Watch out in Colorado, too. Beautiful state, but becoming a haven for libs. Once know as a great hunting state, now, taking away guns, and banning certain magazines for weapons. Legal dope smoking, which is out of control. I got a friend in Denver, with a business, and he can't afford to rent more "warehouse" space, to help his business, because most all the warehouse space is filled with excessive legal weed. Cost of warehouse space is too high, for him , so he can't expand his business. When weed got legalized, they had no control over how much or who can grow, So they just store it. And, he has a hard time finding machine operators, because the people they hire, work for the 1st check, and then quit. Says they just get their paycheck, go buy dope and never come back. Don't sound so good, to me. I don't live there, so all my statements may not be exact, but my good friend tells me all this, and I have no reason to think he is wrong.