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View Full Version : The meaning of gun ownership -- please add to the list

01-08-2017, 04:02 PM
Weapons are the sole means to liberty. Our freedoms are NOT secured by a document, by god nor by the bravery of our forefathers. Our freedoms are secured because people fear that should they try to take our weapons, we will use those weapons to fight back.

01-08-2017, 04:04 PM
If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns!

I suppose now you're gonna claim that Obama tried to take your guns away? :icon_rolleyes:

01-08-2017, 04:06 PM
I suppose now you're gonna claim that Obama tried to take your guns away? :icon_rolleyes: Are you really that dim? Or, just not paying attention? Both? I am not going to bother trying to educate you as you have proven that to be impossible.

This off-topic thread is about guns, not stupidity. Please don't post off-topic in this off-topic post.

01-08-2017, 04:27 PM
But David, should i not be satisfied with a flintlock? I mean that's what the forefathers meant......right?

01-08-2017, 04:42 PM
But David, should i not be satisfied with a flintlock? I mean that's what the forefathers meant......right?

That's true, but then the first amendment only protects spoken words, quill pens and the single-sheet, hand-fed printing presses. No free speech on telegraphs, teletypes, megaphones, PA systems, typewriters, computers, modern printing presses, ball point pens, markers, internet, radio, TV, satellite, fiber optics and telephone etc., because the founding fathers never imagined communication by those methods.

01-08-2017, 04:47 PM
If all the nuclear weapons are taken away only criminals will have nuclear weapons - hmmm ?
or bio weapons
or lots of IED's
Or flame throwers
or machine guns with bullet piercing rounds
or laser cannons
or the list goes on

If you think having a little or big arsenal really gives a nation with an army like the U.S. cause for alarm you simply don't understand things any better than ISIS.
If you are deemed a threat to the American way of life and capitalism - their gonna drop your arse where it is without a second thought to how many m-16's you have hidden in your basement.

The meaning of gun ownership to me is - I can carry a handgun if I deem it necessary, I can carry a hunting rifle or weapon for that purpose as it is sensible for that endeavor but as far as owning an arsenal to protect myself against my own governments tyranny? Sorry, that's what the voting booth is for.
If we make people take a test to get a drivers license, we should at the very least make folks take a firearms competency test with a psych profile, to ensure they are not the latest version of whacko.

01-08-2017, 04:54 PM
Thomas Jefferson was a wizard of great genius and knew about overbearing governments and what the people needed to keep those governments at bay. He said, and I quote" an armed person is a citizen and an unarmed person is a subject! Those that beat their guns into plow shares will plow for those that have guns. May not be a perfect quote but it is close and the meaning is clear. Evidently a lot of Americans have forgotten the long ago written words of the founding fathers.

01-08-2017, 04:55 PM
If we make people take a test to get a drivers license, we should at the very least make folks take a firearms competency test with a psych profile, to ensure they are not the latest version of whacko.

1. There is no such thing a a psych profile to ensure people are not the latest version of whacko. If there were, why stop at using it for gun ownership? Why not for driving, voting, breeding? You don't want a nut job to vote do you? Do you want to be hit by car driven by a nut job? Do you want to listen to the pitter patter of little nut job feet?

2. Only an idiot would think that taking guns from law-abiding citizens (the only ones that would follow gun control laws) would reduce violence.

2. Self-defense is a human right. Driving is a privilege with which cars are used to kill far more people, than guns are used to kill in this country.

3. Demoncrats want to take guns away from people because they are being shot by Demoncrats. Republicans want to keep guns in order to stop Demoncrats from shooting them. Just watch the communist news and you will see that Demoncrats are far more violent than Republicans.

4. There is no such thing a gun violence, just as there is no such thing as knife violence, hammer violence, fist violence, pressure cooker violence or fertilizer violence.

