Agreed about carrying tools supplies to cover issues. My last trip out west was with 4 Hondas, 2 Legacy Valks and 2 1500 Goldwings. 1st Goldwing shredded a tire in Yellowstone, we limped into Jackson Hole and he was lucky enough to find an independent shop to replace his tire. Next day we ventured down towards Vegas and got just south of Mesquite in 110 degree weather and the 2nd Goldwing lost his fuel pump. Had to wait for a tow into Vegas and arrived at 2 AM. Was stuck there for 3 days waiting for fuel pump to be shipped over from LA. What an experience! Both guys were sticklers on maintenance but things happen. I never leave on a trip without a good credit card, Roadside assistance plan(confirmed coverage prior to leaving) Cash, Tire plug kit/pump, Cell phone and charger, Yes a self defense weapon as well. Ihave taken many trips cross country in both directions and have been very lucky, but SH_it happens.