Hello guys.
I love my F6B but the seat, even though it was modified, is giving me a hard time. I bought a mustang seat a couple a months ago, but I return it the same day because, although it looks and feels great, it would put me higher and back, which would make all the mods I installed obsolete, such as risers and back rest, which brings me to my point. Is there anything, other than gel cushions, that I can do to make my seat more comfortable? I paid a lot of money for the seat modification and the back rest, and also the risers, I got the bike right on the sweet spot since I can seat straight and I can reach the handlebar without slouching or extending my arms, but again, the seat is very hard, especially when I take rides longer than 200 miles. I'm not a tall guy (5'7') so my options are kind of limited. I own a VTX 1800F with a mustang seat that fits me great, both on reach, high and seat softness, but unfortunately I have to sale it. I'm not really trill about getting a gel or air cushion because more likely it would bring me up. Unfortunately, when they modified my seat it made it really rough because of less foam. Any advice will be much appreciated.

Happy rides!