Aeropegs - I have them and I do like them. 1st they look .good and folded in they are stealthy. I sat on another F6B with a set that clamped on the crash bars and they felt good. I hate to say better than my Aeropegs...but I did like the feel. The flip side of that is they would also be more easy to drag in the corners I'm afraid.

Rider back rest - I am one of the minority that honestly felt comfy on the stock seat...but I still wanted a back rest. I bought the show chrome rest and I absolutely hate it. I just couldn't it to play nice for me. So I ended up with an Ultimate King with a rest. It works for me.

Belly pan - I bought the black one just to stay with black. The macgyver pan was my 2nd choice but color won. If I ever need to buy a new one I may go with the Mac pan.

Kickstand pad - never really needed it but I have a piece of nylon scrap that stays in the left cubby pocket just in case I encounter some soft ground

Throttle lock I can't help you with...mine is a 15 so I have cruise
Same for the headset...I'm just using an eBay cheapo

Good luck with your spending spree. Lol. Hopefully you can do enough homework to only need to buy once