Quote Originally Posted by Miks View Post
Guess this is why I like motorcyclist so much - we GET IT! The American flag, how many YOUNG & BRAVE AMERICANS have fought for this country, so that these players cany can play football and have the huge contracts they have. How many of these people lost their lives, their family who went through the rest of their lives without those who lost their lives WAY too early.

I think the education system needs to be entirely overhauled, INCLUDING the colleges and universities. What do they teach these young'uns today? Well, America is bad...the worst country in the world because these pigs developed industry, technology, and medical advancements. How? Stealing from the rest of the world???? How freaking stupid is that, but that is what they teach. Well, forget the good stuff of developing society and everything else, we are all just pigs that ruined every decent country in the world?

WHACKED out I say

I think if you hate this country so bad, and think it isn't fair and is full of hard working people who just exploit the weak...please just leave the country and see how great the rest of the world is! Go live there and be an idiot but get out of the way of people who freaking get up and know how to get it done!
Bingo....that is right on.