Quote Originally Posted by BIGLRY View Post
An elderly couple were on their front porch in their rocking chairs. Out of no where, the wife hauls off and slugs her husband in the arm.

"Owe!! What the hell was that for?!" shouts the husband.

"That was for 50 years of terrible sex!!" answers the wife.

A few minutes of silence goes by and they resume rocking in their chairs. All of a sudden the husband hauls off and slugs his wife in the arm, nearly knocking her out of her chair.

"Ouch! What was that for??!" cries the wife.

"That's for knowing the difference!!" answers the husband.
I had to print that one and run it across the street to my neighbor. Just this morning I was talking to him and they are celebrating their 50th today. They got married at 16 so, I, thought it would be good for him (her) to think about.