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View Full Version : Fenda Extenda?

09-12-2016, 11:21 AM
Howdy All,

I really liked all that I read on the subject of the Fenda Extenda and it's ability to help keep the front of the engine clean. Went to the website and saw that they are $29.95 and thought that was a great price. I did try the Honda link on their website a few times with no luck, so I called the number posted on the website. The guy on the phone was polite, but had no idea of what a Honda F6B was, lol. After a few minutes on conversing he finally found the correct part number and informed me it would be $39.95 plus shipping, and 4+ weeks delivery. When I informed him the website said $29.95, he laughed and said that was "impossible, it's hasn't been that price for a long time." I tried to tell him that I was looking at the website right then. We went back and forth for a few minutes but he didn't change his price.

Long story short, I was not getting a warm and fuzzy from this guy, so passed on the product.


09-12-2016, 12:13 PM
You could always make your own. I did...ended up costing me $5.75 for the parts and $4.81 for the paint. Took about 10 minutes to make and another day to let the paint dry before I put mine on.
Go to your local big box improvement store and buy a foot long piece of 1/2in PVC pipe. Also pick up a small sheet of 20 to 24 gauge steel or tin and if you don't have any, some metal snips. 3M double sided high bond tape is also good if you dont want to drill and set screws. If you don't have a good hi-temp spray paint, get any color that suits you for the outdoor variety (like Krylon). You can also make it from a plastic sheet (8 to 10 mils) and a heat gun...

1. Remove the back part of the front fender from the bike. Measure the inside of the lowest part of the fender from side to side (wrapping the measurement). Also mark the center where the bevel of the fender is for the right and left side. Next, with the part held to the bike location, measure down as far as you want it to extend.
2. draw the length and width onto the sheet and score the bevels centerline on the top edge, then cut the outline using the snips
3. sand the edges so it doesn't cut you using either a dremel or by hand, or perhaps if you have a grinder handy...
4. Take the 1/2in pvc pipe and use it to put the bevel in place so the metal wraps in line with the fender. Fit the part to the back fender and make any final adjustments to the look you want...
5. Take the High Bond tape and apply to the part after its painted and dry. Clean the inside of the fender part with soap and water, then with isopropyl alcohol to get the best bond for the tape. Line up the part and the fender, peel the other side and apply with a little force. Use a hair dryer to heat the part up a little and let the adhesive work properly.

09-15-2016, 05:56 AM
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for?
But I bought one from Ebay for $32.00 shipped.
It works great,a little fiddly installing it but overall a very nice product.
It really helps keep the front of the engine clean.
I like the integrated clean look too.

Here it is installed on my bike
http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj244/skippy1969/Motorcycles/20160903_120730_zpsuswb81hg.jpg (http://s274.photobucket.com/user/skippy1969/media/Motorcycles/20160903_120730_zpsuswb81hg.jpg.html)

09-16-2016, 08:13 AM
I posted my experience with the Fenda Extenda guys and a few days later received a pm from another member offering to sell me his unused one with shipping for $20.00!

That's how great this community is!!:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Thanks faz!!