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View Full Version : Hillary Clinton Hires Debbie Wasserman Schultz

07-25-2016, 10:32 AM

I don't usually post political stuff, but this one confuses me. I thought she would try to do something to woo Bernie supporters. Instead, she does this and pisses them off even more. The only thing I can think of is Schults has lots of dirt on Hillary. But, even if that was the case, why not offer her something after the election?

07-25-2016, 11:28 AM
Yeah , Billary owes her some big favors and its pay up time.

opas ride
07-25-2016, 03:39 PM
God help the USA if that "pompous lying bitch" becomes President.....What has happened to America??....Regards

07-25-2016, 04:12 PM
God help the USA if that "pompous lying bitch" becomes President.....What has happened to America??....Regards

Opas... we are going the way of Rome. Moral decay and corruption from the inside.

This great country is not going to last. Because history always repeats itself.

07-25-2016, 04:14 PM
It's more amazing that we have voting citizens that will consciously choose to wear blinders and deny the truth. 'Deflect baby, deflect baby....it helps me sleep'.

07-25-2016, 04:22 PM
Opas... we are going the way of Rome. Moral decay and corruption from the inside.

This great country is not going to last. Because history always repeats itself.

If Billary wins. That's it. Like Will says , we are done.

07-25-2016, 04:36 PM
I predicted she would get a new position with a big raise. It is the political way.

No politician/government official ever gets fired, they just get re-assigned with benefits.


07-25-2016, 04:51 PM
It's more amazing that we have voting citizens that will consciously choose to wear blinders and deny the truth. 'Deflect baby, deflect baby....it helps me sleep'.

They don't even believe the truth Stro. They believe the truth as told by a pathological liar. Don't give them anything real. They don't want to hear it.

07-25-2016, 04:57 PM
Hate trump and Republican agenda so hillary ok with me. Now if kassich was running would vote for him

07-25-2016, 05:10 PM
Well Trump doesn't like the Republican agenda either. Maybe you should reconsider. He has done nothing but bash the status quo Republican fleas that infest the party. Maybe you should reconsider.

07-25-2016, 05:43 PM
What else does anyone need to know beyond America has been destroyed from within for the past 8 years. Why would any sane person want that to continue??? Some people need to get beyond their political loyalties and wake up!!!!

07-25-2016, 05:47 PM
What else does anyone need to know beyond America has been destroyed from within for the past 8 years. Why would any sane person want that to continue??? Some people need to get beyond their political loyalties and wake up!!!!

When big screen TV's and bags of Cheetos are deemed illegal and confiscation of such mentioned items ensues...

...then the people will wake up and protest. It will be too late though.

07-25-2016, 06:14 PM
Can any democrat in the last 30 years and over that 30 years maintain this consistency?


Steve 0080
07-25-2016, 07:55 PM
What else does anyone need to know beyond America has been destroyed from within for the past 8 years. Why would any sane person want that to continue??? Some people need to get beyond their political loyalties and wake up!!!!

I for one cannot begin to understand how anyone could vote for the woman. OK she is the poster child for being a lesbian, OK she cannot tell the truth, OK I would not leave a child with her unattended. She is a proven liar and cares not for one second for the common man except a vote.

OK Trump is loud and boisterous. So...He has made millions being a good business man. Our country is a business. It is time we hired one to run it. If for no other reason this one is good enough for me.

opas ride
07-25-2016, 08:13 PM
I for one cannot begin to understand how anyone could vote for the woman. OK she is the poster child for being a lesbian, OK she cannot tell the truth, OK I would not leave a child with her unattended. She is a proven liar and cares not for one second for the common man except a vote.

OK Trump is loud and boisterous. So...He has made millions being a good business man. Our country is a business. It is time we hired one to run it. If for no other reason this one is good enough for me.

I agree and just cannot understand how any fair minded person with a least 1/2 a brain would vote for this "sorry excuse for a human being"..Trump has his faults, as do most of us, but to place a known liar, crook, and useless piece of "political shit" in charge of the USA is very troubling and scary.....But as they say "the MASSES ARE ASSES".....JMHO

07-25-2016, 08:34 PM
Just saw a poll on local news that puts Trump ahead 47% to 37% among women voters. I've always said that women don't like bitches.

07-25-2016, 09:22 PM
On the bright side, Hillary and Bill have a lot in common.


The gift that keeps on giving.

WikiLeaks Promises More Email Dumps Featuring Hillary Clinton (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2016/07/25/wikileaks-promises-more-email-dumps-featuring-hillary-clinton-n2197533)

But the damage WikiLeaks has done to Democrats so far isn't over. According to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, the website will publish more hacked emails and this time, they'll be about Hillary Clinton and her ongoing private email server scandal.

Julian Assange has made an incredible statement in an interview with ITV. Assange says that Wikileaks, the infamous whistle-blowing website, will soon be publishing documents that contain “enough evidence” for the Department of Justice to indict Hillary Clinton, the expected Democratic nominee.

07-25-2016, 09:27 PM
I agree and just cannot understand how any fair minded person with a least 1/2 a brain would vote for this "sorry excuse for a human being"..Trump has his faults, as do most of us, but to place a known liar, crook, and useless piece of "political shit" in charge of the USA is very troubling and scary.....But as they say "the MASSES ARE ASSES".....JMHO

Hi Opas,
There's a very simple answer to your question. ENTITLEMENTS
The Democrats exist to give away the farm, and as long as someone wants to sit on their ass and wait for the mailman to deliver their entitlements, they'll turn out
in numbers to vote for whoever is handing out the checks. We have 5th and 6th generation families living on entitlements, they know nothing else.