5. If gun owners were as violent as Demoncrats say that the are, there would be no Demoncrats left.

01-08-2017, 04:59 PM
Thomas Jefferson was a wizard of great genius and knew about overbearing governments and what the people needed to keep those governments at bay. He said, and I quote" an armed person is a citizen and an unarmed person is a subject! Those that beat their guns into plow shares will plow for those that have guns. May not be a perfect quote but it is close and the meaning is clear. Evidently a lot of Americans have forgotten the long ago written words of the founding fathers.

True. The founding fathers learned from experience and were extremely intelligent and wise.

As my signature states: Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty.

01-08-2017, 05:03 PM
as far as owning an arsenal to protect myself against my own governments tyranny? Sorry, that's what the voting booth is for.

Are you referring to the guns that we used to fight the English for our freedom?

01-08-2017, 05:11 PM
A driver license is not a right provided for in the Constitution. It's a privilege, not a right. Confusing the two means you are confused. Felons lose their right to firearms, felons of DWI cases can still have their license reinstated. That makes sense.

No such animal as a bullet piercing round. If you meant an armor piercing round, then we understand you may be out of your skill set. Just for a bit of education , an armor piercing round is less lethal than your everyday hollow point. Sure it presents a threat to body armor, but if you give me a choice, I'll take the armor piercing round everyday.

And citizens can and do own machine guns, flame throwers, tanks and so on. The cost of ownership for licensing by the government and the cost of the item itself make it just not cost effective for the everyday Chicago thug to obtain. Easier to break in my house and steal my firearms.

01-08-2017, 05:20 PM
A driver license is not a right provided for in the Constitution. It's a privilege, not a right. Confusing the two means you are confused. Felons lose their right to firearms, felons of DWI cases can still have their license reinstated. That makes sense.

No such animal as a bullet piercing round. If you meant an armor piercing round, then we understand you may be out of your skill set. Just for a bit of education , an armor piercing round is less lethal than your everyday hollow point. Sure it presents a threat to body armor, but if you give me a choice, I'll take the armor piercing round everyday.

And citizens can and do own machine guns, flame throwers, tanks and so on. The cost of ownership for licensing by the government and the cost of the item itself make it just not cost effective for the everyday Chicago thug to obtain. Easier to break in my house and steal my firearms.

Damn, those pesky FACTS! I own an M16 now. I just bought a second one along with a full-auto Glock 17 and a full-auto MP5. Just about to start the wait list for the transfer from ATF.

And, YES, if you outlaw nuclear weapons, only outlaws with have them.

Retired Army
01-08-2017, 05:29 PM
Not one shoot was fired the day the towers fell.

01-08-2017, 05:33 PM
Not one shoot was fired the day the towers fell.

The towers were taken down by planes hijacked with 1/2-inch long blades. If shots could have been fired, the hijackings would have been stopped instantly. Gun control is what allowed the terrorists to kill thousands of innocent victims and responders.

Retired Army
01-08-2017, 05:44 PM
The towers were taken down by planes hijacked with 1/2-inch long blades. If shots could have been fired, the hijackings would have been stopped instantly. Gun control is what allowed the terrorists to kill thousands of innocent victims and responders.
So you are telling me more mass distraction occurred with knives than guns? What will happen if mental stability becomes the way guns are controlled?

01-08-2017, 05:46 PM
Thomas Jefferson was a wizard of great genius and knew about overbearing governments and what the people needed to keep those governments at bay. He said, and I quote" an armed person is a citizen and an unarmed person is a subject! Those that beat their guns into plow shares will plow for those that have guns. May not be a perfect quote but it is close and the meaning is clear. Evidently a lot of Americans have forgotten the long ago written words of the founding fathers.

It is a good quote and an offshoot from a biblical reference. Jefferson also liked having slaves for cheap labor and having sex with his favorite Slave Sally. That does not detract from his brilliance as a founding father or as a well written deist.
My point?
Times change, nations change and the needs of those nations evolve as do the people for many different reasons. Weapons have changed. At one time a militia was a useful thing - today it's more of an absurdity like an irritating flea on a dogs back. Nothing sillier than a bunch of grown men in hot wool reenacting the civil war in the south. Oh well.
Gun ownership should be moderated by common sense not obsessions.

