This not to bash or criticize different choices from your own but for the question "what do you use". Hopefully a few will participate in this little questionnaire just for fun: Take your footwear and apply a "1" for flip flops, a "2" for sneakers, "3" for boots, and a "4 for armored boots. Then pants, a "1" for shorts, a "2" for jeans, "3" for reinforced jeans or with chaps and "4" for armor. Next is your upper torso, a "1" for T-shirt, "2" for light jacket, "3" for leather & gloves, and "4" for armor. Last is your lid, "1" helmet free, "2" for a half, "3" for a 3/4 and a "4" for a full. How about two set of numbers, one for hot weather and one for cooler temps? Mine would be 2212 and 3234. Things do vary sometimes so on average.