I always ride solo. Never been much of a socialite, enjoy getting together with friends and family but I’d rather just be doing my own thing. My job is service oriented, so at times I could be working all night long on emergency call or working overtime to get a job done. The reason I have a bike is to get away from everything, just relax and reflect.
I hardly ever ride on the weekdays unless I happen to be off that day, but I’ll usually pick a day on the weekend ( weather permitting ) and take off when I want to and where I want to. It’s my time to just disconnect, not check my phone because work is calling or think about something I need to get done.
I’m heading out today in two or three hours and heading north to no place in particular. I’ll probably stop two or three times for breaks or fuel wherever I like, do about 300 mi. and return home sometime in the evening and the wife will tell me what we’re having for dinner. Fortunately she understands why I ride too.