inside mirror fram is broken and is not listed as a seperate part to be ordered on the sites I have looked, a new whole right mirror might be the only way to get it. My friend was in traffic during this and rode her home as I rode in the ambulance. Also found out comprehensive coverage wont pay for my medical bills, health coverage at work doubled this year so I opted out. Still on the sunny side of dirt though.

Wow sorry to hear about your situation.Sounds like you lucked out not taking all the skin off your leg,Amazing how these bikes will protect the main stuff when going down.Hope all goes well with your shoulder and you are back riding soon.

07-16-2016, 02:19 PM

07-16-2016, 02:23 PM

07-16-2016, 02:26 PM
Sorry to hear of your incident. I wish you a speedy recovery.

07-16-2016, 02:34 PM

Where in Cols?

07-16-2016, 02:49 PM
Diesel fuel on the road is slippier than snake chit. Always careful going into/out of gas stations myself.

Probably some truck had it fuel cap off and took that turnoff hard, sloshing diesel fuel out onto the roadway?

Hope you get all healed up without issues.

07-16-2016, 02:50 PM
Sorry to hear about the accident. I hope your shoulder is not too bad and you recover quickly. We all take chances on short rides maybe this will remind us all to wear our gear more often. It is usually something out of our control that gets us in trouble.

07-16-2016, 05:16 PM
Geronimo, here's to a speedy recovery. Let me dig through my parts box and see if I have anything for your right mirror. It is around $156 to replace completely. As for the hard parts, if the crash bars aren't bent up you can hit them with a scotchbrite pad and send them to a powder coater. They will cost you about $200 to replace them both and around $20 to get them coated. You can do the same for the aero peg.

Steve 0080
07-16-2016, 06:08 PM
Sounds like a good day...can always be worse....Hope you heal well, the bike can be fixed !!!!!

The shorts looks like they saved your legs !!!

07-16-2016, 07:03 PM
Good luck, hopefully you have a speedy recovery.

07-16-2016, 07:09 PM
Wow, that sucks. Sorry to hear this. It's a reminder that occasionally we can succumb to events beyond anyone's control. The outcome would have been much worse on a traditional cruiser. Get rest, heal up.

07-16-2016, 07:32 PM
Get well soon.

07-16-2016, 07:50 PM
Simon, it was on I71 southbound at the frank road/104 exit east, a lot of tar patching and that morning extra special sauce. Thanks everyone, usually I ride in Icon elsinore hp boots and Duluth pants(convinced to get them from here) and Fox creek leather, just an odd morning thinking it would be too hot later, sweat is easier to wipe off. The bars will just be touched up, not sure if I will try to replace the madstad mounting plate, just the mirror needs attention or super glue.

07-16-2016, 07:55 PM
http://cdn1.bikebandit-images.com/schematics/schematics/honda/hon018/hm0713032072.gif I will take the mirror off but not sure if 9 is cracked and whatever screws 14 screw to is cracked. I guess I can post a wtb add later. Any spare parts I will buy or trade for. Thanks again, not many sites I am on anymore.

07-16-2016, 07:55 PM
Glad you are able to post, walk, and yes, breathe!
Speedy recovery!

07-16-2016, 09:34 PM
It could have been a lot worse for sure, bikes are repairable but you will heal thanks to having a good bike under you, those crash bars are worth they weight in gold.

07-16-2016, 09:45 PM
http://cdn1.bikebandit-images.com/schematics/schematics/honda/hon018/hm0713032072.gif I will take the mirror off but not sure if 9 is cracked and whatever screws 14 screw to is cracked. I guess I can post a wtb add later. Any spare parts I will buy or trade for. Thanks again, not many sites I am on anymore.

I checked my bin and all I have is the glass and the amber housing. You're welcome to those if you need them.

i did a quick search for mirror brackets and found the following. May be some cheap knockoffs, but it's only holding the mirror.

http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2053587.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xgl1800+mi rror+bracket.TRS0&_nkw=gl1800+mirror+bracket&_sacat=0

07-17-2016, 12:43 AM
Simon, it was on I71 southbound at the frank road/104 exit east, a lot of tar patching and that morning extra special sauce....

Oddly, my first time down was on 104 just south of that exit. But...that was back about '79 or '80. (Lived in Grandview, worked just north of Chillicothe at the time)

That whole area used to be popular for fuel and oil spills. That was back when the 'trash burning power plant' was still in operation...all kinds of crap on the roads around there.

Sorry for your pain, Man.


yellow rex
07-17-2016, 02:07 AM
Hope you have a speedy recovery on the insurance part I have State Farm and I can use the medical from my car or truck if I crash the
You may check your company or state law to see if it will apply in your case.

114th COBRA
07-17-2016, 07:08 AM
Sorry to see about your mis-hap. Hope you have a fast recovery and restoration of your B.

07-17-2016, 10:12 AM
Very sorry to hear of your accident and injuries. But shorts on a bike? Again, I truely hope you recover fast and that you are able to ride again soon. I had an accident many years ago, but I used to never wear a helmet (at that time the state didn't mandate it). I looked like rain later in the day so I wore it keep from getting beat to death with rain drops. Long story short, I came to a stop light, it went green and a car ran the red. Caught me broadside and the helmet hit the ground and the sound it made told me I was lucky. Sounded like a 12 guage going off next to my ear. If I had not had it that day, i would be seriously injured for life or dead. Since that day, I ride with a helmet.

Please remember your near miss and correct accordingly. Get better soon!!!

07-17-2016, 04:14 PM
If you don't have a shoulder surgeon Dr Willard is good and down to earth had work done by him and would go back works out of east side Taylor station? By Mt Carmel east , that intersection is not good lot of truck traffic.....

07-17-2016, 05:00 PM
Agreed Python , not taking that way again. Mainly wanted to show my mistake, even though we all should have a choice(clothing,insurance etc). Also how well the bike held up. So others can learn,

07-17-2016, 05:42 PM
Agreed Python , not taking that way again. Mainly wanted to show my mistake, even though we all should have a choice(clothing,insurance etc). Also how well the bike held up. So others can learn,

Geronimo... Thanks for posting. As you probably knew while you were initially posting this thread; there was going to be "armchair quarterbacking" in response to it.

I take your thread as a subtle reminder that this can happen to ANY of US at ANY time... appreciate your update and I hope your shoulder gets better with minimal financial impact and pain.

Hope to see you at the Rally. :icon_cool:

07-17-2016, 08:09 PM
I just wanted to let Geronimo know that sharing this has impacted someone...me. I had starting to slack on my ATGATT philosophy; in fact, for this first time in four years, I rode home last week in shorts and a T-shirt. A few trips before that, I rode without my armor jacket - a rarity for me since my 2012 accident.

I am back to my hot armor jacket and fluorescent vest every time. Also, I went into a local parking lot and brushed up on my low speed maneuvers. After a short warm up, and remembering my Ride Like A Pro tips, I was able to do lock-to-lock figure 8s again.

Good thing, because 1/4 mile from that lot, a guy pulled out in front of me. :banghead:

Anyway, thanks for sharing, your pain and suffering did result in a "re-alignment" to at least one person's apparel and practice habits.