I've been riding 25+ years. I've been down 4 time on my street bike and a few more issues on the quad. Only one required an ER visit to scrub gravel out of my knee. I subscribe to the belief that there are two kinds of riders, those who have gone down and those who will go down. To many variables and clueless asshats to guarantee you'll never put the bike down. The last one was particularly dumb, due to an A/C cold and an ill timed sneeze I needed to pull off the road. GF was on the back, I slowed and pulled off. I saw the speedo hit about 1 mph when the front tire shot out from under us and down we went. Slid all of 3 feet but enough to roll my ankle and tenderize the GF's hand where she tried to catch herself. It always amazes me how hard we can push the limits and yet it's doing something so trivial that bites us.

I've never considered giving up riding but I also understand that I haven't been thru a major accident on a bike either. If that day comes I'll reevaluate then and make the best decision with the facts at the time. You decide when your ready to ride again, maybe you take a break for a bit till you get the itch again. You'll know what's best for you, just don't let others make the decision for you and don't be afraid to change your mind or go slow.