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Thread: NFL sucks!

  1. #61
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    People tune in and have been tuning in to sports to escape the everyday B.S. that goes on in their lives whether it is political, familial, work-related etc.. In these times where both parents may work maybe 6 days a week Football Sunday is their only escape and maybe the only thing they can afford. To inject at your workplace your personal and political fantasies, wrong as they are, at the precise moment a memorial is being played is like talking on your cellphone during the playing of Taps, you can do it but all you're showing is how ignorant and stupid you are. And for the technically challenged out there here is the law 36 U.S. Code § 301

    The composition consisting of the words and music known as the Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem.
    (b)Conduct During Playing.—During a rendition of the national anthem—
    (1) when the flag is displayed—
    (A) individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note;
    (B) members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute in the manner provided for individuals in uniform; and
    (C) all other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, and men not in uniform, if applicable, should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and
    (2) when the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed.

    This is how you handle these overpayed, under-informed, attention-starved babies, let a private school show you how it's done.

    You want to protest do it on your own time and your own dime don't ruin my Sunday with your B.S.. The problem is men have been sissified into this "symbolism over substance". Colin Kapernick, like OJ couldn't give a rats ass about the people they talk about and they certainly don't want to live in those communities where they think this is happening. They want to ride right by these places on their way to golf courses, luncheons at poolside, shopping on Rodeo Drive and their villas. But from the safety of a stadium where people come to escape the world, and are charged heavily to pay for these overpriced mediocre players, they have to be exposed to this drivel. Again, the Bill of Rights Freedom clause does not apply to a private business, tax exempt no less, so that argument is moot, you either honor the flag/anthem or you don't.
    Equitare solum equitare amplius

  2. #62
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    OH SAY CAN YOU give us a break

    I revised my post,

    So you think it's more important to stand for a symbol than protest racism in this country. And you feel this way so you can "escape" your everyday life.
    I don't know which is sadder: that you feel people have to escape everyday life, or that we still have so much racism and you fail to recognize it.

    And just because a bunch of falsely patriotic morons in Congress passed such stupidly as a law, does not mean it would ever stand the test of a court.

    Folks like you would rather stick there head in the ground than see, and do, something about overt racism in this country.

    Oh, well

  3. #63
    Senior Member willtill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dadeo View Post
    Good god man, I thought that sort of attitude went out in 1965.

    Are you seriously happy with everything our government does? I could have said the same thing back in 2011 when the Repbulicons were all about taking down Obama. If you were so unhappy with how America voted in 2008 and 12, then you too were free to leave.

    What a moronic thing to say.
    I think he meant that for the long haul.

    I also believe that the unfair treatment that minorities purportedly endure from law enforcement is hugely blown out of proportion. Getting pulled over and not cooperating; and demanding “respect” is not going to fly well.... for anyone... black or white when encountering law enforcement.

    Go with the drill... and move along.

    Applicable to anyone.

    Over 305 murders this year eight miles north of my local. Mostly black on black. And no one says “boo” about that. Been going on for years... maybe other municipalities don’t want that crap moving in on them. Hence the heightened scrutiny of the very subjects that represent that carnage.

    Do I agree with that? No, not at all. But it is what it is. Take that with a grain of salt.

    21 years Army (retired)
    ...been everywhere, seen everything, done almost everything.

    IBA 80537

  4. #64
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dadeo View Post
    I revised my post,

    So you think it's more important to stand for a symbol than protest racism in this country. And you feel this way so you can "escape" your everyday life.
    I don't know which is sadder: that you feel people have to escape everyday life, or that we still have so much racism and you fail to recognize it.

    And just because a bunch of falsely patriotic morons in Congress passed such stupidly as a law, does not mean it would ever stand the test of a court.

    Folks like you would rather stick there head in the ground than see, and do, something about overt racism in this country.

    Oh, well
    The only symbolism going on is kneeling during the national anthem. It solves nothing, it accomplishes even less. It is a superficial, vapid display consisting of nothing but schoolgirl symbolism put on by empty headed, overpaid idiots. However, that "symbol" you refer to, the flag/anthem, and the honor given it is the representation of the millions of dead soldiers who gave the ultimate sacrifice to give you the oppurtunity to spout the ignorance of that sacrifice from your mouth. Racism, are you serious? Is that what they teach you in city universities? There isn't a business out there that would discriminate in fear of the EEOC or a DOJ action, the only time the government authorizes racism for curing racism is Affirmative Action, please save your drama for another forum.

