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01-04-2017, 11:51 PM
The Obama e– Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

Something very interesting in the Wall St J. recently.

Something very positive about Obama, who has been obsessed with his legacy.

The real Obama legacy he leaves behind is:

1. A Republican President
2. Republican Vice President
3. Republican control of the Senate
4. Republican control of the House
5. Republican control of 31 state houses
6. A huge majority of Republican governors - 36 of 50
7. Republican control of a majority of county governments
8. Republican control of a majority of city governments

Now THAT is “Hope and Change.”
He did for us what we couldn't do ourselves.

I would like to add a comment… “Obama’s Legacy” is not ALL his…
He couldn’t have done it without Hillary!!!

01-05-2017, 10:12 AM
I truly hope Trump makes a good POTUS. I truly hope that the last 8 years of "trash talk" that has made us the "Divided States Of America" STOPS! So we can become the "United Stated Of America." One by one we need to stop the "trash talk." The rest of the world is laughing at us. It serves no purpose other than making the USA look like a bunch of grade school kids. Everyone, please, just stop.

opas ride
01-05-2017, 10:53 AM
I am going to be 77 years old next week and also am truly grateful that, hopefully, a new President with some decent ideas can lead this country back to where it needs to be...In all my years I have never seen such racial hatred and "trash talking" between Americans as this President brought to the White House...In my opinion his "Legacy" is racism, liberalism, self-serving, and doing nothing for the betterment of the country..His Affordable Health Care Act is a joke and he is a joke....In my opinion, his legacy will be going down in history as one of the worst Presidents ever!!...Good riddance to bad rubbish....

01-05-2017, 11:31 AM
I am going to be 77 years old next week and also am truly grateful that, hopefully, a new President with some decent ideas can lead this country back to where it needs to be...In all my years I have never seen such racial hatred and "trash talking" between Americans as this President brought to the White House...In my opinion his "Legacy" is racism, liberalism, self-serving, and doing nothing for the betterment of the country..His Affordable Health Care Act is a joke and he is a joke....In my opinion, his legacy will be going down in history as one of the worst Presidents ever!!...Good riddance to bad rubbish....

I would add that 99% of the small business owners and entrepreneurs in this country would agree with you completely.

I don't see the rest of the world laughing at us, they did, but now they have a solid message to get their shit together or they aren't riding on the capitalism bus with us. Kick them to the curb. Nothing like the shit talk that went on for 8 years when Bush was there......right?

01-05-2017, 12:12 PM
It seems to me that Trump has done more, and has been more involved, as a President Elect than any other that I remember. Either that, or the media is just reporting his pre Presidency activity more than others.

01-05-2017, 12:17 PM
Trump has done more in the last few months for the betterment of this country than Obama did in the last 8 years. I am hopeful that this trend will continue and we can become a proud nation again.

01-05-2017, 03:42 PM
...and Trump has done more, than the narcissist asshole that was given a Nobel Peace prize 8 years ago, for doing absolutely nothing.

01-05-2017, 03:45 PM
...and Trump has done more, than the narcissist asshole that was given a Nobel Peace prize 8 years ago, for doing absolutely nothing.

Your wrong will......its NOTHING. That's the biggest joke of a pandering bunch of nobodies in the modern history of suck asses. The nobel is now worthless for all that came before that aluminum crown was raised to his pointed skull.

01-05-2017, 04:20 PM
Your wrong will......its NOTHING. That's the biggest joke of a pandering bunch of nobodies in the modern history of suck asses. The nobel is now worthless for all that came before that aluminum crown was raised to his pointed skull.

In our modern times... yes, I agree. It meant something when awarded... back in the day.

01-05-2017, 06:00 PM
Why the hell we cannot keep this forum on topic. MOTORCYLES, HONDA, F6B, etc. I really do not participate the site anymore because this a riders forum, based on F6B. I am truly tired of the of the posts that go outside of the forum. We all share one thing. F6B and all that goes with that. I see this site going into too many other distracting items and topics that cause me and I am sure others to just give up on this site. Spend your time on the sites that want to hear what you have to say about politics, et al.
Can we stay on the original topic that this site is based on?

OK, I have set myself for all the ridicule and nasty posts. BUT, I want to stay on topic. If you want to post other items, FIND A SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been riding for over 60 years and don't care what your political asperations are or what you believe. Freedom of speech doesn't give you rights to hijack what this was supposed to be.

F6B riders and what happens with them and the bikes.

If you censor this, it will tell me volumes...........

01-05-2017, 06:06 PM
Why the hell we cannot keep this forum on topic. MOTORCYLES, HONDA, F6B, etc. I really do not participate the site anymore because this a riders forum, based on F6B. I am truly tired of the of the posts that go outside of the forum. We all share one thing. F6B and all that goes with that. I see this site going into too many other distracting items and topics that cause me and I am sure others to just give up on this site. Spend your time on the sites that want to hear what you have to say about politics, et al.
Can we stay on the original topic that this site is based on?

OK, I have set myself for all the ridicule and nasty posts. BUT, I want to stay on topic. If you want to post other items, FIND A SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been riding for over 60 years and don't care what your political asperations are or what you believe. Freedom of speech doesn't give you rights to hijack what this was supposed to be.

F6B riders and what happens with them and the bikes.

If you censor this, it will tell me volumes...........

Freedom of speech doesn't give you the right to tell me not to post in the OFf TOPIC section.

I don't like ESPN, guess what? I don't turn that channel on. You have that incredible luxury here as well.

01-05-2017, 06:06 PM
Why the hell we cannot keep this forum on topic. MOTORCYLES, HONDA, F6B, etc. I really do not participate the site anymore because this a riders forum, based on F6B. I am truly tired of the of the posts that go outside of the forum. We all share one thing. F6B and all that goes with that. I see this site going into too many other distracting items and topics that cause me and I am sure others to just give up on this site. Spend your time on the sites that want to hear what you have to say about politics, et al.
Can we stay on the original topic that this site is based on?

OK, I have set myself for all the ridicule and nasty posts. BUT, I want to stay on topic. If you want to post other items, FIND A SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been riding for over 60 years and don't care what your political asperations are or what you believe. Freedom of speech doesn't give you rights to hijack what this was supposed to be.

F6B riders and what happens with them and the bikes.

If you censor this, it will tell me volumes...........

Don't read them or if its too much for you like the democrat with Trump you have the right to leave.

01-05-2017, 06:08 PM
No censoring.
Everyone has freedom of speech/typing.
And - as a mod - I didn't see any "hi-jacking" of this thread.

This post is in the "Off Topic" section - designed to contain peoples' "freedom of typing" from the intent of the F6B Forums.
If you would like to stay "on topic," please hang out in the Garage, or General section.

Like me and my flight surgeon:
"Doc, it hurts when I do this..."
"Well then don't do that."

I would like it very much if I could click on "What's New" and be able to NOT have anything from Off Topic, or for that matter, The Darkside categories come up, but as a mod, I need to see what's going on.
When I wasn't a mod, I steered clear of those areas. I know what I believe and ain't nobody here gonna change it.

Ride safely, my friend.

01-05-2017, 06:15 PM
Damn officers always explaining this stuff with tact. I need to go on sabbatical. Somehow I need to touch myself differently.

01-05-2017, 06:21 PM
Damn officers always explaining this stuff with tact. I need to go on sabbatical. Somehow I need to touch myself differently.

Or perhaps more often......

01-05-2017, 06:33 PM
Why the hell we cannot keep this forum on topic. MOTORCYLES, HONDA, F6B, etc. I really do not participate the site anymore because this a riders forum, based on F6B. I am truly tired of the of the posts that go outside of the forum. We all share one thing. F6B and all that goes with that. I see this site going into too many other distracting items and topics that cause me and I am sure others to just give up on this site. Spend your time on the sites that want to hear what you have to say about politics, et al.
Can we stay on the original topic that this site is based on?

OK, I have set myself for all the ridicule and nasty posts. BUT, I want to stay on topic. If you want to post other items, FIND A SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been riding for over 60 years and don't care what your political asperations are or what you believe. Freedom of speech doesn't give you rights to hijack what this was supposed to be.

F6B riders and what happens with them and the bikes.

If you censor this, it will tell me volumes...........


01-05-2017, 06:39 PM
Me thinks Chaz has no idea of why an OFF TOPIC forum exists in the first place, on a message board.

It's to segregate unrelated topics, in the interests of preserving posts of desired motorcycle subject matter, in the other forums.

I think you need to apologize to the forum membership for insulting everyone as well.

