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Thread: And so it begins

  1. #11
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
    Just hope he keeps his election promises, as they are the things that made him different as a candidate.

    Outside of the US he is seen as a bit of a buffoon, but that might just be a caricature he puts on for TV.
    Quote Originally Posted by D-Train View Post
    He's seen as a buffoon by a lot of people in the USA too. Wish us luck!

    Many outside of the US also stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night many world leaders actually fear him for the simple fact that he wants to protect American interests first and could care less what world leader opinions are. WHY is Britain's leader all of a sudden wanting to be buddy-buddy with our president. HMMMMMM? I believe they're visiting in the next couple of weeks.

    Buffoons are the EUROPEANS that prematurely ejaculated a NOBEL Peace prize to a person who did nothing but DIVIDE his own country more so then ever before. The real Buffoons are the world leaders (a few from Europe) that "donated" millions towards a fraudulent US Charity that is now closing its doors, World leaders and their citizens fooled by a carpet bagger ... yes indeed, they are definitely buffoons. British Citizens #2 on the LIST ... See attached Chart of real BUFFOONS

    Why don't you European EXPERTS whom already know everything about our president (another premature ejaculation / opinion) focus on abolishing slavery that still goes on around the world, resolve the poverty and starvation in Venezuela, stop the abuse of human rights in Cuba, Reclaim neighborhoods in England and Europe that have been invaded by Islamic Extremists where the true European citizens can no longer reside within and the police fear. Why don't you focus on protecting women rights in the Middle East, why don't you focus on BEGGING China and Russia to curb their pollution, why don't you move to Iran and call their leader a buffoon and see if their laws regarding free speech protects your rear end ....

    He sounds a lot like the BUFFOONETTE Margaret Thatcher and the BUFFOON Ronald Reagan ... 2 of the greatest leaders the world had ever seen. Many in the world miss them both.

    A Buffoon that has made millions, built many companies, employs thousands and what have YOU done to be above THAT? If you can't top that, then what falls under the buffoon classification? You have NOTHING better to offer other then hatred for someone that hasn't even been given the opportunity to prove himself.

    Buffoons are those that have never worked with or lived with a person YET know everything about that person from behind a computer screen.
    Give the man 2 years and then if he has EARNED such a title I'll back your sentiment, until then keep your OWN title to yourself. If you really want to know what world leaders are saying .... here you go....

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Train View Post
    Umm, I hate to have to embarrass you by pointing this out to you, but Hilary Clinton is not the President of the United States.

    And those damned liberal democrats trying to keep politicians in Washington honest and ethical! Shame on them.

    ??? Did I miss something in my post? I'm not seeing anything that insinuated that she was POTUS. Quotes were taken directly from your article.

    And it's a pretty safe bet that if she was, these same people would not be pushing to shut down the Foundation. Hence the hypocritical comment.

    My only point was that it's a good example of the pot calling the kettle black.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by seventwenty View Post
    ??? Did I miss something in my post? I'm not seeing anything that insinuated that she was POTUS. Quotes were taken directly from your article.

    And it's a pretty safe bet that if she was, these same people would not be pushing to shut down the Foundation. Hence the hypocritical comment.

    My only point was that it's a good example of the pot calling the kettle black.
    My point was that there's a HUGE difference between her taking money from foreign governments for her foundation, than it is for the POTUS to accept money from foreign governments, so calling it hypocritical doesn't make sense. One (Hilary's) is legal and ethical since it doesn't help or hinder the USA one way or the other, the other (Trumps) is HUGELY important because taking money from foreign governments while he is the President potentially affects our entire country. It's scary that you don't think there's a difference!

