Quote Originally Posted by six2go View Post
Of all the members on this forum, there are quite a few that I recognize from the VRCC as Valk owners. Some have kept the Valks after acquiring the "B" and others like myself have moved on to the F6B in by selling or trading the Valk.

On the VRCC Forum, and to a lesser extent on the VOAI Board, members would discuss the virtues of the Valk Versus a Gold Wing with most saying that "I like to see a motor on my motorcycle". Or maybe, "too much tupperware on a Wing, I like the classic look".

So now we have a new redesigned Wing and I'm seeing comments like, "That motor really sticks out too far looking at it from the front". Or, "I like the bigger fairing better."

So which is it? Were you a Valk owner who condemned Wings for having too much plastic & hiding the motor and now thinks the motor sticks out to far? Or do you think the styling of the new Wing will win over younger buyers?
I had a 99 Valk Tourer and loved the looks of the big motor with its 6 carbs, pipes, and chrome shining timing cover protruding from the front of the motor...The new GW does not have the same appearance at all..To me trying to compare the old Valk's motor with the newer generation is like "apples to oranges"..Both are nice in their own way, I just think the motor is much more noticeable from the front than the older models and I am sure it will sell just fine as it is a Honda!!!