Only in America can a person go from so-called poverty, you want to see poor go outside of the US, get free education, free breakfast, free lunch, play ball, get drafted, free college get drafted into the NFL, a not for profit organization believe it or not, make more money than the whole city block they came from would make in a lifetime and would then have the audacity to kneel before a flag and during an anthem. It is the antithesis of what those two things stand for as we unite under the flag and the anthem. If there is one moment where Americans i.e. White and Black, Democrats and Republicans, Conservatives and Liberals, Christian, Muslim and Jew should put aside all differences and unite is before that flag and during that anthem. ANYONE looking to disrupt that by not honoring our synoptic vision on that specific point should be seen as an enemy, period and should be treated as such. Any freedom as in freedom of speech comes with a responsibility and this is the most irresponsible behaviour one can display, spoiled little asswipes.