01-05-2017, 06:43 PM

01-05-2017, 06:52 PM
You come on the Honda F6B - Off-Topic forum which tells you before you open it "This is where you can discuss anything that is NOT related to motorcycles" and call us "a bunch of assholes" If I may respectfully, I suggest you take a long hard look in a mirror because from where I set it looks like the the only asshole is you and as we all know assholes are like opinions everyone has one only it seems as yours is bigger than most.

Everything posted in this forum without a link is probably a lie or fabricated by the hallucinating delusions of self importance from a conspiracy theorist!
Actually everything posted with or without a link is probably a lie or fabricated by the hallucinating delusions of self importance from a conspiracy theorist or alien! Which are you?


01-05-2017, 07:00 PM
Me thinks Chaz has no idea of why an OFF TOPIC forum exists in the first place, on a message board.

It's to segregate unrelated topics, in the interests of preserving posts of desired motorcycle subject matter, in the other forums.

I think you need to apologize to the forum membership for insulting everyone as well.


01-05-2017, 07:03 PM
What a bunch of assholes. I too have freedom of speech. Hence why I challenged you all. FUCK YOU ALL

Silly motherfuckers, I have too many heroic award for service in Nam. GROW A PAIR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I too, have many heroic awards for service - 24 years worth.
And I have always protected those freedoms for which I was sent to fight for and will do again at the drop of a pin.
That's why what I'm about to type, I CAN type, and I can type it in proper English with correct grammar and diction.

Chas, your "challenge" for a group fornication exercise is disturbing, on many levels.
I don't know a lot of these people very well and I'm not sure where they've been.
I'm pretty sure I didn't put that in the "freedoms I fought for" category.

And, as far as fertilizing my nether regions in hopes of growth, I'll be more than happy to put anything you've done that requires "a pair" against any small portion of the stuff I've done.
We can start with burying a child.

Your display here is very unprofessional and, honestly, lacks the military discipline I expected.
I confess I did expect more from your fellow service members in response to your initial post, but I guess I should get used to disappointment today.

I'm not locking this thread, as this is the Off Topic section, but rudeness and vulgarity have no place in any civilized discourse.

Retired Army
01-05-2017, 07:24 PM
Punctuating with profanity erodes creditability.

Steve 0080
01-05-2017, 07:34 PM
Time for a cup of coffee.......:popcorn:

01-05-2017, 09:16 PM
Time for a cup of coffee.......:popcorn:

01-05-2017, 09:46 PM
If you censor this, it will tell me volumes...........

As several more intellectual members before me have already posted, this is indeed the OFF-Topic section.
It is like using a port-o-potty versus a bathroom at the Hilton. Enter at your own risk or stay out ! it may stink, you might step on something, you may sit on something and you may walk away with something ..... Just saying

Your last comment above makes no sense when YOU are now asking that the Administration and Moderators censor others per your request. Your request alone speaks volumes.

I have great admiration for many of you and how you have so eloquently responded to Chad. Chad, allow me to suggest that you follow their examples. Your posts that the Moderators have partially removed are out of line.

We are not going to censor the off-topic section PERIOD.
I actually miss Steve0080's Chive on posts. yes, I even had guys complain about that, but life goes on. I wish those posts came back :icon_redface:

Thank You all for keeping your cool heads in the way you responded to Chad :icon_cool::yes:

AND to bring this thread back to it's original subject .... Obama's Legacy .... I'm sure that some on here will compare it to my port-o-potty .... just saying back on topic ... CHIVE ON

01-05-2017, 10:08 PM
I actually miss Steve0080's Chive on posts. yes, I even had guys complain about that, but life goes on. I wish those posts came back :icon_redface:

.... just saying back on topic ... CHIVE ON

Here ya go, Phantom:

01-05-2017, 10:24 PM
Here ya go, Phantom:
http://thechive.com/2017/01/05/smiles-so-bright-they-could-light-up-a-room-45-photos/Ah yes, I do miss the chive too. Thanks for the link, since developing CRS in my old age I had lost it:icon_lol:
I guess it is time for some

01-05-2017, 10:39 PM
I'm going to reckon that the demon of alcohol has a hand in this just weird behavior and mega rudeness displayed by the language and insults cast upon other members. If that is the case an apology is ok and totally accepted. If this is your rational thoughts Chas please don't bother. Move on.

I've never been the one to cram my military record and experience down someone's threat. Free breakfasts at Denny's never was my intent for serving. I appreciate your service Chas in a tough time, but don't try to make yourself more righteous than me because of the medals on your chest. It makes you look like a fool.

01-05-2017, 10:45 PM
Here ya go, Phantom:

Thank You Steve, now that there is some nice Cheesecake. :cheers:

01-06-2017, 02:26 AM
I find the off-topic section enlightening and entertaining. I am continually impressed by the information presented and opinions expressed here and the thought that goes into them. Even when I don't agree with them. That we can all come to one place and discuss our B's and various M/C tech out there plus have a section where we can discuss none M/C queries with the same group of people without to many Trolls butting in speaks volumes about Phantom, 53driver and all the other moderators and all the effort they put into this forum. Thanks guys!

01-06-2017, 06:50 AM
I'm going to reckon that the demon of alcohol has a hand in this just weird behavior

Ya, that crossed my mind as well. Suspicion of P.W.I. :shhh:

01-06-2017, 07:31 AM
Obummer's legacy should be as the worst President in history. I hope this latest failure at the U.N. Regarding Israel is the last stupid act, but I doubt it. I'll be proud to call Trump my Pres. :lolup:

01-06-2017, 07:42 AM

Retired Army
01-06-2017, 09:12 AM
shame on the shooters in the group. Obama is one of the better gun selling presidents. I managed to purchase 3 new guns during 2016.


01-06-2017, 09:55 AM
I would add that 99% of the small business owners and entrepreneurs in this country would agree with you completely.

I don't see the rest of the world laughing at us, they did, but now they have a solid message to get their shit together or they aren't riding on the capitalism bus with us. Kick them to the curb. Nothing like the shit talk that went on for 8 years when Bush was there......right?

All my stocks are worth more
All my rental properties are full
I have more business than ever
and you think Mr. Obama did a bad job - ?
whatever - but my bottom line (financial) says otherwise.

01-06-2017, 10:02 AM
Hey, look a 1%. I know plenty of bizz guys and gals suffering. I know some doing good but I stand with the 99% sir. I am very happy for you.

01-06-2017, 10:09 AM
Hey, look a 1%. I know plenty of bizz guys and gals suffering. I know some doing good but I stand with the 99% sir. I am very happy for you.


5 years without raises hurt...Everything costs more and my dollar doesn't go as far but I supported millions on welfare...Some did well and I applaud those who managed too however, like Stroguy said, plenty of people are suffering across the board.

01-06-2017, 10:27 AM

01-06-2017, 10:28 AM
All my stocks are worth more
All my rental properties are full
I have more business than ever
and you think Mr. Obama did a bad job - ?
whatever - but my bottom line (financial) says otherwise.

I'm sure your stocks enjoyed the days after Trump won the election....near record high's, record weeks, when all we heard before the election was gloom & doom, and global economic collapse if what was to eventually happen came to pass....
Meanwhile, the Health Insurance Premiums for our company paid insurance have increased 110%, and 180% over the last 2 years......hooray for supporting others who won't support themsevles....

01-06-2017, 10:30 AM
All my stocks are worth more
All my rental properties are full
I have more business than ever
and you think Mr. Obama did a bad job - ?
whatever - but my bottom line (financial) says otherwise.

I can't wait to see what Orange man can do for America, 'popcorn and coke'

01-06-2017, 10:37 AM

5 years without raises hurt...Everything costs more and my dollar doesn't go as far but I supported millions on welfare...Some did well and I applaud those who managed too however, like Stroguy said, plenty of people are suffering across the board.

These big companies and billionaires ripping you off everyday, and you worry about people on welfare, come on man.:icon_doh:

01-06-2017, 10:45 AM
Yes the Chive we all miss !

See #2 and #3

01-06-2017, 10:53 AM
I can't wait to see what Orange man can do for America, 'popcorn and coke'

That made me :icon_lol: I have a friend, who's daughter recently said that Trump looks like a constipated sweet potato. :shhh:

01-06-2017, 10:57 AM
Yes the Chive we all miss !

See #2 and #3

opas ride
01-06-2017, 11:05 AM
All my stocks are worth more
All my rental properties are full
I have more business than ever
and you think Mr. Obama did a bad job - ?
whatever - but my bottom line (financial) says otherwise.

Obama's policies had nothing to do with job growth or the financial markets, or rental properties..History indicates these things would turn around somewhat no matter who was in the Whitehouse...Obama destroyed race relations, promoted socialism, liberalism, left the lower and middle classes out in the cold and only served his "self-righteous self".....A total loser as President!!!!

