Quote Originally Posted by cody13 View Post
Well, I put my new F6B through a weekend in the mountains! Headed back to S.C. in the morning. I have logged over 500 miles in the past two days and loved them all. This thing is more than I even expected it to be. Its so smooth and fun to ride. My favorite bike I've ever had! I have been riding since I was six and now I'm past 59. I just don't know if I understand some of the complaints I've seen on line. The seat seems to be great to me! I have no complaints about it. I ran over 250 miles in the mountains today with my wife on the back. We hit some awesome roads and the bike performed like it was born to carve up the hills, however I was afraid we were going to scrape after reading some other posts.......not once. I took some very extreem hard curves and nothing. No peg scrapes, nothing scraped! The bike has performed perfectly. It was so fun not having to spend most of my time living in the shifter. You just have so much power that it's just not required, slick and smooth......do I miss my Harley...no. Do I have any regrets? Yes. I regret I didn't make this move three years ago. The only sure thing that I have found out is that you have to have highway pegs. I will have them before the next ride. You need to be able to stretch out your legs a little, my knees gave me some trouble after being in the same position after a full day of riding...That's it! The F6B in the perfect bike...no doubts.
Not one complaint about the bike - me - wish my legs were longer - the F6B is the most amazing bike on the road, dollar for dollar.