Trump's presidency is helping women already - Page 3
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Thread: Trump's presidency is helping women already

  1. #21
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by willtill View Post

    BTW, to that first woman with the sign - no problem, consider it done.

  2. #22
    Senior Member Broken Hand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    Wasn't your city originally named Bend Over, Oregon? What happened? These douchebags should have been home cleaning, cooking, shopping and doing the laundry. Instead they decided to block traffic, clog mass transit, don their spandex and commiserate on the same weekend of the inauguration. The profanity from these hose bags, who had their children in tow, was real classy. Maybe if they stayed home, cooked a meal and gave their husbands a knob shine every once in a while they wouldn't be so angry. They all sounded like my ex wife - angry and bitter with a trash mouth so I'll say to them what I used to tell her "Shut your mouth and open your legs and we'd get along much better.
    Generally, I enjoy your posts, but wow, that rant sounded like a male version of Ashley Judd.

    What I do know is that after that million woman march, I like my wife less...and she didn't do nothin'.

  3. #23
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broken Hand View Post
    Generally, I enjoy your posts, but wow, that rant sounded like a male version of Ashley Judd.

    What I do know is that after that million woman march, I like my wife less...and she didn't do nothin'.
    Everytime I think of the ex wife this happens, I was in the moment I'm better now.

  4. #24
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Train View Post
    "Trump doesn't embellish or lie or tell falsehoods and neither does the Trump team. It's just that his alternative universe has its own set of alternative facts.

    It's up to the dishonest lying media to determine the real facts from the fake ones"

    I don't know whether to or

    Here's another interesting story from another communist newspaper, the Los Angeles Times.

    Those "Trumpeters" that are pissed off because their Obamacare rates were skyrocketing are going to really shit now when they double again! Old Monkey Paw is giving them what they deserve. Good thing for me I get VA Health Care so I'm not affected.
    There are MANY "Alternative facts" out there
    Convenient memory negates any true argument of blame ...
    As I said before ALL politicians are LIARS, CHEATS and THIEVES ... grab some popcorn and name the presidents who said the following ....

    "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
    "That depends on what the meaning of 'is' is."
    "Read my lips: no new taxes."
    "Throughout, we have kept Congress fully informed of our efforts" to create a legal framework on counterterrorism.
    “We signed into law the biggest middle-class tax cut in history”

    "We still seek no wider war."
    “If you like your health-care plan, you can keep it”

    You just got to laugh at times .... Politicians are all the same, however let's give PRESIDENT TRUMP a chance and let's come back in 12 months to see if he has run this country into the ground.

    Let's RIDE

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    Everytime I think of the ex wife this happens, I was in the moment I'm better now.
    If that avatar is a picture of your ex-wife, I'd have second thoughts! I could take a lot of sh*t from HER!...just sayin'

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    Wasn't your city originally named Bend Over, Oregon? What happened? These douchebags should have been home cleaning, cooking, shopping and doing the laundry. Instead they decided to block traffic, clog mass transit, don their spandex and commiserate on the same weekend of the inauguration. The profanity from these hose bags, who had their children in tow, was real classy. Maybe if they stayed home, cooked a meal and gave their husbands a knob shine every once in a while they wouldn't be so angry. They all sounded like my ex wife - angry and bitter with a trash mouth so I'll say to them what I used to tell her "Shut your mouth and open your legs and we'd get along much better.
    I rest my case! It's amazing that in this day and age we have mysogenistic attitudes like this in our country. Maybe that's why she is your EX wife?

  7. #27
    Senior Member Mike's Avatar
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  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    It might be helpful if we knew who you were responding to!

  9. #29
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickJ View Post
    If that avatar is a picture of your ex-wife, I'd have second thoughts! I could take a lot of sh*t from HER!...just sayin'
    That's our First Lady

  10. #30
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Train View Post
    I rest my case! It's amazing that in this day and age we have mysogenistic attitudes like this in our country. Maybe that's why she is your EX wife?
    You couldn't be further from the truth, mysogenistic (can't believe you used that) has been over-used so much, mostly by women and slim-hipped fancy boys, that it is equivalent to a girl claiming "rape" when she wakes up in the morning and feels bad or completely lies (Duke Lacrosse case) or "sexual harassment", it doesn't mean anything. Sure, what I said was vulgar, for shock value, but what was I saying? That a wife, especially a mother dragging herself, and maybe her kids, to some complain-fest about Donald Trump veiling it in some bullshit "Women's Rights" garbage only tells me that these women have WAY too much time on their hands. You don't think for a minute this march would have happened if Hillary was elected? This was conceived and organized the night of or the day after Trump won, with Soros money, made up by the women, and men, we saw crying at the Javits Center when they found out Trump clinched.

    Women's Rights? Are you serious? Women in this country are light years ahead of any other women in the world, have you heard of Title IX? Women today have to go out of their way to screw up their lives i.e. marry the wrong guy, get knocked up young, drop out of school. There are colleges, the military, businesses RECRUITING women because they can't get enough while stiff-arming men going for the same positions. I think it was Machiavelli who said always make it seem like the enemy is at the gate. So most people saw this for what it was - a gab fest full of bitter, angry, Pro-Abortion (Pro-Life groups were excluded) Hillary supporters taking their anger out on a glorious electoral win by one of the most competent, smartest (Wharton School of Business), richest candidate ever who's married to the HOTTEST First Lady we've EVER had. The only people that bought this as a women's rights march were the media, snowflakes, homosexuals, hipsters, transexuals and people in Oregon but I may have repeated myself.

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