01-06-2017, 11:19 AM
These big companies and billionaires ripping you off everyday, and you worry about people on welfare, come on man.:icon_doh:

I don't worry about the people on welfare, I just don't want to support them.

I understand that welfare is suppose to be a safety net and I have no issues with that, however when it becomes a way of life...Until such time as all 50 states pass laws similar to Kansas and Maine as the requirements to be on welfare nothing will change. It starts there. It sounds cold, but once people are hungry they will except those low paying jobs and start clawing their way up. They'd work those dirty blue collar jobs and be glad they can put food on the table. They'll move to where the jobs are, immigrants would no longer easily find jobs. People would relearn the value of hard work and community. This starts the process of changing our current paradigm and until that happens we'll all remain prisoners of the Billionaires and their Big Companies. The current welfare handouts just keep people lazy. Why would they work for something they can have for free. IMHO.

01-06-2017, 11:22 AM
I can't wait to see what Orange man can do for America, 'popcorn and coke'

That made me :icon_lol: I have a friend, who's daughter recently said that Trump looks like a constipated sweet potato. :shhh:


01-06-2017, 11:32 AM
Obama's policies had nothing to do with job growth or the financial markets, or rental properties..History indicates these things would turn around somewhat no matter who was in the Whitehouse...Obama destroyed race relations, promoted socialism, liberalism, left the lower and middle classes out in the cold and only served his "self-righteous self".....A total loser as President!!!!

Seriously maybe Obama should have just sat in that White House and watch everything collapse, and as far as race relation, the bigotry and hatred was here before Obama and will be here after Obama, race just became more exposed after a lot of social media and police brutality video's started popping up in the media. But I guess it's ok that our new President totally insults every minority group out here and you expect orange man to unite the country. Yeah Ok:popcorn:

Retired Army
01-06-2017, 11:32 AM
For a nation that is not racist, when will there be an all female presidential ballot?

01-06-2017, 11:54 AM

01-06-2017, 11:56 AM
Seriously maybe Obama should have just sat in that White House and watch everything collapse, and as far as race relation, the bigotry and hatred was here before Obama and will be here after Obama, race just became more exposed after a lot of social media and police brutality video's started popping up in the media. But I guess it's ok that our new President totally insults every minority group out here and you expect orange man to unite the country. Yeah Ok:popcorn:

He's not coy. He's upfront :icon_wink: It's just insulting to some of his objects of disaffection; because the truth hurts.

One needs to read between the lines... Example: how many times has the liberal media misrepresented Trump's statements for coming down on illegal aliens; by the media simply referring to them as immigrants? There is a distinction. Legal immigrants = no problem. Illegal immigrants = problem.

Trump's main fault is that he's not politically correct. Which is really not a fault... once you think about it. :017:

01-06-2017, 02:56 PM
Yes the Chive we all miss !

See #2 and #3 +1and #8 'all/right'

01-06-2017, 03:48 PM
+1and #8 'all/right'

I wanna go for a ride :banana:

opas ride
01-06-2017, 04:06 PM
Seriously maybe Obama should have just sat in that White House and watch everything collapse, and as far as race relation, the bigotry and hatred was here before Obama and will be here after Obama, race just became more exposed after a lot of social media and police brutality video's started popping up in the media. But I guess it's ok that our new President totally insults every minority group out here and you expect orange man to unite the country. Yeah Ok:popcorn:

No not really, just a little less, socialism, liberal left-wing BS, maybe more time being a leader and not playing golf and taking vacations every other week....No President is everything to all and some are better than others, but this last "ass-hole" is a total looser!!!!

01-06-2017, 05:25 PM
Hey, look a 1%. I know plenty of bizz guys and gals suffering. I know some doing good but I stand with the 99% sir. I am very happy for you.

here's the key to being a 1% - ask not what this country can do for you but how you can do it for yourself and others and make a few dollars while your at it. If people would remember that a president has very little effect on things (other than emotional) they could concentrate on the other issues that make the money - like predicting trends, understanding when and how to move money - The republicans (and I am one) inability to work with the outgoing administration created all kinds of investment opportunities. The incoming president not only doesn't understand 99% of folks, he's ignorant to what they truly need. Remember Trump has a record of stiffing workers / contractors etc.. that is crazy disproportionate to a normal corporation. I want Trump to succeed in his presidency but I will be directing my dollars and investments in a way that suggests he will not.
meanwhile, let's ride motorcycles with attitudes rather than riding public sentiment with platitudes.

In case you care platitude = a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful:
"she began uttering liberal platitudes"

01-06-2017, 11:47 PM
For a nation that is not racist, when will there be an all female presidential ballot?

Hillary wasn't it. We would have been in terrible trouble if she had got in. All Hillary cared about was power and if anyone thought she cared about the American people they had better think again cause she doesn't care about them at all.

01-07-2017, 06:47 AM
Hillary wasn't it. We would have been in terrible trouble if she had got in. All Hillary cared about was power and if anyone thought she cared about the American people they had better think again cause she doesn't care about them at all.

Useful fools X Americans = Hilliary Clinton :shhh:

Oops... I used a platitude :icon_mrgreen:

01-07-2017, 06:51 AM
Hey Biglry... there outta be a law!!! :shock:

That gif of those luscious feminine hindquarters has me mesmerized... every time I view it :icon_lol:

01-07-2017, 07:47 AM
here's the key to being a 1% - ask not what this country can do for you but how you can do it for yourself and others and make a few dollars while your at it. If people would remember that a president has very little effect on things (other than emotional) they could concentrate on the other issues that make the money - like predicting trends, understanding when and how to move money - The republicans (and I am one) inability to work with the outgoing administration created all kinds of investment opportunities. The incoming president not only doesn't understand 99% of folks, he's ignorant to what they truly need. Remember Trump has a record of stiffing workers / contractors etc.. that is crazy disproportionate to a normal corporation. I want Trump to succeed in his presidency but I will be directing my dollars and investments in a way that suggests he will not.
meanwhile, let's ride motorcycles with attitudes rather than riding public sentiment with platitudes.

In case you care platitude = a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful:
"she began uttering liberal platitudes"

01-07-2017, 07:59 AM
I truly hope Trump makes a good POTUS. I truly hope that the last 8 years of "trash talk" that has made us the "Divided States Of America" STOPS! So we can become the "United Stated Of America." One by one we need to stop the "trash talk." The rest of the world is laughing at us. It serves no purpose other than making the USA look like a bunch of grade school kids. Everyone, please, just stop.

Absolutely Agree!

01-07-2017, 09:08 AM
...and Trump has done more, than the narcissist asshole that was given a Nobel Peace prize 8 years ago, for doing absolutely nothing.

How soon we forget that Mr. Obama broke the glass ceiling in this country when a man of color was ELECTED to the highest position in the country.
How many of US have achieved that status?
How soon we forget the racist rhetoric and behaviors by a house and senate that followed his election when my good fellow republicans made it priority #1 to prevent a second term in office by stonewalling Mr. Obama as much as possible?
This country must be governed from the center to be a government of the people and by the people and for the people - my republican party basically fell apart when it got into bed with the religious right many moons ago.

If it is to be a United States it is OUR duty to support and help each president in office move the country (and as many people within the country) forward. 4 years later we can decide and choose a different leader if we do not like the direction things are going - but we have to support the one put in place by the people - otherwise what's the point of a republic a democracy?

The real issue is the nuts we elect as governers, congressman and senators - their the ones taking all the money from the lobbyists for little to no work at all. Their the ones voting themselves pay raises while most Americans have gone without. Get rid of those butt heads.

01-07-2017, 09:18 AM
Why the hell we cannot keep this forum on topic. MOTORCYLES, HONDA, F6B, etc. I really do not participate the site anymore because this a riders forum, based on F6B. I am truly tired of the of the posts that go outside of the forum. We all share one thing. F6B and all that goes with that. I see this site going into too many other distracting items and topics that cause me and I am sure others to just give up on this site. Spend your time on the sites that want to hear what you have to say about politics, et al.
Can we stay on the original topic that this site is based on?

OK, I have set myself for all the ridicule and nasty posts. BUT, I want to stay on topic. If you want to post other items, FIND A SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been riding for over 60 years and don't care what your political asperations are or what you believe. Freedom of speech doesn't give you rights to hijack what this was supposed to be.

F6B riders and what happens with them and the bikes.

If you censor this, it will tell me volumes...........

Here's the deal - you do not have to click on a thread if you do not like the topic, you do not have to follow it etc... now if some idiot want's to infuse a tire thread with their political crap - by all means blast their arse.:banghead:

01-07-2017, 09:51 AM
How soon we forget that Mr. Obama broke the glass ceiling in this country when a man of color was ELECTED to the highest position in the country.