01-08-2017, 05:46 PM
Definitely added to the Sky Marshall program. Hmmmm, guns and trained operators as a deterrent and a measure to stop a threat. Sounds good to me.

01-08-2017, 05:46 PM
So you are telling me more mass distraction occurred with knives than guns? Box cutters to be precise.

01-08-2017, 05:49 PM
It is a good quote and an offshoot from a biblical reference. Jefferson also liked having slaves for cheap labor and having sex with his favorite Slave Sally. That does not detract from his brilliance as a founding father or as a well written deist.
My point?
Times change, nations change and the needs of those nations evolve as do the people for many different reasons. Weapons have changed. At one time a militia was a useful thing - today it's more of an absurdity like an irritating flea on a dogs back. Nothing sillier than a bunch of grown men in hot wool reenacting the civil war in the south. Oh well.
Gun ownership should be moderated by common sense not obsessions.

They do it in the north as well. Again you are ignorant.


Once again you instill a thought against a group as absurd. What do you do for recreation? I'm sure it's absurd.

01-08-2017, 05:54 PM
It is a good quote and an offshoot from a biblical reference. Jefferson also liked having slaves for cheap labor and having sex with his favorite Slave Sally. That does not detract from his brilliance as a founding father or as a well written deist.
My point?
Times change, nations change and the needs of those nations evolve as do the people for many different reasons. Weapons have changed. At one time a militia was a useful thing - today it's more of an absurdity like an irritating flea on a dogs back. Nothing sillier than a bunch of grown men in hot wool reenacting the civil war in the south. Oh well.
Gun ownership should be moderated by common sense not obsessions.

Common sense, as dictated by liberals, makes no sense at all, and is unfortunately, all too common.

Times may change, but ideals and concepts for right and wrong never change. That's what the Constitution is really about.

Armed citizens are the ONLY determinant against crime by criminals and governments. Just look at Detroit, LA and Chicago for proof.

Militias have nothing to do with civil war reenactment. You really should educate yourself about a topic before forming a conclusion and spouting garbage. You might want to research the definition of Militia at the time that the Constitution was written. Don't be scared, truth and facts will only hurt a little.

The sentiments expressed in your post is sadly common among liberals and speaks volumes regarding your lack of education and understanding of history, human nature, society and tyranny.

Retired Army
01-08-2017, 06:00 PM
Hopefully intellect will prevail and so will America.

01-08-2017, 06:04 PM
Hopefully intellect will prevail and so will America.

A glimmer of hope will arise on Jan. 20. Hilderbeast would have destroyed what was left.

01-08-2017, 06:46 PM
If you want a feel good story then you can go and recount the 2015 Garland TEXAS execution of two terrorists (I call them, cnn didn't have the balls too). That could have been as easily a private security force or dare I say a militia element providing security. But anywho the score ended up being 2-0 with the terrorists on the losing side. Congratulations to a well armed and trained police force.

01-08-2017, 06:56 PM
If you want a feel good story then you can go and recount the 2015 Garland TEXAS execution of two terrorists (I call them, cnn didn't have the balls too). That could have been as easily a private security force or dare I say a militia element providing security. But anywho the score ended up being 2-0 with the terrorists on the losing side. Congratulations to a well armed and trained police force.

Any/Every time a bad guy goes down is a good story.

01-08-2017, 09:41 PM
The meaning of gun ownership:
As "head of household" it is to accept the responsibility of keeping my family safe to the best of my ability.
And to do that:
a) Be well trained and proficient with whatever weapon I employ
b) Ensure the proper maintenance, upkeep, and storage of weapon and associated parts
c) Ensure that others in the domicile are well trained and proficient in use of available weapons
d) Be fully cognizant of laws and regulations thereunto pertaining


01-08-2017, 09:48 PM
^^ That. ^^

01-08-2017, 10:30 PM
The meaning of gun ownership:
As "head of household" it is to accept the responsibility of keeping my family safe to the best of my ability.
And to do that:
a) Be well trained and proficient with whatever weapon I employ
b) Ensure the proper maintenance, upkeep, and storage of weapon and associated parts
c) Ensure that others in the domicile are well trained and proficient in use of available weapons
d) Be fully cognizant of laws and regulations thereunto pertaining


Well stated

Steve 0080
01-08-2017, 10:54 PM
I am aware this is the HOT BOX or Off Topic area....I am also aware that on this board we do not call fellow riders names or anything along those lines. For those who in the last couple of days have not seen this on another thread maybe you should go read it.

