+1 Steve
I am one who leaves the key in the ignition. I keep an extra hidden on the bike. I have ridden all over the east coast. Guys I ride with lock their bikes down and take their keys and helmets with them and everything that is not locked down. But for the most part motorcyclist are good people and dont mess with other peoples stuff and those that are not bikers or motorcyclists as in the general public, they are afraid to mess with the bikes. FOR THE MOST PART.
I do not leave my cell phone on the bike and my carry tool is usually on me. In my years of riding which includes New York City and Boston and Myrtle Beach, Knoxville, Atlanta and Charlotte I have never had anyone mess with my bike or my stuff.
Even my saddle bags are rarely locked.
Yes, you may call me stupid and say that I am inviting trouble. I am not sure that I would agree. But to each his own. It has worked for me over the years and I am fine with the risk. I imagine that if I had my 500 dollar helmet or my radar detector or my go pro stolen I would feel differently but to this point none of that has happened.
I am not a KNOW IT ALL person and I respect others decisions. To each his own. But please take that alarm money and put it towards a Traxxion Dynamics system.