Male, mid 60's, recently retired, been motorcycle riding 25+ years without mishap. Always try to ride defensively and responsibly and very much "on the watch". Like all of us I would hear "if you are going to ride and you haven't had a wreck, you will!" Never gave that much concern. But, had my first a few days ago.
Riding scenic middle TN road I have enjoyed many times before. Topped a hill in a curve about 9:00a (headed to breakfast with riding buddy), there's a pickup truck stopped waiting to turn left. I am not speeding, maybe 35-40mph, not reckless.....but instantly knowing I cannot stop in the distance between me and the truck I grab lots of brake and go down on the payment and off in to the dirt ditch.
Upside---broken thumb, some road rash and a pitiful looking 2016 F6B laying in the ditch as I rode off in an ambulance. Preliminary (tow truck operator) opinion bike might not be totaled since I didn't collide with truck, tree, fence post....something that would bend forks, frame, etc.??

Very, very lucky; could have been much worse! I consider this a "honest accident". That's what bothers me.

How many of you guys have been involved in crashes? How many kept riding (after mending and bike repairs)? What do you think the odds are never to be involved in a MC crash if enjoying many years, say 20+ on 2 wheels?

Excuse the one handed typing.