    Calling a law you don't like passed by " a bunch of patriotic morons in Congress" tells me more about you that is why you are synoptic with the ignorance and stupidity of CK. Your misuse of "there" instead of "their" also tells me Public School or day care, just thinking out loud. I certainly want to do something about overt racism so I'm taking a knee right now on my own time and not during the national anthem to stop Affirmative Action. Funny when I arose it was still there. Gee, that was dumb, I'm not doing that again. Maybe if the cops were mandated to use body cams we could solve this problem like here:
    Equitare solum equitare amplius

  5. #65
    Senior Member Walcrow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    The only symbolism going on is kneeling during the national anthem. It solves nothing, it accomplishes even less. It is a superficial, vapid display consisting of nothing but schoolgirl symbolism put on by empty headed, overpaid idiots. However, that "symbol" you refer to, the flag/anthem, and the honor given it is the representation of the millions of dead soldiers who gave the ultimate sacrifice to give you the oppurtunity to spout the ignorance of that sacrifice from your mouth. Racism, are you serious? Is that what they teach you in city universities? There isn't a business out there that would discriminate in fear of the EEOC or a DOJ action, the only time the government authorizes racism for curing racism is Affirmative Action, please save your drama for another forum.

    Calling a law you don't like passed by " a bunch of patriotic morons in Congress" tells me more about you that is why you are synoptic with the ignorance and stupidity of CK. Your misuse of "there" instead of "their" also tells me Public School or day care, just thinking out loud. I certainly want to do something about overt racism so I'm taking a knee right now on my own time and not during the national anthem to stop Affirmative Action. Funny when I arose it was still there. Gee, that was dumb, I'm not doing that again. Maybe if the cops were mandated to use body cams we could solve this problem like here:
    Well said, Mike.

  6. #66
    Senior Member willtill's Avatar
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    TaxFree4 needs to start his own talk/reality show. In my humble opinion... he certainly espouses what the rest of the silent majority thinks in this country.


    Thank you Mike.

    And leftist leaning folks wonder why how Trump got elected... go figure....

    21 years Army (retired)
    ...been everywhere, seen everything, done almost everything.

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  7. #67
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    LEO treatment of Black People

    I disagree with this in every way:

    "I also believe that the unfair treatment that minorities purportedly endure from law enforcement is hugely blown out of proportion. Getting pulled over and not cooperating; and demanding “respect” is not going to fly well.... for anyone... black or white when encountering law enforcement."

    Because I've seen it. I had to intervene with Fairfax County cop who thought it was a good idea to go after my neighbor's kid. Black kid. Out late at night walking his big dog. No ID. So was I... So don't tell me that some LEOs don't have a hard on for going after black kids in an otherwise white neighborhood.

    I used to think every LEO should be given the benefit of the doubt in every situation, after all my wife's cousin was a NYC cop until he was killed by a stupid kid throwing trash off the roof of a 5 storey walk up. But that 1993 weekend taught me allot about cops and Republican politicians. The cop union bosses (not the precinct rep) linked up with Republican mayoral candidate Rudy Giuliani and tried to use his death as a political issue. Old Rudy made a stupid kid's dumb act into a Federal offense. Against the wishes of the cops and our family, who only wanted to be let alone. And this was before social media, the fake news media and the rest. You know that the only news outlet that got the story right: The New York Times. The supposedly Liberal Media. They were the only ones that had the decency to ask us for interviews and treat us with respect. The tabloids, NY Post, Daily News, Newsday, would ambush us in the street, outside the funeral home, our hotels, and where we ate. They made up stories based on the word of a wanna be that he had a fiance and or was secretly married. It was awful. I view these guys as today's version of Internet trolls, who don't care what the facts are, but are just out to write up their own version of events. I can't imagine what such an event is like today. Conservative medial and Rudy. Perfect together.

    You know what they say: A liberal is someone whose been falsely accused, but also one who has burned by conservative media, or in my case, witnessed such.

  8. #68
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dadeo View Post
    I disagree with this in every way:

    "I also believe that the unfair treatment that minorities purportedly endure from law enforcement is hugely blown out of proportion. Getting pulled over and not cooperating; and demanding “respect” is not going to fly well.... for anyone... black or white when encountering law enforcement."

    Because I've seen it. I had to intervene with Fairfax County cop who thought it was a good idea to go after my neighbor's kid. Black kid. Out late at night walking his big dog. No ID. So was I... So don't tell me that some LEOs don't have a hard on for going after black kids in an otherwise white neighborhood.

    I used to think every LEO should be given the benefit of the doubt in every situation, after all my wife's cousin was a NYC cop until he was killed by a stupid kid throwing trash off the roof of a 5 storey walk up. But that 1993 weekend taught me allot about cops and Republican politicians. The cop union bosses (not the precinct rep) linked up with Republican mayoral candidate Rudy Giuliani and tried to use his death as a political issue. Old Rudy made a stupid kid's dumb act into a Federal offense. Against the wishes of the cops and our family, who only wanted to be let alone. And this was before social media, the fake news media and the rest. You know that the only news outlet that got the story right: The New York Times. The supposedly Liberal Media. They were the only ones that had the decency to ask us for interviews and treat us with respect. The tabloids, NY Post, Daily News, Newsday, would ambush us in the street, outside the funeral home, our hotels, and where we ate. They made up stories based on the word of a wanna be that he had a fiance and or was secretly married. It was awful. I view these guys as today's version of Internet trolls, who don't care what the facts are, but are just out to write up their own version of events. I can't imagine what such an event is like today. Conservative medial and Rudy. Perfect together.

