Quote Originally Posted by Bob Penn View Post
I think the first question that should be asked has to be, why am I going to Americade?

If your going to see the rally, that is to see the exhibits and vendors, maybe test ride various bikes and trikes, or just experience the fun of the together, you had better plan on spending at least 5 hours plus lunch just for that. Considering most of us will be riding at least 2 hours each way that's a full day right there. Then, from experience, I've learned many of the exhibitors are not fully set up on the starting Monday and the rally doesn't get going until Tuesday at best.

If your going to ride the beautiful areas suggested, your going to need a full day just for riding. If your going for the riding maybe a better date would be the week after Americade when the crowds are gone and the odds of better weather are in your favor. Just remember Laconia Starts that week and NH traffic lights up.

As for myself I plan on going up for 1 day on Wednesday to see the show and then follow up riding NH the following week. All subject to change based on weather and stimulus.
I could care less about the show and booths. I want to ride. If it means I leave at 5am, I'll do it. By June, the sun lit days are long and an all day ride is what I want. It's the damn rain.....Bob, you stay away!