Left Somerset, MA at 8 am with a friend who owns an 82 gold wing. Went up to NH to meet my son's cousin, trekked across the state to pick up his father, who is 73....they both have Harley's. From there it was on to VT. Made the VT100 run. Very nice road, lots of sites and history. Calvin Coolidge birthplace. A Ford dealership still in business that opened in 1913. Had lunch at Long Trail Brewery, a must stop to eat. Biker friendly. From there we kept trucking north. Ended up north of Montpelier. By then it was 5 pm. The ride home was the worst part, had to stay on interstates most of the way. I made the dumb move of taking Rt140. Don't make that same move, it's one of the worst roads in the state. We finally found a place to stop and eat and found our way back to the highway. Rolled into the garage at 11 pm, 591 miles. Hit 30,000 miles too. Not bad for 18 months and two winters of little riding...if I say so myself.