In search of the holy grail of comfort, I got my new seat Monday. I've been too busy to install it until tonight. Tomorrow - before and after work - about 80 miles to check it out.

I sat on it in the garage and adjusted the rider backrest to find the best spot. No ride tonight... wanna watch the World Series.

My initial impresssion: comfy and plush. Cradles my rear end and seats me about an inch closer to the handlebars, which I requested. Also, installation wasn't the easiest. Because the seat is slightly wider, getting the side grabrails over the saddlebag lever pins is a bit tricky. I expect that to be a one-time problem since there will be some indentations there after the seat's been on awhile. (One note: the seat bolts on the F6B are so much easier to install than my '05 Wing's were. Not sure why, but thankful.)

I'm looking forward to the ride tomorrow. I'll give ya my thought tomorrow night and post some photos.