Hot Box or not there will be no personal attacks on this board. If you do to have the ability to express yourselves without calling someone out for their views then maybe just maybe YOU should stay out of the BOX.


01-08-2017, 11:39 PM
I am aware this is the HOT BOX or Off Topic area....I am also aware that on this board we do not call fellow riders names or anything along those lines. For those who in the last couple of days have not seen this on another thread maybe you should go read it.

Hot Box or not there will be no personal attacks on this board. If you do to have the ability to express yourselves without calling someone out for their views then maybe just maybe YOU should stay out of the BOX.


Well said Steve! Thanks! :beer3:

01-09-2017, 04:17 AM
It is a good quote and an offshoot from a biblical reference. Jefferson also liked having slaves for cheap labor and having sex with his favorite Slave Sally. That does not detract from his brilliance as a founding father or as a well written deist.
My point?
Times change, nations change and the needs of those nations evolve as do the people for many different reasons. Weapons have changed. At one time a militia was a useful thing - today it's more of an absurdity like an irritating flea on a dogs back. Nothing sillier than a bunch of grown men in hot wool reenacting the civil war in the south. Oh well.
Gun ownership should be moderated by common sense not obsessions.

To clarify a "well regulated militia", in English common law, just meant well functioning able bodied men so how is that any different than what is required today? Just ask the citizens in Chicago if they would feel safer with some armed, able bodied men, with good intentions, to patrol the streets unlike the armed, murderous men, with evil intentions who roam there now. Liberals love to dictate from their sculpted lawns in their gated communities, with armed guards, how the rest of society should function, out in the real world, in the cesspools their policies, gun control among them, have rendered for the last 50 years.

Every murder capital in the US has been run by Democratic/Liberal monopolies and through bribery, voter fraud, illegals being allowed to vote they have had a stranglehold on any opposition. So you can vote Republican in any major city for 100 years and it won't stop them, which won't stop these thugs, their constituency. What will stop these thugs is a blast from a Benelli M4 as they try a home invasion in their never ending quest to terrorize the people who actually work for a living and just want to live a peaceful life.

And to me that is the embodiment of the amendment in the Bill of Rights, in order to have the "security of a free State" those militia, or armed able bodied men i.e homeowner, are "necessary". Law enforcment is for the security of the government from being overthrown but individual gun ownership is for the security of the collective who make up that state and form that government, I see the two as mutually exclusive.

And as far as Civil War reenactments why shouldn't we honor, and be visually reminded, of the sacrifice of such a monumental and sad moment in time of our history. The dedication of time, money and effort these people devote to give us a glimpse of history in real time and real life should be applauded not mocked. You want to talk silly let's talk about grown men in assless chaps dressed like pirates on air-cooled...I digress.

The need to be secure in your papers, your rights, your home and your family is the same as it was in 1789. That is why the Bill of Rights means the same thing then as it does today as it is not a living, breathing thing subject to unlimited reinterpretation, doesn't need to be.

01-09-2017, 04:27 AM
To clarify a "well regulated militia", in English common law, just meant well functioning able bodied men so how is that any different than what is required today? Just ask the citizens in Chicago if they would feel safer with some armed, able bodied men, with good intentions, to patrol the streets unlike the armed, murderous men, with evil intentions who roam there now. Liberals love to dictate from their sculpted lawns in their gated communities, with armed guards, how the rest of society should function, out in the real world, in the cesspools their policies, gun control among them, have rendered for the last 50 years.

