So I printed up info on all the suggestions thus far. Thanks again for everyone’s input. As the time nears I’ll get our group together and make some final decisions.

I am usually awake first in our group. I like to make the most of my vacation time and to me sleeping in is a waste! My wife doesn’t usually agree so I generally get a short morning ride in and return when they get up. Or wash the bike etc.

Trailering at this point is not an option! I love to ride and as long as I am able (I’m 33) I try to take advantage of every opportunity. I know that at some point age will catch up but until then .....

At least it won’t be hovering around freezing and sleeting like our Daytona bike week trip. That makes for a sketchy ride through the mountains. I do hope to hit some of the bigger rally’s during the event just to have that experience. I would say if I were to visit again it may be off rally.