We should not judge men by color; only by character.

And he's not black. He's mulatto. Some consider that derogatory... but it is representative of his birthing parents.

01-07-2017, 10:00 AM
He went through the glass door on the roof and closed it on his race. He became what a lot men of power become, a whore. His track record of failing the small people will never be denied or refuted. It is the perfect example of what happens when you hire a blank resume.

01-07-2017, 10:34 AM
How soon we forget that Mr. Obama broke the glass ceiling in this country when a man of color was ELECTED to the highest position in the country.
How many of US have achieved that status?
How soon we forget the racist rhetoric and behaviors by a house and senate that followed his election when my good fellow republicans made it priority #1 to prevent a second term in office by stonewalling Mr. Obama as much as possible?
This country must be governed from the center to be a government of the people and by the people and for the people - my republican party basically fell apart when it got into bed with the religious right many moons ago.

If it is to be a United States it is OUR duty to support and help each president in office move the country (and as many people within the country) forward. 4 years later we can decide and choose a different leader if we do not like the direction things are going - but we have to support the one put in place by the people - otherwise what's the point of a republic a democracy?

The real issue is the nuts we elect as governers, congressman and senators - their the ones taking all the money from the lobbyists for little to no work at all. Their the ones voting themselves pay raises while most Americans have gone without. Get rid of those butt heads.

Let's get a few things straight, being against the obomination and his policies is NOT racism. We hate the person for what he does, not his color.

Stonewalling is exactly what Republicans were supposed to do as the obomination's policies were designed to destroy America. Unfortunately, they didn't have the balls and failed too many times. Stonewalling is is not racism, its patriotism. It is easy to see that demoncrats (spelled correctly) and blacks are far more racist than Republicans and whites.

Is it NOT our duty to support each President. It IS our duty to protect the Country. It IS patriotic to oppose the obomination when he is trying his hardest to destroy it.

The only other time history when demoncrats have hated Republicans as much as they do today, is when we took away their slaves. Now, let THAT sink in.

01-07-2017, 10:41 AM
For a nation that is not racist, when will there be an all female presidential ballot?

When qualified females run and beat their opponents at the primary. Hilderbeast was the most corrupt candidate the Country has ever seen, THAT's why she lost. And NO, she did not win the popular vote. When you remove the fraudulent votes, who somehow always vote D, she lost the popular vote. The Electoral College is the reason that this country is not called the United States of California.

Wanting a black president or a female president is as racist and sexist as not wanting a black president and a female president.

01-07-2017, 10:42 AM
I'm really trying hard to research something that obama wanted but didn't get in major legislation. Dissent is what built this country. I applaud what you call stonewalling if the proposed policy is a failure. Thanks to those awesome democrats that never stonewalled Reagan or the Bush's.

Remember the great unifier? Ah yes, memories.


01-07-2017, 11:32 AM
He spent 8 years just about destroying a nation that was already tittering on its existence, his buddy George Soro has been trying to submarine this country since his world war 2 Nazi beginnings and was directly behind the big money that put Obama in office. Obama to this day has had nothing of importance that worked for America to his credit since he began his political career and anyone that say he was a wonderful president hasn't got a grip on reality!

01-07-2017, 12:19 PM

01-07-2017, 12:26 PM
January 20 will be the first time in US history that a billionaire will be moving into public housing that was abandoned by a black family.

Retired Army
01-07-2017, 12:39 PM
Once again, Obama's redeeming grace was his ability to sell weapons to the general public. Motorcycles sales on the other hand declined during his tenure.

01-07-2017, 12:42 PM
Once again, Obama's redeeming grace was his ability to sell weapons to the general public. Motorcycles sales on the other hand declined during his tenure.

Those AR 15's have just been flying off the shelf, the gun dealers are sorry to lose Obama as he was the best gun salesman of them all.

01-07-2017, 01:34 PM
shame on the shooters in the group. Obama is one of the better gun selling presidents. I managed to purchase 3 new guns during 2016.


Oh boy, now you've gone and done it, haven't you? You've posted a link that flies in the face of all the Obama bashers. Perhaps people forget the things Obama HAS accomplished during his presidency. I respectfully suggest everyone consider the following video.


I think the country is in for a rude awakening once "The Monkey's Paw" President takes over.


Remember "be careful what you ask for, because you might just get it!"

As for Chas' post is concerned I think everyone is correct. It's pretty asinine to chastise everyone for posting something that is off topic in the "off topic" folder, right. :icon_rolleyes: :shrug:

So anyway, now that I've dared to post a message in support of President Obama, let the :hitfan:

We need a smiley of a guy wearing a flame proof suit. Flame on! :duck:

'popcorn and coke'

01-07-2017, 01:59 PM

+1 :popcorn:

Tiltingf6b better stop talking sense and actually stating FACTS, or he'll get booted from the forum. :icon_rolleyes:

People seem to forget that "W" almost sent the country over a financial cliff and got the majority of the rest of the world hating the USA because of our meddling in the business of other countries. And yes, I'm a veteran as well, but that doesn't mean I support bombing the sh*t out of other countries (hello John McCain) because we don't agree with their politics or because of faulty "intelligence" (WMD). President Obama is the first President to be able to semi-successfully be able to tackle the issue of health care reform, though Presidents have been trying for more than 50 years. Sure, it's not perfect, but at least he's actually done something in an attempt to fix the problem rather than give up when the task seemed too hard. THAT'S his legacy! :duck:

01-07-2017, 02:09 PM
+1 :popcorn:

Tiltingf6b better stop talking sense and actually stating FACTS, or he'll get booted from the forum. :icon_rolleyes:

People seem to forget that "W" almost sent the country over a financial cliff and got the majority of the rest of the world hating the USA because of our meddling in the business of other countries. And yes, I'm a veteran as well, but that doesn't mean I support bombing the sh*t out of other countries (hello John McCain) because we don't agree with their politics or because of faulty "intelligence" (WMD). President Obama is the first President to be able to semi-successfully be able to tackle the issue of health care reform, though Prsidents have been trying for more than 50 years. Sure, it's not perfect, but at least he's actually done something in an attempt to fix the problem rather than give up when the task seemed too hard. THAT'S his legacy! :duck:

My health insurance had doubled to $1800 a month and doubled my deductible to $20,000, and we are a healthy family. That's change that I can believe in! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only an idiot would think that the AHC is a positive legacy.

Every time an adjective is part of a name it is an unadulterated LIE: Affordable Health Care Act. Common Sense Gun Control. Smart Car. Intelligent Design.

01-07-2017, 02:15 PM


01-07-2017, 02:51 PM
Only an idiot would think that the AHC is a positive legacy.

Well since I'm a veteran and therefore get FREE healthcare, maybe I can't fully grasp what it's like to walk a mile in your shoes. If that makes me an idiot then so be it. I suppose in that way Trump and I have something in common. He has no way of understanding what it's like to be a working class citizen in this country. He's so far removed from that reality it's ridiculous. I for one HOPE he's able to do some of the things he said gets going to do (build a wall, deport millions of ILLEGAL immigrants, etc.) but don't be surprised if, a year from now, I'm on this forum saying "I told you so!" And no, I did not vote for Hilary either.

Peace! :shake2:

01-07-2017, 02:53 PM
Nobody has been booted for expressing their opinion D. Believing so and stating that threat is ignorance on your part. Now, many have punched out of their flaming aircraft because they weren't happy they could not sway some other members from their dissenting viewpoints. That's their problem. Nobody gets booted.

01-07-2017, 03:02 PM
Nobody has been booted for expressing their opinion D. Believing so and stating that threat is ignorance on your part. Now, many have punched out of their flaming aircraft because they weren't happy they could not sway some other members from their dissenting viewpoints. That's their problem. Nobody gets booted.