Every murder capital in the US has been run by Democratic/Liberal monopolies and through bribery, voter fraud, illegals being allowed to vote they have had a stranglehold on any opposition. So you can vote Republican in any major city for 100 years and it won't stop them, which won't stop these thugs, their constituency. What will stop these thugs is a blast from a Benelli M4 as they try a home invasion in their never ending quest to terrorize the people who actually work for a living and just want to live a peaceful life.

And to me that is the embodiment of the amendment in the Bill of Rights, in order to have the "security of a free State" those militia, or armed able bodied men i.e homeowner, are "necessary". Law enforcment is for the security of the government from being overthrown but individual gun ownership is for the security of the collective who make up that state and form that government, I see the two as mutually exclusive.

And as far as Civil War reenactments why shouldn't we honor, and be visually reminded, of the sacrifice of such a monumental and sad moment in time of our history. The dedication of time, money and effort these people devote to give us a glimpse of history in real time and real life should be applauded not mocked. You want to talk silly let's talk about grown men in assless chaps dressed like pirates on air-cooled...I digress.

+1 Well said

01-09-2017, 09:35 AM
To clarify a "well regulated militia", in English common law, just meant well functioning able bodied men so how is that any different than what is required today? Just ask the citizens in Chicago if they would feel safer with some armed, able bodied men, with good intentions, to patrol the streets unlike the armed, murderous men, with evil intentions who roam there now. Liberals love to dictate from their sculpted lawns in their gated communities, with armed guards, how the rest of society should function, out in the real world, in the cesspools their policies, gun control among them, have rendered for the last 50 years.

When the police couldn't handle the mob in Ferguson, friends joined together in a militia to guard businesses.


Just look at those hand held mob and crime deterrents. Black, white, female. Now that's a diverse militia.

01-09-2017, 03:25 PM
The meaning of gun ownership:
As "head of household" it is to accept the responsibility of keeping my family safe to the best of my ability.
And to do that:
a) Be well trained and proficient with whatever weapon I employ
b) Ensure the proper maintenance, upkeep, and storage of weapon and associated parts
c) Ensure that others in the domicile are well trained and proficient in use of available weapons
d) Be fully cognizant of laws and regulations thereunto pertaining



Well spoken, even for a Jarhead !!!!


01-09-2017, 07:44 PM
When the police couldn't handle the mob in Ferguson, friends joined together in a militia to guard businesses.


Just look at those hand held mob and crime deterrents. Black, white, female. Now that's a diverse militia.

That right there is the purest example of what that amendment is, it goes to the brilliance put into that document.

Steve 0080
01-09-2017, 08:25 PM
I believe the police were told to stand down...arrest them later thru video. I say shoot them and do your job, next time people will think twice about destroying someone else's property...Flame on.... "fireybat"

01-09-2017, 08:46 PM
I believe the police were told to stand down...arrest them later thru video. I say shoot them and do your job, next time people will think twice about destroying someone else's property...Flame on.... "fireybat"

Bring it....anytime, baby.
"fireybat" :stretcher:

01-09-2017, 08:57 PM
No finer a definition:

What distinguishes those engaged in militia from an army

The authority for militia is any threat to public safety.
Those active in militia are usually not bound for a fixed term of service, or paid for it.
Those active in militia cannot expect arms, supplies, or officers to be provided to them.
No one has the authority to order militia to surrender, disarm, or disband.

01-09-2017, 09:06 PM
No finer a definition:

What distinguishes those engaged in militia from an army

The authority for militia is any threat to public safety.
Those active in militia are usually not bound for a fixed term of service, or paid for it.
Those active in militia cannot expect arms, supplies, or officers to be provided to them.
No one has the authority to order militia to surrender, disarm, or disband.

Bro, you just made my 2017!

01-09-2017, 09:25 PM
Glad to schwing you. Yeah, I kinda really like that a lot too.


01-10-2017, 06:40 PM
It means never having to say, "I'm sorry, if I'd only had a gun".