    You know what they say: A liberal is someone whose been falsely accused, but also one who has burned by conservative media, or in my case, witnessed such.

    Intervene a cop doing his duty? You're lucky you didn't wind up with a bullet in your ass. First of all you are required to carry and show ID when asked by an officer. So he was walking a dog, let me guess a toy poodle, and an officer asks him for ID and he says he doesn't have any, red flag no matter what color you are. If there was a nationwide epidemic of black youths in white neighborhoods randomly planting impatience, begonias and tulips I guess there wouldn't be a problem, however, reality being what it is you make your own world. Unfortunately, the people Colin Kapersnake should be mad at is the black youths who do assassinate cops : (This one they have the shooter on DHS cameras at the Atlantic Avenue Train Station walking past two black officers and exiting the station to assassinate two white officers. These shootings came after a BLM rally where the crowd was chanting "What do we want, dead cops, when do we want them, now)

    That's who Colin Kapersnake should be protesting against since he is picking on a minority of officers he overlooks the not so minority of black youths who are inculcated from youths to hate cops and be defiant against them. These are the people who make it bad for the rest of them, put cops on edge. And because you have a personal experience doesn't mean you can broad brush all LEO, so what your neighbor's kid learned to always carry ID, big deal, it'll save him a hassle next time.

    As far as that story about the cop I'm pretty sure it wasn't trash, I worked in Harlem for 10 years and if I remember that particular story it was a compound bucket aimed and dropped on the head of a police officer. I worked for the phone company there and when we were working we would constantly have to look up because the little bastards would drop bricks, bottles or anything they got their hands on and laugh doing it so tell me about the plight of these poor kids who have nothing better to do than to injure and maybe kill people for fun. Just around the same time in Washington Heights they were throwing Molotov Cocktails at Fire Engines responding to fires.

    Guaranteed you voted for Hillary

    And just to make it fair I have no problem with cops profiling a car full of Italian guys in a sedan with a low rear trunk area, 9 times out of 10 there is a body or two in there so profiling is a good thing.
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  9. #69
    Senior Member Walcrow's Avatar
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    Just where is Springfield, Vagina? I can't seem to find it on Google Earth

  10. #70
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    Yeah, I am sorry to say that....

    you have no idea what you are talking about, do you?

    Seriously, you expect that a 14 year old kid in a low crime neighborhood like ours to get harassed by a cop just b/c he wasn't carrying ID. Are you nuts?

    The kids dog was no poodle. The crazy cop was lucky that the kid's Doberman behaved...

    But you are obviously off your rocker if you think a kid is going to be carrying around his high school ID when walking a dog in our neighborhood. I wasn't carrying mine. By the way the cop was not uniformed. He was off duty! And he didn't identify himself until I confronted him -- after I got om cell with the local police. When I walked up I had no clue who the clown who was harassing the kid was, but I was sure not going to stand by while he questioned "WTF" my neighbor was doing outside walkin the dog. The situation ended with me handing the phone to the cop, and him being told to walk away with an apology. Which he eventually did. I was asked if I wanted to file a complaint. I decided to drop it the next day after I was told that the guy's supervisor had called the kid's parent. Yeah it was ugly. And it could have been worse, but it wasn't.

    So, if you think there aren't any cops with a chip on their shoulder you really don't know much. At all. Fortunately most cops are honest and do care. It's the guys who are on power trips that should be taken off the force.

    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    Intervene a cop doing his duty? You're lucky you didn't wind up with a bullet in your ass. First of all you are required to carry and show ID when asked by an officer. So he was walking a dog, let me guess a toy poodle, and an officer asks him for ID and he says he doesn't have any, red flag no matter what color you are. If there was a nationwide epidemic of black youths in white neighborhoods randomly planting impatience, begonias and tulips I guess there wouldn't be a problem, however, reality being what it is you make your own world. Unfortunately, the people Colin Kapersnake should be mad at is the black youths who do assassinate cops : (This one they have the shooter on DHS cameras at the Atlantic Avenue Train Station walking past two black officers and exiting the station to assassinate two white officers. These shootings came after a BLM rally where the crowd was chanting "What do we want, dead cops, when do we want them, now)

    That's who Colin Kapersnake should be protesting against since he is picking on a minority of officers he overlooks the not so minority of black youths who are inculcated from youths to hate cops and be defiant against them. These are the people who make it bad for the rest of them, put cops on edge. And because you have a personal experience doesn't mean you can broad brush all LEO, so what your neighbor's kid learned to always carry ID, big deal, it'll save him a hassle next time.

    As far as that story about the cop I'm pretty sure it wasn't trash, I worked in Harlem for 10 years and if I remember that particular story it was a compound bucket aimed and dropped on the head of a police officer. I worked for the phone company there and when we were working we would constantly have to look up because the little bastards would drop bricks, bottles or anything they got their hands on and laugh doing it so tell me about the plight of these poor kids who have nothing better to do than to injure and maybe kill people for fun. Just around the same time in Washington Heights they were throwing Molotov Cocktails at Fire Engines responding to fires.

    Guaranteed you voted for Hillary

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