  4. #14
    Senior Member Broken Hand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Train View Post
    My point was that there's a HUGE difference between her taking money from foreign governments for her foundation, than it is for the POTUS to accept money from foreign governments, so calling it hypocritical doesn't make sense. One (Hilary's) is legal and ethical since it doesn't help or hinder the USA one way or the other, the other (Trumps) is HUGELY important because taking money from foreign governments while he is the President potentially affects our entire country. It's scary that you don't think there's a difference!
    You speak as though the Clintons didn't have clout or a large political network. As long as she was SoS or running for president, she had capability of using that power to push agendas. Bill and Hillary's speaking fees skyrocketed after she was made SoS and while running for POTUS. It's called Pay to Play.

    Why do you think the donations to the CGI dried up? Why do you think she is contemplating a run for NYC mayor? Not as much power, but it is still an influential position.

    I'm really disappointed in you. I thought you were a little more independent thinking from your previous posts on this forum, but your myopic viewpoints toward Democratic corruption is disheartening.

    I'm giving The Donald a chance. Some of the shit he's said sucks, but actions are louder than words. He has defied all 'expert' opinions with win after win, so I'm ignoring the din for now and will re-evaluate his performance in a year.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broken Hand View Post
    You speak as though the Clintons didn't have clout or a large political network. As long as she was SoS or running for president, she had capability of using that power to push agendas. Bill and Hillary's speaking fees skyrocketed after she was made SoS and while running for POTUS. It's called Pay to Play.

    Why do you think the donations to the CGI dried up? Why do you think she is contemplating a run for NYC mayor? Not as much power, but it is still an influential position.

    I'm really disappointed in you. I thought you were a little more independent thinking from your previous posts on this forum, but your myopic viewpoints toward Democratic corruption is disheartening.

    I'm giving The Donald a chance. Some of the shit he's said sucks, but actions are louder than words. He has defied all 'expert' opinions with win after win, so I'm ignoring the din for now and will re-evaluate his performance in a year.
    I'm disappointed in you that whenever I mention Trump you start with "But Hilary Clinton...." You know what? Fuck Hilary Clinton! I didn't vote for that bitch either! The fact that you don't see the difference between the POTUS being able to get personal financial gain from foreign governments and somebody that's not even currently a politician lining her pockets is shocking. The ramifications of the POTUS getting ANY kind of personal financial gain from ANY foreign government is HUGE! What's so hard to understand about that? This is not about Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, Conservatives, or anything else! This is about the LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD!!

    I'm also willing to give Trump a chance, but so far he's turning out to be the disaster I suspected he would. He threw a big monkey wrench into the Obamacare situation thinking he's "fixing" it, but has no idea what the ramifications will be. I believe that given time we'll see just how things unfold on the healthcare front as the results of his recent "executive orders". When things get much worse than they currently are you can bet I'll be back here saying "I told you so", and if things end up getting better because of his actions I fully expect you to come on here and say "I told you so". LOL!

    Screw all this stuff, let's go have a beer bro!

  6. #16
    Senior Member willtill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Train View Post
    I'm disappointed in you that whenever I mention Trump you start with "But Hilary Clinton...." You know what? Fuck Hilary Clinton! I didn't vote for that bitch either! The fact that you don't see the difference between the POTUS being able to get personal financial gain from foreign governments and somebody that's not even currently a politician lining her pockets is shocking. The ramifications of the POTUS getting ANY kind of personal financial gain from ANY foreign government is HUGE! What's so hard to understand about that? This is not about Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, Conservatives, or anything else! This is about the LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD!!

    I'm also willing to give Trump a chance, but so far he's turning out to be the disaster I suspected he would. He threw a big monkey wrench into the Obamacare situation thinking he's "fixing" it, but has no idea what the ramifications will be. I believe that given time we'll see just how things unfold on the healthcare front as the results of his recent "executive orders". When things get much worse than they currently are you can bet I'll be back here saying "I told you so", and if things end up getting better because of his actions I fully expect you to come on here and say "I told you so". LOL!

    Screw all this stuff, let's go have a beer bro!
    So what do you suggest that Donald Trump does? He's reportedly divested himself from it; in preparation to becoming President.

    Or do you think he should just sell it or give it away? That's not really realistic.

