Go to this site, then click on any crypto currency to look at it's chart. Somewhat beats the crap out of the stock market....and when the DOW bubble bursts again, hold onto your DEPENDS and your significant other's panty hose when the top 20 or so cryptocurrencies take off like a rocket. Do you think Michael Dell was stupid for taking one Bitcoin not too long ago for a computer when they were $1,000? Today it's $16,700. Something tells me Michael's digital wallet is getting rather thick. When they hit $25,000, I'll cash one in for a new Gold Wing to go with my B........and it'll happen before the Cortez trip next August. On August 25th, 2016, Bitcoin was $573.63. My guess is this time next year, they might be hitting $40,000 to $60,000, possibly higher. If they hit zero, I'll have the Wing, if they go higher, I'll buy one in each color.
