Never, ever, nonchalantly speed past a line of stalled cars (in either direction)
TOTALLY agree.

The line of cars tightly packed together is one of the more scary situations to encounter as a rider. A cager, in the aforementioned line, not thinking about a bike, but looking at the turn he/she is about to make, can pull right in front of you and legitimately claim to never see you. Worst thing is, depending upon the exact timing and the intersection, there's no escape routes.

Limited sight lines, such as a short hill, also frighten me. I like the advice: "Be prepared to stop within the vanish zone" - the point of the road where it vanishes and you cannot see what is coming.

As for the topic of the thread, I was wondering if anyone had any experience with themselves or someone else in the aftermath of a crash. Without supplemental uninsured/underinsured and/or disability insurance, you could be in a world of hurt beyond anything physical.