Sorry, that was meant to be more or less tongue in cheek, but as a moderator of one of the busiest motorcycle forums on the internet (in the early days of motorcycle forums in the late 90's) I've done my share of kicking abusive idiots off of that forum, and well, I'm kinda new here, and seeing as how I'm an Obama supporter and the mods here appear to be Trump supporters, maybe I'm jumping to conclusions (like in the movie "Office Space" LOL) and am unsure what, if anything, might get someone banned/gagged/whatever. Anyway, sometimes I say things in a somewhat snarky way & people are unsure of how to take it (therefore my affinity to using lots of emoticons) :poke:

01-07-2017, 03:14 PM
Schwing! Winner reply. Welcome. I'm not a Trump man and I'm not an obama fan whatsoever. But I have my ideology and it rarely fits in with the democrats and pretty much now the republicans. I see a whole line of spineless, moronic (Sheila Jackson Lee my Congressman) folks occupying the halls of government. I think the 4 year Trump experiment is a much better bet than the hell hillaree would bring back to the same ole song and dance. Ted Cruz just sent me a message and he's on a crusade for term limits. Let's see how many folks that always belly ache about the same ole crap push Stonewall Cruz away.

opas ride
01-07-2017, 03:36 PM
Perhaps those of us who have made comments on this Obama Legacy issue, including myself, should take a "deep breath" relax for a while and wait and see what takes place in the country during the next year or so...Right now most of us are very opinionated and want to share our likes or did-likes on the past and the future...Many have posted some sensible questions and comments, some not so good, but I for one have decided to just "wait and see"....Regards and ride safe

01-07-2017, 04:01 PM
Sorry, that was meant to be more or less tongue in cheek, but as a moderator of one of the busiest motorcycle forums on the internet (in the early days of motorcycle forums in the late 90's) I've done my share of kicking abusive idiots off of that forum, and well, I'm kinda new here, and seeing as how I'm an Obama supporter and the mods here appear to be Trump supporters, maybe I'm jumping to conclusions (like in the movie "Office Space" LOL) and am unsure what, if anything, might get someone banned/gagged/whatever. Anyway, sometimes I say things in a somewhat snarky way & people are unsure of how to take it (therefore my affinity to using lots of emoticons) :poke:

If you follow these basic rules, you'll be fine:
1. No personal attacks (calling the group m-fers counts as 'personal')
2. No attacks on a member's family
3. No attacks on a member's motorcycle (part of the family, in my world)
4. Act your age, not your shoe size

So basically, you have to consciously type a specific attack, and which if when reread a few times you would take umbrage if it was aimed at yourself, pretty much delete it and try again.

01-07-2017, 04:02 PM
Perhaps those of us who have made comments on this Obama Legacy issue, including myself, should take a "deep breath" relax for a while and wait and see what takes place in the country during the next year or so...Right now most of us are very opinionated and want to share our likes or did-likes on the past and the future...Many have posted some sensible questions and comments, some not so good, but I for one have decided to just "wait and see"....Regards and ride safe

It will tale longer than a year or so Opas... the Democrats are going to try to stall and thwart Trump's/the Republican's agenda at every turn in the road.

Bet on it.

01-07-2017, 04:06 PM
Nobody has been booted for expressing their opinion D. Believing so and stating that threat is ignorance on your part. Now, many have punched out of their flaming aircraft because they weren't happy they could not sway some other members from their dissenting viewpoints. That's their problem. Nobody gets booted.

They even let boorish, assholes like me play here.

01-07-2017, 04:07 PM
the Democrats are going to try to stall and thwart the Republican's agenda at every turn in the road.

Bet on it.

Gee, we've never witnessed anything like that over the past 8 years, have we? :duck:


01-07-2017, 04:15 PM
Gee, we've never witnessed anything like that over the past 8 years, have we? :duck:


Apparently not enough. That's how we got Obomination Care, spineless Republicans.

01-07-2017, 04:44 PM
spineless Republicans.

That may be the most accurate statement you've made yet! There were 16 of them standing on a stage together just a year ago! :clap2:

I don't know about you, but I'm laughing! :duck:

Broken Hand
01-08-2017, 05:34 AM
seeing as how I'm an Obama supporter and the mods here appear to be Trump supporters, maybe I'm jumping to conclusions (like in the movie "Office Space" LOL) and am unsure what, if anything, might get someone banned/gagged/whatever.

Welcome and thanks for sharing your opinions. I found that particular section you wrote interesting, because the difference I see today between liberals and conservatives is the level of free speech each side affords one another. Safe spaces, microaggressions, trigger warnings come exclusively from the left. To me it's sad that the thought even crossed your mind that you might be punished for thinking differently than the moderators on an Off Topic forum. Part of the reason Trump won, I think, is because of the constant, stifling attacks on free speech from Academia, Hollywood, and government.

Broken Hand
01-08-2017, 05:39 AM
For a nation that is not racist, when will there be an all female presidential ballot?

Nikki Haley/Condi Rice? Which two Relublicans would you vote for?

01-08-2017, 07:21 AM
Gee, we've never witnessed anything like that over the past 8 years, have we? :duck:


01-08-2017, 08:18 AM

01-08-2017, 08:41 AM
January 20 will be the first time in US history that a billionaire will be moving into public housing that was abandoned by a black family.
Actually the process of gentrification proves your statement to be otherwise - !

01-08-2017, 08:43 AM
I can tell who lives on a diet of info news and who actually reads real news
if the shoe fits

01-08-2017, 08:46 AM
Perhaps those of us who have made comments on this Obama Legacy issue, including myself, should take a "deep breath" relax for a while and wait and see what takes place in the country during the next year or so...Right now most of us are very opinionated and want to share our likes or did-likes on the past and the future...Many have posted some sensible questions and comments, some not so good, but I for one have decided to just "wait and see"....Regards and ride safe
Yes sir - wise counsel
time for many to shut of Fox and other t.v. venues which make "news as entertainment".

01-08-2017, 08:47 AM
Hey Biglry... there outta be a law!!! :shock:

That gif of those luscious feminine hindquarters has me mesmerized... every time I view it :icon_lol:


Retired Army
01-08-2017, 08:53 AM
D-TRAIN I gotta ask are you related to D-PLANE?

01-08-2017, 09:05 AM
My health insurance had doubled to $1800 a month and doubled my deductible to $20,000, and we are a healthy family. That's change that I can believe in! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only an idiot would think that the AHC is a positive legacy.

Every time an adjective is part of a name it is an unadulterated LIE: Affordable Health Care Act. Common Sense Gun Control. Smart Car. Intelligent Design.

The real mistake was the entire health care system should have gone social single payer with options for those who wished and could afford buying boutique policies - we will end up there anyway. We have what we have because a nationwide network was never created that would have lowered costs across the board - thank Republican stonewalling from individual states that prevented nationwide competition / bidding.
When you've seen someone loose there house do to medical bills and similar things you have to wonder - are you really happy with a med. insur. CEO's getting paid more than 500k per week?
this last link is interesting as it is dissenting from FORBES but it shows corp mentality who try to tell the share holders they are only paying their CEO's a small amount.
just the amount of money health care lobbyists spend in D.C. is an indication that something is VERY wrong with the system - !
funny how the roles of democrats and republicans has flipped in the last 60 or so years.

01-08-2017, 09:13 AM
Oh boy, now you've gone and done it, haven't you? You've posted a link that flies in the face of all the Obama bashers. Perhaps people forget the things Obama HAS accomplished during his presidency. I respectfully suggest everyone consider the following video.


I think the country is in for a rude awakening once "The Monkey's Paw" President takes over.


Remember "be careful what you ask for, because you might just get it!"

As for Chas' post is concerned I think everyone is correct. It's pretty asinine to chastise everyone for posting something that is off topic in the "off topic" folder, right. :icon_rolleyes: :shrug:

So anyway, now that I've dared to post a message in support of President Obama, let the :hitfan:

We need a smiley of a guy wearing a flame proof suit. Flame on! :duck:

'popcorn and coke'

very good video's but if i have learned anything in life - it's that people only believe what they already believe in - changing minds requires paradigm shifts much greater than an F6B torque monster.
People hate to change because it means they may have been wrong. sigh. At any rate this is a good thread to warm up a cold day.

01-08-2017, 09:17 AM

01-08-2017, 11:48 AM
People hate to change because it means they may have been wrong. sigh. At any rate this is a good thread to warm up a cold day.

Christ, talk about righteous. You enjoy telling people they are wrong? This is an ignorant statement. People don't hate change because they are wrong. You should change that line of thinking, but that would take admitting you are wrong. Most don't like change because they are not educated in another idea or philosophy. Doesn't mean the opposing idea is the better one or the more correct.

This country has more folks working under the table for cash, gold, silver and return services than most of the populations of other countries. You think just telling everyone they are now under a single payer system that they will rush down and declare those dollars for collection from the local mafia IRS collection booth? They're not coming back. That's their 'pair of dimes'. How do you propose we get those earned monies into the system? How about an IRS police force?

A single payer system for a country of 300 million plus with how many of those in the undocumented workforce? Nah, you can stick that paradigm under the carpet. There will always be folks in this country that take the free ride. What we need is more Mary Landrieu's. Oh wait, not her, she whored out to help pass ACA so her state would obtain 4+ billion dollars of taxpayer money to LA. How did that work out for the residents of LA? How much of that money went to help citizens? Bet you find some shady accounting from those whoring democrats. That's ok, we can just pull out that China credit card and charge it to the deficit. It's oh so patriotic.

