Back home after an aborted 50CC attempt. Picked up a piece of rebar in a construction zone east of Monahans Tx whic put a large (unrepairable) hole in the rear tire. Biggest lesson learned is to double check on your roadside assistance and make sure help is on the way. I was told help was three hours out by the insurance rep I spoke with. three and a half hours latter I called the towing company and was told they had no request on file. Another call to insurance rep and they set me up with another Company. Kudos to Crash Masters Towing of Odessa Tx for their service. The driver called me to tell me when he would arrive before I got word back from the insurance rep. The driver even took me to a hotel and picked me up in the morning to have the bike repaired. Brandon Wallace and the folks At Golden Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki and Yamaha were great and fixed me up with a new set of Dunlop E4s and repaired a fuel leak caused by a bad gasket from my aux tank install. After spending eight hours beside the highway waiting for help, I went to my agent today and started the investigation process to see where the foul-up was, the roadside assistance coordination company or the towing company. When I know more I'll name the innocent and guilty parties. As Clement Salvadori said in Rider Magazine "If it can be fixed with a check and a little time its not really a problem." I came out just fine, but any number of scenarios could have been much worse. Don't take anyone's word for it, if possible make sure help is on the way yourself.
All in all it just adds up to an excuse for another great ride in the future.