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View Full Version : Flash Flood Takes Motorcyclist for a Ride...

09-27-2013, 02:25 PM
Electrical Connection posted this on Facebook today. Don't try this at home...


Steve 0080
09-27-2013, 02:44 PM
Sorry, but that is almost funny!!! Was that a BMW rider ? Forgot his paddle.... WOW!!

09-27-2013, 04:22 PM
WOW that was wildly unfortunate! What would you have done differently if you were in his place? Just a question to get the thread going :icon_wink:

Steve 0080
09-27-2013, 05:43 PM
First of all I would keep both hands on the bars, second when the people on the side said……uummm not! I would turn around! Most people misjudge water, its depth and strength…. Right up to the point that it is to late…..

09-27-2013, 06:26 PM
:shock:That dude is lucky to be alive! After he lost the bike he got pulled under. We have flash floods frequently here in AZ and we have a "stupid motorist" law. If you do stupid stuff like that and get trapped, you pay the bill for your rescue.

I would not have attempted that stunt. Well maybe in Bigfoot.


09-27-2013, 07:38 PM
WOW that was wildly unfortunate! What would you have done differently if you were in his place? Just a question to get the thread going :icon_wink:

Well, there's a long pause there where you can tell he's thinking of his next move. His next move should've been to turn around.

You can tell he was a bit scared when he gets to his feet and throws his gloves down. It looks like he looks around like, "Did anyone just SEE THAT!?!"

He's really pretty lucky: could've gotten stuck under the tree limbs or the BARBED WIRE. Yikes!

09-29-2013, 09:15 AM
Electrical Connection posted this on Facebook today. Don't try this at home...


My computer won't show it. It's also on Youtube:


Just goes to show 'ya that "can do" has it's limitations.