01-08-2017, 12:07 PM
Sorry, that was meant to be more or less tongue in cheek, but as a moderator of one of the busiest motorcycle forums on the internet (in the early days of motorcycle forums in the late 90's) I've done my share of kicking abusive idiots off of that forum, and well, I'm kinda new here, and seeing as how I'm an Obama supporter and the mods here appear to be Trump supporters, maybe I'm jumping to conclusions (like in the movie "Office Space" LOL) and am unsure what, if anything, might get someone banned/gagged/whatever.Anyway, sometimes I say things in a somewhat snarky way & people are unsure of how to take it (therefore my affinity to using lots of emoticons) :poke:

Yes, indeed .... you are:spank:

You shouldn't take your past experiences on other forums and make assumptions that all forums are the same.
Respect each others opinions/beliefs and at times you just have to agree to disagree. When you enter this forum, treat it as our "CLUB-HOUSE" and leave the BS outside. Just ignore and move on if a topic doesn't give you the warm and fuzzies. We are grown men.


01-08-2017, 12:49 PM
Oh those pesky criminal CEO's. BASTARDS!

As well as those dirtbags I think we also should eliminate the unfair deductions that rental property owners yearly profit from and don't pay their fair share. I mean how can we allow these rental property owners to continually deduct tools, supplies, lawn cutting and landscaping, insurance premiums and on and on and on? They're not paying any taxes.

Now before you get in too much of a huff, I am just trying to shift my paradigm from blaming the CEO's to blaming the number of rental property owners that don't pay taxes. There are far more rental property managers/owners than those pesky over paid CEO's

Curious how a person in the rental property business would stay in business if they had to foot the bill for others healthcare by eliminating these deductions and knowing that their tenants may be paying their rent from money that was paid under the table and never taxed?

01-08-2017, 01:56 PM
Nikki Haley/Condi Rice? Which two Relublicans would you vote for?

I absolutely would vote for Condi Rice! .notworthy.
Not only would we have a woman in the WH, but a BLACK woman at that! Can't think of any other black women I might vote for, maybe Susan Rice? :shrug:

01-08-2017, 02:02 PM
I can tell who lives on a diet of info news and who actually reads real news
if the shoe fits


Like Obama said "if all I ever watched was Fox News, I wouldn't vote for me either!" :icon_rolleyes:

01-08-2017, 02:07 PM
D-TRAIN I gotta ask are you related to D-PLANE?

If he is a highly intelligent, successful, good looking guy then yes, I probably am! :lolup:

01-08-2017, 02:11 PM

Like Obama said "if all I ever watched was Fox News, I wouldn't vote for me either!" :icon_rolleyes:

I can understand why your kind prefer the communist news networks

I carefully watched the Commie networks when Wiki leaks was exposing the truth about your party and its members and they refused to inform the sheep of the reprehensible corruption exposed by Wiki leaks. WL did the job that the media used to do.

A little truth and facts would do you a lot of good.

01-08-2017, 02:36 PM
I can understand why your kind prefer the communist news networks

I carefully watched the Commie networks when Wiki leaks was exposing the truth about your party and its members and they refused to inform the sheep of the reprehensible corruption exposed by Wiki leaks. WL did the job that the media used to do.

A little truth and facts would do you a lot of good.


Remember the China Air plane that crashed when attempting to land in California? Fox posted the names of the flight crew: Sum Ting Wong, We Tu Lo, Ho Li Fuk, Bing Bang Ow. That's some really professional reporting there!

But I guess Roger Ayles and Trump do have a lot in common. Who else do you look up to? Jerry Sandusky? Are you a catholic priest by any chance? :duck:

01-08-2017, 02:42 PM

Remember the China Air plane that crashed when attempting to land in California? Fox posted the names of the flight crew: Sum Ting Wong, We Tu Lo, Ho Li Fuk, Bing Bang Ow. That's some really professional reporting there!

But I guess Roger Ayles and Trump do have a lot in common. Who else do you look up to? Jerry Sandusky? Are you a catholic priest by any chance? :duck:

There was far more truth in that report than the utter BS that is regurgitated by the lame stream media, but its clear to see that concept is far above the comprehension ability of obamination supporters. You do realize that liberalism is a mental disorder don't you?

01-08-2017, 02:46 PM

Remember the China Air plane that crashed when attempting to land in California? Fox posted the names of the flight crew: Sum Ting Wong, We Tu Lo, Ho Li Fuk, Bing Bang Ow. That's some really professional reporting there!

But I guess Roger Ayles and Trump do have a lot in common. Who else do you look up to? Jerry Sandusky? Are you a catholic priest by any chance? :duck:

From a certain point of view we all thought it was funny! Evidently you missed the humor in their new report!

01-08-2017, 02:58 PM
Oh the wonderful unAmerican Presidnet.


Doesn't matter what you do with that money. Hell, you may make a bazillion dollars and give 7/8th a bazillion dollars to charity. In his eyes, when he says so, you've made enough money. Oh the liberals and their demonization of the rich. So fun to watch the thin veil of deception.

The hard part is who do we slip in there to be king or God to determine what amount is 'enough'.

01-08-2017, 03:06 PM
From a certain point of view we all thought it was funny! Evidently you missed the humor in their new report!

I thought that was hysterical and play it often along with the video of Hank Johnson (Demoncrat) asking if Guam will tip over if the US sends too many soldiers. The funniest part is that moronic demoncrats reelected him! LOLOLOLOLOLOL

01-08-2017, 03:10 PM
From a certain point of view we all thought it was funny! Evidently you missed the humor in their new report!

Nope, I still to this day laugh my ass off every time I think about the idiots on Fox News for not catching that & airing it as "breaking news". :icon_doh:

01-08-2017, 03:15 PM
There was far more truth in that report than the utter BS that is regurgitated by the lame stream media, but its clear to see that concept is far above the comprehension ability of obamination supporters. You do realize that liberalism is a mental disorder don't you?

I respectfully suggest that you actually click on the link I posted instead of ignoring the facts, like you're accusing me of doing. Then try to find a similar list of faux pas committed by CNN. :icon_doh:

01-08-2017, 03:15 PM
Nope, I still to this day laugh my ass off every time I think about the idiots on Fox News for not catching that & airing it as "breaking news". :icon_doh:

I still, to this day, laugh my ass off every time I hear an idiot support the obomination!!!!!!!!

01-08-2017, 03:28 PM
I respectfully suggest that you actually click on the link I posted instead of ignoring the facts, like you're accusing me of doing. Then try to find a similar list of faux pas committed by CNN. :icon_doh:

The entire Communist New Network broadcast is one big faux pas. The list of their lies and stupidity can be found here: www.cnn.com

It's back to that mental illness thing again. You should ask your doctor to run you through a diagnostic test for Dunning-Kruger Effect.

01-08-2017, 03:36 PM
Just watch Don Lemon on any night, he will typically get it wrong or nose his ideology in his fair and balanced reports.

Now what alien race was it that took that Malaysian airplane?

01-08-2017, 03:39 PM
Isn't it funny how liberals like to blame an entire entity for the disaster of one local Fox affiliate producer being baited into a joke?

What's that word when you lump everyone into a class and classify them as low class? What's that term? Ah, it'll come to me.

01-08-2017, 03:45 PM
Isn't it funny how liberals like to blame an entire entity for the disaster of one local Fox affiliate producer being baited into a joke?

What's that word when you lump everyone into a class and classify them as low class? What's that term? Ah, it'll come to me.

Liberals tell us that we should not just all illegal aliens by the violent acts of one, just like they don't lump all gun owners....whoops, never mind.

01-08-2017, 03:48 PM
Isn't it funny how liberals like to blame an entire entity for the disaster of one local Fox affiliate producer being baited into a joke?

What's that word when you lump everyone into a class and classify them as low class? What's that term? Ah, it'll come to me.

Hmm, someone else needs to follow the link I provided to 43 other instances of Fox News stupidity ON TOP OF the Chinese airline story. :icon_rolleyes:

I'm pretty much done with this thread. It's tiring getting into a battle of wits with unarmed men. :icon_razz:

01-08-2017, 03:50 PM
Liberals tell us that we should not just all illegal aliens by the violent acts of one, just like they don't lump all gun owners....whoops, never mind.

Well praise the Lord & pass the ammunition! :icon_laugh:

P.S. I'm not a liberal, I'm also not a conservative. I'm more of a moderate/progressive. :stirthepot:

01-08-2017, 03:57 PM
Hmm, someone else needs to follow the link I provided to 43 other instances of Fox News stupidity ON TOP OF the Chinese airline story. :icon_rolleyes:

I'm pretty much done with this thread. It's tiring getting into a battle of wits with unarmed men. :icon_razz:

Losing is no reason to run away. Canada won't take you anyways.

