Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
Yes will, the guy behind her veered to the right at the last minute trying to avoid a direct hit in the back so he clipped her at the last minute. I picked up the accident report today and she is lying through her teeth already. She claims that she was slowing down when she was struck from behind and that sent her into me. If you see the video her rate of speed is constant till she hits me only then does her rate of speed change. The way it went down, from doing accident investigation for Verizon, was both SUV's behind me were traveling at similar speeds the vehicle behind her had no indication she was slowing down because she wasn't so he maintained his traveling distance, even though it wasn't sufficient, because she never hit the brakes until impact as she was distracted, probably texting. At that point when she smashed into me it was too late for the SUV behind her and the only thing he could do is an aversion not to hit her straight on so he clipped her side which in no way could send that much force through her vehicle and strike me with the force she did. Her vehicle would have absorbed most of the impact if that was the case. That's where the video comes in and it just smashes her argument, there is software that can measure her rate of speed and show it never changed BUT I was hit in the rear and so was she which makes the point moot to the insurance company, however, it will come in very handy in the case. That sound you hear is her lawyers jaw dropping to the floor when he realizes there is a video.
Does the woman (and her lawyers) know there is video evidence ?