Thanks for the input. July seems far away but unlike AzWindrider, I want avoid riding in the snow!

I know what you mean about staying hydrated. Coming back through the Bad Lands on my VTX from Sturgis, air temp reached like 110 degrees and the "breeze" off the road and engine must have been at least 120. I drank gallons of water and dumped several more over my head at every water stop...which is like two and still got dehydrated to the point that I had to guzzle several bottles of Gator Aid and lay down in the back one of those little reservation stores until I could stand up without looking like I was just coming from one hell of a party!. Nice folks, they gave me a rag with ice in it to wrap around my neck.

I grew up in St. Louis and traveled lots of miles on Rt 66 before the outer belts went in so I am looking forward to putting wheels on Rt 66 West. Any other "got to sees" are greatly appreciated.