01-08-2017, 04:25 PM
Hmm, someone else needs to follow the link I provided to 43 other instances of Fox News stupidity ON TOP OF the Chinese airline story. :icon_rolleyes:

I'm pretty much done with this thread. It's tiring getting into a battle of wits with unarmed men. :icon_razz:

Eject, eject, eject....fire in engine 1......eject. Good luck sir, was fun.

01-08-2017, 04:26 PM
Oh those pesky criminal CEO's. BASTARDS!

As well as those dirtbags I think we also should eliminate the unfair deductions that rental property owners yearly profit from and don't pay their fair share. I mean how can we allow these rental property owners to continually deduct tools, supplies, lawn cutting and landscaping, insurance premiums and on and on and on? They're not paying any taxes.

Now before you get in too much of a huff, I am just trying to shift my paradigm from blaming the CEO's to blaming the number of rental property owners that don't pay taxes. There are far more rental property managers/owners than those pesky over paid CEO's

Curious how a person in the rental property business would stay in business if they had to foot the bill for others healthcare by eliminating these deductions and knowing that their tenants may be paying their rent from money that was paid under the table and never taxed?

to answer your questions I would first ask you a couple of questions as they establish a baseline for understanding - #1) do you own a home ? #2) do you own rental property ? #4) Do you own a business or more specifically do you sign the back of a paycheck or the front of many paychecks?

Once I establish your frame of reference I can take you to several points of interest - If you remove all those deductions, landlords would simply increase the rents to compensate for increases in taxes, damages, turn over expenses etc.. As most people who own commercial or residential rental properties will attest to - it only takes one bad tenant to wipe out a year or more of profits. Many investors are leaving the investment property world because the headaches caused by bad tenants and things like rent control take the profit out of it. Very few people understand how difficult it is to make money renting properties unless you are a lucky flipper / investor and then taxes will hit you hard anyway.

I personally favor a flat tax of some kind. But we could go on and on with all the disparaging cognitive dissonance that exists within our tax code.

I also favor a national identity card (oh my god) and without this card no services could or should be rendered exception - to save life. I am pro-immigration - anti illegal immigrant - but then we do like our cheap produce don't we? We Most folks think the national identity card is communism, but I think it's American to have a card that says "I am American I pay my taxes, I contribute my fair share".
I also favor the legalization of drugs and I would use the money saved by reducing enforcement and incarceration and spend it on education and rehabilitation. Tax the sh*t out of the drugs! Lots of folks would call that a poor tax.
Libertarians have some good points though they miss the need for social safety nets and other all important infrastructure, we are after all supposed to be a compassionate nation.

So many people forget the #1 reason jobs went overseas - Americans wanted more stuff and they wanted it cheaper and cheaper. Stock holders said "gee the only way to do that is reduce labor costs and all the other costs (like environmental compliance) associated with doing business in America. Stock holder told the Boards to DO IT and the boards started shutting down plants to comply. In the short term stocks went up but the long term was the death of the middle class.

(THIS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH PRESIDENT OBAMA) this had to do with GREEDY Americans - get all you can for as little as you can, take the money and run, get yours and go while it lasts. Well guess what - WE GOT WHAT WE DESERVED.

Broken Hand
01-08-2017, 04:27 PM
Well praise the Lord & pass the ammunition! :icon_laugh:

P.S. I'm not a liberal, I'm also not a conservative. I'm more of a moderate/progressive. :stirthepot:

I tried to make it through your neck of the woods last Sept before my meniscus tore. I planned on riding from Happy Camp, CA to Cave Junction, OR on Indian Creek Road. Ever been down that way? Next I was going to head to Crater Lake then up 97. Hopefully next summer.

01-08-2017, 04:33 PM
Losing is no reason to run away. Canada won't take you anyways.
Rush Limbaugh should have read that.

01-08-2017, 04:39 PM
You demonized the rich CEO's whom I have yet to see being blamed for breaking any laws. I ask you, do you manage a health insurance company, have managed a health insurance company, do you know day to day operations and number of hours CEOs put in to managing health insurance companies? I don't, so won't demonize any capitalists. I do know about managing real estate and I fully understand the hours needed to profit. I just highlighted what I call your absurdity to capitalism with absurdity. You have zero clues what they do with their money. For all we know the majority of them donate it to charity. But, you don't know, so why criticize? I have zero clues what you do with your money and will not attempt to demonize you. If you reread I congratulated you on your first post of how well you are doing in this stagnant economy.

National ID card? Scary, you should understand the dangers of something like that. Google stop and frisk in NYC. I'll pass on that idea, it's still America.

In my best Major Hoffstettler.....'can I see your papers?'

Broken Hand
01-08-2017, 04:52 PM
to answer your questions I would first ask you a couple of questions as they establish a baseline for understanding - #1) do you own a home ? #2) do you own rental property ? #4) Do you own a business or more specifically do you sign the back of a paycheck or the front of many paychecks?

Once I establish your frame of reference I can take you to several points of interest - If you remove all those deductions, landlords would simply increase the rents to compensate for increases in taxes, damages, turn over expenses etc.. As most people who own commercial or residential rental properties will attest to - it only takes one bad tenant to wipe out a year or more of profits. Many investors are leaving the investment property world because the headaches caused by bad tenants and things like rent control take the profit out of it. Very few people understand how difficult it is to make money renting properties unless you are a lucky flipper / investor and then taxes will hit you hard anyway.

I personally favor a flat tax of some kind. But we could go on and on with all the disparaging cognitive dissonance that exists within our tax code.

I also favor a national identity card (oh my god) and without this card no services could or should be rendered exception - to save life. I am pro-immigration - anti illegal immigrant - but then we do like our cheap produce don't we? We Most folks think the national identity card is communism, but I think it's American to have a card that says "I am American I pay my taxes, I contribute my fair share".
I also favor the legalization of drugs and I would use the money saved by reducing enforcement and incarceration and spend it on education and rehabilitation. Tax the sh*t out of the drugs! Lots of folks would call that a poor tax.
Libertarians have some good points though they miss the need for social safety nets and other all important infrastructure, we are after all supposed to be a compassionate nation.

So many people forget the #1 reason jobs went overseas - Americans wanted more stuff and they wanted it cheaper and cheaper. Stock holders said "gee the only way to do that is reduce labor costs and all the other costs (like environmental compliance) associated with doing business in America. Stock holder told the Boards to DO IT and the boards started shutting down plants to comply. In the short term stocks went up but the long term was the death of the middle class.

(THIS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH PRESIDENT OBAMA) this had to do with GREEDY Americans - get all you can for as little as you can, take the money and run, get yours and go while it lasts. Well guess what - WE GOT WHAT WE DESERVED.

I agree with everything you wrote except the drugs. I live in WA and THC DUIs have doubled. Remove the stigma, increase the temptation, BUT I do understand your point of view. I would like a state to receive federal waivers, then implement a 10-year experiment, before expanding legalized drugs to the rest of the nation.

It's funny, WA took in $200 million in pot revenues, but most of that money went into general coffers vs rehab/education. Remember how the lottery was suppose to be for education? When dealing with govt bureaucracy, it's amazing how many hands reach into that money pot.

01-08-2017, 04:57 PM
I would like to jump in and play also .... my comments are in red :icon_cool::yes:

to answer your questions I would first ask you a couple of questions as they establish a baseline for understanding - #1) do you own a home ? YES, and I built it myself #2) do you own rental property ? YES Where is question#3) #4) Do you own a business YES, multiple or more specifically do you sign the back of a paycheck Nope, I take shareholder distributions or the front of many paychecks Front of many paychecks?

Once I establish your frame of reference I can take you to several points of interest - If you remove all those deductions, landlords would simply increase the rents to compensate for increases in taxes, damages, turn over expenses etc.. As most people who own commercial or residential rental properties will attest to - it only takes one bad tenant to wipe out a year or more of profits. Agreed .Many investors are leaving the investment property world because the headaches caused by bad tenants and things like rent control (GOVERNMENT) take the profit out of it. Very few people understand how difficult it is to make money renting properties unless you are a lucky flipper / investor and then taxes will hit you hard anyway.

I personally favor a flat tax of some kind. But we could go on and on with all the disparaging cognitive dissonance that exists within our tax code. I favor the same with no more secondary taxes on an item that has already paid taxes on its original Bill of sale (If a particular car is sold 10 times in one year, the government should only be entitled to tax on the first sale not the additional 9 private sales.

