Quote Originally Posted by grendl View Post
OK I hear and understand most of the above a a counterpoint please.
The NFL players kneeling was NOT about disrespecting the Flag or the anthem ! Trump changed the point of the display. They did not ceremoniously Burn the flag or turn there backs or make any drastic display. The point and the WHOLE point was and is the way Police are killing and disrespecting Black Americans -for no reason. Children being shot dead with no question or hesitation playing in the park. Family men being killed in front of their families with no question or reason. A black man being choked to death for selling loose cigarettes with his last words being'I cant breathe'. A young black woman on her way to a new job,pulled over for a traffic stop dies in her jail cell overnight. Travon Martin stalked and shot dead for no reason at all and all the people that did this are FREE ! A guy gets pulled over ,asked for his ID even though he was not the driver and is shot dead in front of his Wife/girlfreind and their child for reaching for it. Guy pulls into a service station demands the kids turn their music down, they tell him to piss off and he kills one of them.(He did go to jail though)
Gentlemen, thats what this is about.There are more but the point is made hopefully . That was Colin's stated reason,but it kept(keeps) happening ! Law abiding citizens ! We can march and protest but that is met by military armed police and National guard and doesnt end well typically.
We needed to draw attention in a peaceful manner and I respect that method. It got everybodys attention but then the reason was obscured under this 'patriotism' facade.
I am one of 5 american men that dont watch football-I go riding,or do something else.I dont care and have always considered that this person is paid how much to play a frickin' game !?? However enough people do and were shocked at the display but dont change the point to have a vehement debate.It wasn't/isnt about that. IF you want to have a debate let's keep it real.
“Travon Martin stalked and shot dead for no reason at all”. You just lost all credibility.