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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by willtill View Post
    So what do you suggest that Donald Trump does? He's reportedly divested himself from it; in preparation to becoming President.

    Or do you think he should just sell it or give it away? That's not really realistic.
    He "reportedly" divested himself from his business interests, but did he really do enough? If he did, would he be getting sued? I don't think so. Obviously people that are smarter than me or you think he didn't do enough, or we wouldn't be having this discussion.

    Oops, I forgot that I said I would stay away from political discussions.

  8. #18
    Senior Member Broken Hand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Train View Post
    He "reportedly" divested himself from his business interests, but did he really do enough? If he did, would he be getting sued? I don't think so. Obviously people that are smarter than me or you think he didn't do enough, or we wouldn't be having this discussion.

    Oops, I forgot that I said I would stay away from political discussions.

    Alot of people have unrealistic expectations about how quickly someone can pull out of an entrepreneurial empire. He took 30-40 years building it. He's not going to divest before the election, that would have been stupid, especially if he had lost. Also, it's a private corporation vs publicly traded, which complicates divesting even more. Remember, first time we've had a business man with his amount of assets as Prez. A lot of this is wading into new territory.

    The lawsuit will either have merit or not. Will have to see how it moves forward.

  9. #19
    Senior Member Broken Hand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Train View Post
    I'm disappointed in you that whenever I mention Trump you start with "But Hilary Clinton...."
    That's called painting with a broad brush, and usually not true. But hey, I'll agree with you that Hillary is a bitch and beer > arguing.

    I work in healthcare, and Obamacare has added so much wasteful regulation it would make your head spin. It's not all bad, but the approach could have been so much better. The other bad part is the way it was implemented through budget reconciliation...essentially allows the ACA to be easily gutted.

    Oh! Sorry. Beer > Arguing. Politics brings the worst out in people.

  10. #20
    Moderator BIGLRY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    Many outside of the US also stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night many world leaders actually fear him for the simple fact that he wants to protect American interests first and could care less what world leader opinions are. WHY is Britain's leader all of a sudden wanting to be buddy-buddy with our president. HMMMMMM? I believe they're visiting in the next couple of weeks.

    Buffoons are the EUROPEANS that prematurely ejaculated a NOBEL Peace prize to a person who did nothing but DIVIDE his own country more so then ever before. The real Buffoons are the world leaders (a few from Europe) that "donated" millions towards a fraudulent US Charity that is now closing its doors, World leaders and their citizens fooled by a carpet bagger ... yes indeed, they are definitely buffoons. British Citizens #2 on the LIST ... See attached Chart of real BUFFOONS

    Why don't you European EXPERTS whom already know everything about our president (another premature ejaculation / opinion) focus on abolishing slavery that still goes on around the world, resolve the poverty and starvation in Venezuela, stop the abuse of human rights in Cuba, Reclaim neighborhoods in England and Europe that have been invaded by Islamic Extremists where the true European citizens can no longer reside within and the police fear. Why don't you focus on protecting women rights in the Middle East, why don't you focus on BEGGING China and Russia to curb their pollution, why don't you move to Iran and call their leader a buffoon and see if their laws regarding free speech protects your rear end ....

    He sounds a lot like the BUFFOONETTE Margaret Thatcher and the BUFFOON Ronald Reagan ... 2 of the greatest leaders the world had ever seen. Many in the world miss them both.

    A Buffoon that has made millions, built many companies, employs thousands and what have YOU done to be above THAT? If you can't top that, then what falls under the buffoon classification? You have NOTHING better to offer other then hatred for someone that hasn't even been given the opportunity to prove himself.

    Buffoons are those that have never worked with or lived with a person YET know everything about that person from behind a computer screen.
    Give the man 2 years and then if he has EARNED such a title I'll back your sentiment, until then keep your OWN title to yourself. If you really want to know what world leaders are saying .... here you go....
    Most excellent post

    The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot -
    the guy who invented the second one... he was the genius!

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