I also favor a national identity card (oh my god) I agree 100% that we need one, all European countries used to have one back in the 80's when I was in Europe It's like a drivers license and when traveling by airplane, your National ID would suffice and without this card no services could or should be rendered exception - to save life. I am pro-immigration - anti illegal immigrant - I have the same sentiments but then we do like our cheap produce don't we? We Most folks think the national identity card is communism, but I think it's American to have a card that says "I am American I pay my taxes, I contribute my fair share". Agreed
I also favor the legalization of drugs and I would use the money saved by reducing enforcement and incarceration and spend it on education and rehabilitation. Tax the sh*t out of the drugs! Lots of folks would call that a poor tax.
Libertarians have some good points though they miss the need for social safety nets and other all important infrastructure, we are after all supposed to be a compassionate nation.

So many people forget the #1 reason jobs went overseas - Americans wanted more stuff and they wanted it cheaper and cheaper. Stock holders said "gee the only way to do that is reduce labor costs and all the other costs (like environmental compliance) associated with doing business in America. Stock holder told the Boards to DO IT and the boards started shutting down plants to comply. In the short term stocks went up but the long term was the death of the middle class. UNIONS contributed towards the problem hence companies getting away from paying ridiculous hourly wages. The Unions did not care about the companies whether they made a profit or not, only themselves. The companies had to survive one way or another.

(THIS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH PRESIDENT OBAMA) this had to do with GREEDY Americans - get all you can for as little as you can, take the money and run, get yours and go while it lasts. Well guess what - WE GOT WHAT WE DESERVED.

It's much more complicated then in just a post with a few lines :cheers:

01-08-2017, 05:06 PM
to answer your questions I would first ask you a couple of questions as they establish a baseline for understanding - #1) do you own a home ? #2) do you own rental property ? #4) Do you own a business or more specifically do you sign the back of a paycheck or the front of many paychecks?

Once I establish your frame of reference I can take you to several points of interest - If you remove all those deductions, landlords would simply increase the rents to compensate for increases in taxes, damages, turn over expenses etc.. As most people who own commercial or residential rental properties will attest to - it only takes one bad tenant to wipe out a year or more of profits. Many investors are leaving the investment property world because the headaches caused by bad tenants and things like rent control take the profit out of it. Very few people understand how difficult it is to make money renting properties unless you are a lucky flipper / investor and then taxes will hit you hard anyway.

I personally favor a flat tax of some kind. But we could go on and on with all the disparaging cognitive dissonance that exists within our tax code.

I also favor a national identity card (oh my god) and without this card no services could or should be rendered exception - to save life. I am pro-immigration - anti illegal immigrant - but then we do like our cheap produce don't we? We Most folks think the national identity card is communism, but I think it's American to have a card that says "I am American I pay my taxes, I contribute my fair share".
I also favor the legalization of drugs and I would use the money saved by reducing enforcement and incarceration and spend it on education and rehabilitation. Tax the sh*t out of the drugs! Lots of folks would call that a poor tax.
Libertarians have some good points though they miss the need for social safety nets and other all important infrastructure, we are after all supposed to be a compassionate nation.

So many people forget the #1 reason jobs went overseas - Americans wanted more stuff and they wanted it cheaper and cheaper. Stock holders said "gee the only way to do that is reduce labor costs and all the other costs (like environmental compliance) associated with doing business in America. Stock holder told the Boards to DO IT and the boards started shutting down plants to comply. In the short term stocks went up but the long term was the death of the middle class.

(THIS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH PRESIDENT OBAMA) this had to do with GREEDY Americans - get all you can for as little as you can, take the money and run, get yours and go while it lasts. Well guess what - WE GOT WHAT WE DESERVED.

Dammit, there you go making sense & stating facts again! Don't you realize you're just gonna confuse these guys? If Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter or Glen Beck didn't say it then it can't be true! :icon_rolleyes:

One other thing the government should implement is that if you are on welfare, in order to keep getting welfare checks you must submit to regular urinalysis testing or you're cut off. Pay for the tests with the money you save by not paying deadbeats any longer. Of course if we cut them off then crime will just increase because if they can't find work they still need to eat. There are no easy solutions. :banghead:

'popcorn and coke'

01-08-2017, 05:09 PM
I tried to make it through your neck of the woods last Sept before my meniscus tore. I planned on riding from Happy Camp, CA to Cave Junction, OR on Indian Creek Road. Ever been down that way? Next I was going to head to Crater Lake then up 97. Hopefully next summer.

I've never been to Happy a Camp or Cave Junction, but I've been to Crater Lake. Up 97 from Crater Lake will get you to Bend in about 150 miles.

01-08-2017, 05:15 PM
National identity card??? We already have that. Its called a Social Security Card. Those, along with the Constitution are both being ignored.

Why does the obomination have 3 National Identity cards? Why does he have a National Identity Card with a number that represents a birth in Connecticut, a state that he claimed not to have been born in?

01-08-2017, 05:19 PM
As far as I understand social security registration is not mandatory.

01-08-2017, 05:24 PM
As far as I understand social security registration is not mandatory.

Interesting, I thought it was a requirement as it is the primary method of taxation of working Americans. Ah, I see my mistake, "working."

01-08-2017, 05:26 PM
Kind of makes me kick myself for not being more knowledgeable when my kids were born. Would have never done the 'convenience' gimmick the hospital provides. Sometimes I hate myself.

But not today, catching my second wind, Giants are going at the Pack pretty good.

01-08-2017, 05:35 PM
I would like to jump in and play also .... my comments are in red :icon_cool::yes:

It's much more complicated then in just a post with a few lines :cheers:

question #3 is missing - ? Not really you just pay better attention than most. I love a little dialogue every bicep needs a tricep to work properly... it's called the antagonist. :icon_mrgreen:

01-08-2017, 05:48 PM
Good riddance to an under-qualified, incompetent, and racist president!

01-08-2017, 06:00 PM
Good riddance to an under-qualified, incompetent, and racist president!

+300 million

01-08-2017, 06:07 PM
Good riddance to an under-qualified, incompetent, and racist president!

What? Is Trumps Presidency over already? :poke: :joke:

01-08-2017, 06:11 PM
What? Is Trumps Presidency over already? :poke: :joke:

Please ask your doctor to test you for Dunning-Kruger Effect.

01-08-2017, 06:32 PM
As far as I understand social security registration is not mandatory.

Interesting, I thought it was a requirement as it is the primary method of taxation of working Americans. Ah, I see my mistake, "working."

Yes, ask Tax4free about this. He the subject matter expert. :icon_wink:

01-08-2017, 06:44 PM
Please ask your doctor to test you for Dunning-Kruger Effect.

I'll do that, as soon as your doctor treats you for cranium rectitis! :poke: :icon_laugh:

01-08-2017, 06:51 PM
LOLOLOLOL. Either the second bottle of ripple has kicked in or some kids have swiped your logon and are posting for you.

01-08-2017, 07:11 PM
LOLOLOLOL. Either the second bottle of ripple has kicked in or some kids have swiped your logon and are posting for you.

Did you notice that your Giants are getting their butts kicked? :icon_mrgreen:

01-08-2017, 07:14 PM
Did you notice that your Giants are getting their butts kicked? :icon_mrgreen:

I would think that your lack of grasp on reality would be a more pressing issue than football for you, no?

01-08-2017, 07:24 PM
I would think that your lack of grasp on reality would be a more pressing issue than football for you, no?

My superior intellect allows me to do many things simultaneously. :icon_mrgreen:

01-08-2017, 07:25 PM
My superior intellect allows me to do many things simultaneously. :icon_mrgreen:

Add delusional to your list of personality traits.

01-08-2017, 07:26 PM
My superior intellect allows me to do many things simultaneously. :icon_mrgreen:

I see. So you're a jack of all trades, and a master at nothing? :shhh:


01-08-2017, 07:35 PM
My superior intellect allows me to do many things simultaneously. :icon_mrgreen:

Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of, it's quite common among liberals. Actually, that's how the demoncratic party survives. Admitting that you have a problem is the first step to recovery. It's never too late to get help.

01-08-2017, 07:49 PM
'stop now'

:bf8: Enough of this crap !

01-08-2017, 07:52 PM
'stop now'

:bf8: Enough of this crap !

LOL Kill joy! OK, I give up. he wins

01-08-2017, 07:58 PM
LOL Kill joy! OK, I give up. he wins

No, you win! :shake2:

Let's talk about KCCO! :icon_mrgreen:

01-10-2017, 05:39 PM
'stop now'

:bf8: Enough of this crap !

Do I have to stop this car? "crashnburn"

01-10-2017, 05:44 PM
Do I have to stop this car?

Only if you see titties! happygirl