I met a guy called Liam whilst crossing from Plymouth England to Roscoff France with my F6B. I was going on a 10 day ride with friends who were on Harleys. Liam was going round the world on his Honda C90!! You can follow his adventure here.
I am responsible for naming his bike 'Triggers Broom', if you are familiar with the British comedy show 'Only fools and Horses' you will understand why.
I am all for doing big mileage, but I like to take my time and see the sights. Back in '79 I did 5500 miles across the US of A but I took 5 weeks! Loved every minute of it and have managed to visit most of the US states since, but 1000 miles in the quickest time...........not for me, but hats off to you who enjoy that adventure.
I am still loving the F6b and my English MPG is 47 low 50 high! Enjoying the Forum, keep up the good work guys.
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