On the other hand, the people who are recipients of entitlement programs were never informed of the following, nor do they care.
Truth No. 1: Entitlement programs are huge, expensive, and reach into every corner of American life.
Truth No. 2: Entitlement programs are not self-funding and are a main driver of deficits.
Truth No. 3: Entitlement costs are growing at an alarming rate.
Truth No. 4: Longer life expectancies, changing demographics, and soaring costs explain why entitlements as we know them today are unsustainable
Truth No. 5: Not a single major entitlement program is projected to be financially solvent 20 years from now.
Truth No. 6: The cost to make these programs financially solvent for the next 75 years is almost $40 trillion.
Truth No. 7: Mandatory spending—entitlement programs and interest on the debt—are already squeezing out important investments in other essential programs.
Truth No. 8: We have nothing to fear from carefully crafted, phased-in adjustments to our entitlement programs.
Truth No. 9: We can reform entitlements without baseline cuts and without breaking our commitment to the nation’s seniors, people with disabilities, and the poor.
Truth No. 10: The biggest threat imaginable to Medicare or Social Security as we know them will be if we do nothing at all.

They also do not care that the federal government is spending 92 cents out of every dollar it receives on entitlement programs, plus interest on the federal debt.
That leaves just 8 cents of every dollar to pay for everything else the federal government does.

07-25-2016, 10:34 PM
Hate trump and Republican agenda so hillary ok with me. Now if kassich was running would vote for him

Lake_Carl, have you read/seen "Clinton Cash"? If not, you should to learn a little about Hillary's "experience and track record" before you make a big regrettable mistake. It is quite the eye opener.

The Clinton Foundation takes in internationally laundered tax free money for "charitable causes" (read: influence peddling), but only 6% - 10% makes it to charity. The 90% - 94% is their "overhead" expenses.

Not the way I want my tax dollars spent.

Hillary and Bill have no problem selling out the left, right and America for cash. Uranium One was just the tip of the iceberg.

The Full Documentary About How Bill And Hillary Built Up A Net Worth Of $150 Million


07-26-2016, 11:06 AM

07-26-2016, 11:08 AM
Hi Opas,
There's a very simple answer to your question. ENTITLEMENTS
The Democrats exist to give away the farm, and as long as someone wants to sit on their ass and wait for the mailman to deliver their entitlements, they'll turn out
in numbers to vote for whoever is handing out the checks. We have 5th and 6th generation families living on entitlements, they know nothing else.

On the other hand, the people who are recipients of entitlement programs were never informed of the following, nor do they care.
Truth No. 1: Entitlement programs are huge, expensive, and reach into every corner of American life.
Truth No. 2: Entitlement programs are not self-funding and are a main driver of deficits.
Truth No. 3: Entitlement costs are growing at an alarming rate.
Truth No. 4: Longer life expectancies, changing demographics, and soaring costs explain why entitlements as we know them today are unsustainable
Truth No. 5: Not a single major entitlement program is projected to be financially solvent 20 years from now.
Truth No. 6: The cost to make these programs financially solvent for the next 75 years is almost $40 trillion.
Truth No. 7: Mandatory spending—entitlement programs and interest on the debt—are already squeezing out important investments in other essential programs.
Truth No. 8: We have nothing to fear from carefully crafted, phased-in adjustments to our entitlement programs.
Truth No. 9: We can reform entitlements without baseline cuts and without breaking our commitment to the nation’s seniors, people with disabilities, and the poor.
Truth No. 10: The biggest threat imaginable to Medicare or Social Security as we know them will be if we do nothing at all.

They also do not care that the federal government is spending 92 cents out of every dollar it receives on entitlement programs, plus interest on the federal debt.
That leaves just 8 cents of every dollar to pay for everything else the federal government does.

Great Post buddy. You're speaking my language.

07-26-2016, 11:11 AM
Lake_Carl, have you read/seen "Clinton Cash"? If not, you should to learn a little about Hillary's "experience and track record" before you make a big regrettable mistake. It is quite the eye opener.

The Clinton Foundation takes in internationally laundered tax free money for "charitable causes" (read: influence peddling), but only 6% - 10% makes it to charity. The 90% - 94% is their "overhead" expenses.

Not the way I want my tax dollars spent.

Hillary and Bill have no problem selling out the left, right and America for cash. Uranium One was just the tip of the iceberg.

The Full Documentary About How Bill And Hillary Built Up A Net Worth Of $150 Million


61 , you guys are killin it. Carl , what is your problem. Yes I respect your right to an opinion. But gosh , I don't understand how people can ignore the facts

07-26-2016, 11:44 AM
Old Hillary layed the meat to Bernie and he just bent over and took it. Hell of a guy.

07-26-2016, 08:29 PM
Old Hillary layed the meat to Bernie and he just bent over and took it. Hell of a guy.

"The Guy" who threatened John Roberts and James Comey did the same to Bernie, but, at least he didn't end his career like Ted Cruz did.

07-26-2016, 09:30 PM
Yeah , Ted is done. I think that's why Trump let him speak. He knew it was political suicide.

07-26-2016, 10:56 PM
Mama always said....'Crooked is as Crooked does!'

http://cdn.hitfix.com/photos/5632692/ForrestGumpTomHanksLSParamount_article_story_large .jpg

07-26-2016, 11:14 PM
Yeah , Ted is done. I think that's why Trump let him speak. He knew it was political suicide.

I see Ted in our future. The Broncos won as well.

07-27-2016, 06:34 AM
I see Ted in our future. The Broncos won as well.

That's gonna come back to bite you in the azz.

07-27-2016, 09:11 AM
Nah, I like men of conviction. He's fine because he always sees the bright side of the penny.